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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. One good thing about the Engineers and the "inch" system.. it gave us two important measurement and quality control methods... that would be "Dead Nuts" and "it is off by just a RCH"
  2. Kieran.. another wierd one is tires sizes on Automobiles... we have metric on the width and aspect ratio type but then we have inch in the rim size...
  3. yes but with good reason... Lumber's nominal dimensions are given in terms of green (not dried), rough (unfinished) dimensions. The finished size is smaller, as a result of drying (which shrinks the wood), and planing to smooth the wood. However, the difference between "nominal" and "finished" lumber size can vary. So various standards have specified the difference between nominal size, and finished size, of lumber. Early standards called for green rough lumber to be of full nominal dimension when dry, but the requirements have changed over time. For example, in 1910, a typical finished 1-inch- (25 mm)board was 13/16". In 1928, that was reduced by 4%, and yet again by 4% in 1956. In 1961, at a meeting in Scottsdale, Arizona, the Committee on Grade Simplification and Standardization agreed to what is now the current U.S. standard: in part, the dressed size of a 1 inch (nominal) board was fixed at 3⁄4 inch; while the dressed size of 2 inch (nominal) lumber was reduced from 1 5⁄8 inch to the now standard 1 1⁄2 inch. ( above is from the internet )
  4. one of the big problems I see with the metric system is a basic building supplies... we are so used to a 2x4 2x6 ect and a 4 x 8 foot sheet and 16 in spacing for building homes and construction... How is it going to do that - "Hmm I need a 50.8 x 101.6 x 203.2 fir lumber.." Those of you in a metric country-- that build stuff out lumber -- what is your equiv size of common sizes for our 2x4 2x6 type ? just curious how close we are or how far apart we are in home framing and building
  5. C5 Golfer


    Send me one -- I will answer if I get it... sorta a systems check..
  6. Boris.. Put a trailer hitch on it and tow another boarder or two behind you.. Trainboarding --- a new sport
  7. if it is any help here is how my past 9 weeks have gone. Feb 7 had surgery where they added the plate and 7 screws Feb 22 was 2nd fiberglass cast and x rays to check alignment of foot. Mar 15 removed fiberglass cast and went to removable Aircast but still used 2 crutches with light weight bearing. Mar 18th went to one crutch with 80% load on new foot in my regular shoes Mar 25th went to cane to help walk but 100% load on foot April 1 or so -- no cane for help - walked as much as I could normally What helped me in all this the most was 3-4 work outs a day starting Mar 15th on an ankle board or wobble board that allows you 360° rotation stretches of the ankle. Google ankle board and you will see many styles. I then progessed to doing stair steps up and down. soon as I could do that I loaded the clubs in the car and went golfing. I do use an ankle brace when golfing.. it is a Active Ankle T2 model I use.. it is a good one. Heal fast my friend... snow will soon fly again and we'll be out there again. I am curious as to what the 16 weeks or so estimate is for -- is that when you can walk or start using it or what?
  8. Besides the fracture of the ankle what hurts here is when I got home - after hobbling up the stairs with crutches - there was my new Coiler AM - it now waits for the 2011-2012 season to be mounted.:(
  9. Petrol --Hope your Surgery goes well... please see if you can post photos of your ankle after the Doc fixes it. it would be interesting to compare what he had to do. See mine in an earlier post in this thread. I am 8 or 9 weeks post-op, with stiffness of the Achilles being the most difficult issue right now. Takes a few steps in the morning to get loosen up but very quickly am walking normally. been golfing for 2 weeks now and went on my first hike in the woods today. Pretty happy where I am in the recovery process- knowing full well you younger guys heal quicker. let us know how it goes.
  10. My friendly Teller who I see often, laughed a bit and I said " Yea, I dont want to get a $10 late payment on that guy" She replied , " You wouldn't have, if you are late it can't be any higher fee than the balance" We both went " Hmmm. that would be interesting huh?" My new balance would be $.08 next month plus my 2.75% interest. No wonder the Banking Stocks are in the toliet.
  11. Ahhh,, I like the way you think.. I get cashiers checks for free at my bank due to my exemplary accounts there over the years.. I should ask them to make one out to them for this payment.
  12. I recieved this months bill and I owe a whopping $.04. they say if it is not paid by May 5th I will be charged $10 late fee. My question to you is should I pay it by check of the amount due or go into the branch and pay it with 4 pennies, or pay for with a nickel, or use a $100 bill?:confused:
  13. Due to ankle injury this year no snowboard element this year.. but I am healed well enough to limp thru the bike part and golf part yesterday - so I guess you might say it was a 2/3s Tri.
  14. Don't know for sure -----That is one of the things I will talk to him about during my next check up... in 2 weeks ( he will probably be pissed that I am golfing ) ... my fear is if I crash again like I did in January – will the plate break loose and cut me apart inside my leg. He originally told me to leave all the hardware in unless I can feel the screws when I tighten down my boots. I am seriously thinking of skiing next year - no hardbooting.
  15. 6 1/2 weeks after ankle surgery and Ti plate and screws. - I was able to play 9 holes of golf yesterday... put a smile on my face. Did not play to my usual level but hit the ball about 80% of normal distance. Playing 18 holes next Monday depending on rain or shine status. One has to have someting to look forward to when recuperating.
  16. Update on the Ankle ----looks like the worst is over... they removed the fiberglas hard cast yesterday and now have a walking boot. With that I can with the aid of crutches start to put a little weight on it, so I am bit more mobile now and can get around pretty good. Wish it was well enough to drive a manual tranny car tho. Damnedest part of this whole mess is this has been one of the best snow years and I could not ride it. hey Kimo -- how goes your recovery?
  17. Is this the same guy later on? <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/f3ng6Dwk3mI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  18. Let me be the first to say -- absolutly nuts- crazy - too extreme. I was really looking for a car door to open in the close quarters.
  19. I knew Rudolf Diesel a mechanical engineer who designed the engine that bears his name was born in Paris - his parents were German and were living in Paris...Rudolf was born about 1858 - I do not think he was a skier or a snowboarder... he sought education over recreation, he had a terrible golf swing and gave it up very early on in his life.
  20. Excise Tax?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Excise
  21. You are right about OMG and Saudi Arabia... The taxes you mention would be a big factor... here in Washington State we pay almost $.50 a gallon in taxes. if we were to cut our consumption in half then our state legislators would have to raise the tax to $1.00 a gallon...which gets me back to my feeling is the price of gas will elevate to what the public will pay without collapsing the local economy. People adjust quickly and still end up driving about the same amount we did when gas was $2.00. Yea, a lot of people are upset right now with gas increases in the past month… but that will pass quickly… because we all love the right to drive whenever and wherever we want, most drivers today do not really care what that right costs.
  22. you could be right Dave.. but let me offer a counterpoint... do you think if everyone in the USA were to cut their consumption in half .. do you really think the BP and ConocoPhilips of the world would keep the price at 3.50$ a gal? My guess would be no... they would still have us pay $2000-$3000 a year in gas or whatever the current average per Auto user is a year.. my 2 cents.
  23. Good question -- up until this year when I broke my ankle... I was only taking about $200 a year out of the healthcare bucket in which I paid about $4800 a year. My solution to healthcare in the USA would be this - if you filed a valid Form 1040 - you get free healthcare. It would not matter if you had income or not - you still file... listing your valid social security number. Oh boy! that statement could make this thread explode... I better go get some popcorn for the upcoming show...
  24. I tried to find the split of your taxes to find that out and it was a dead end. So yes you are right about having to pay for roads and maintaining them.. Do you have road tolls where you are? in my case, I think if I did not have to pay any healthcare cost out of pocket - I could easily absorb about $10 US dollars per gallon in fuel cost here in Seattle and end up with more money in my pocket at the end of the year. ( Based on 600 -800 gallons of fuel used per year )
  25. Ok now we are getting somewhere.. thanks.. Am I correct in assuming the fuel tax goes towards the general fund which in turn is how your healthcare system is supported?
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