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C5 Golfer

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Everything posted by C5 Golfer

  1. Ok - next up let’s talk about Controlling girlfriends and wives. I think that is why there are no males or bucks in the photo. They knew they would be blamed for the flood and would be asked by the Does "why are we just finding out about this now!" And then "what are you doing about it” Bucks are smart they also knew they would not get any until the next rut. So any of you had to put up with the wrath of a woman scorned? Let hear of your opposite sex stories... same sex is ok too...just dont get to graphic on the same sex ones.
  2. He is a wimp -- was -- I guess. Rode a Banana board.
  3. Boredom -- rain and no riding the board. Thread has lots of length left to go-- we haven't got to Hitler or the Nazis yet.
  4. :lol: America can be spelled John Wayne.. he's no fag.
  5. Ok - you can bad mouth all those you mention - I don't care about them -- Not that there is anything wrong with that... but I caution you -- don't ever say anything bad about John Wayne...:smashfrea
  6. Holy crap Galen -- ! OMG - what I have I started.
  7. Yea ok -- but none of the above doesn't explain why there are no Bucks in the picture.. where are they hiding? or where did they go? Seems with such a target rich environment there would be one Horny B#stard there with such a captive audience. :eplus2:
  8. I think these are Democrat Deer -- looking for a handout at the front door or maybe Republican Deer waiting for a bus.
  9. Excellent.. all healed. Had my last checkup on Monday and Doc says everything looks good in there. I just continue with eye drops until bottle is gone which is probably about 5 or so more days. Last Saturday I went to my Contact Doc and asked her to de-tune my left eye, ( I am right eye dominant) she gave me a +1.25 to try out. Now I can use my computer and read menus, keep score, fix flat on my bike if that happens, adjust my bindings next season, without reading glasses. I played golf yesterday and was still able to see my golf ball way the h#ll out there. So last note -- When I go outside I'm just amazed at the crystal clarity of everything I see - it is a beautiful world out there. Good luck with yours Bryan. Be sure to post up info. BTW - I had my operation recorded - the camera is like right on top of the eye, I highly recommend it if your Doc offers that, but don’t watch it until both eyes are done... I watched it on my big plasma screen --It is the scariest movie I have ever seen.
  10. BBQing Copper River Sockeye tonight... wish it were a King but that tooo much $$$$ right now.
  11. Hope all of you that live around there are ok this morning. the news of that tornado and pictures on GMA were quite shocking.
  12. Pat - I am curious as to why you say you are a few years away from Cataract surgery ... I do not think it is an age thing... so are you saying you do not have them yet but in a few years they may develop? Re: good vision.. everyday am so amazed at my vision and what I have been missing. No wonder one of my golfing friends say now " that explains why you were dating ole whatzername-- I never thought she was very good looking and you kept saying she was."!
  13. Right Eye Floaters -- Seems it is not so apparent. the Floater was fuzy before and now 2 days after Cataract was removed and new lens installed... it is a sharper focused floater and it does not hinder reading or computer work now as much as before. I am sure it helps now that both eyes are corrected to 20/20 - hopefully no more missed short putts due to that.
  14. I was wondering if any eastcoasters would know that!
  15. Bob, don't God cares.. I do think he/she/it is a Civil Engineer tho.
  16. If I dont I am going to be pissed off. I will renounce my Baptism. Plus I hear the red wine is heavenly.
  17. Thanks.. RE: Floaters -- I have them in both eyes.. the right being the worst, not to the extreme of which you speak but sometimes just as I putt my golf ball a short 2 footer, that damn floater comes by and I miss the putt. It appears so far the left eye floater is not as prevelent or noticeable as before surgery -- I am hoping right eye floater won't be as noticable but won't know until next week. RE: white colored surfaces.. I see the same thing.. brillant colors in my left - like my white SUV -- it is so good looking in white out of the left eye.. the right with the cataract it is a dirty off white - looks like it needs a bath... And also when watching TV on my big plasma... wowowowowow what an image -- it is like someone turn the brightness up.
  18. Second check up and my left eye is now performs 20/20 - perfect -- the incision is a little slow to heal for some reason. Monday will have my Right eye done...
  19. That is why I did not opt for the higher cost lens, Vitamin G (golf) is an important supplement to my mental health. 3-4X a week for best results.
  20. good one Skatha... I have a 37-38" sleeve length so it really helps to see a menu when I leave the Old Fart glasses at home. I remember a couple of years ago I was on a first date with a fine young lady - she embarrassingly left her reading glasses at home and I had to read the entire menu to her.
  21. I was told I would need to use glasses for close up work since my distance vision would be corrected.. I also had great close up vision without contacts before the surgery, even with my contacts in I could read a menu or a book. I would give up my near sightedness to see sharp again.
  22. The faster and faster decline is what I also experienced.. it had me worried I would not be able to see next year. I was 20/75 in left eye and 20/40 in right. so I was actually not legal to drive at night and barely legal during the day. when I looked at a stop light there were three red lights. two next to each other, and one on top - like a rack of 3 pool balls. This morning was the first time I could wake up and see what time it was on the clock and I just now turned down the brightness on my computer screen... too bright now that my left retina sees what is out there. let us know how your surgery goes... and your experience.
  23. it is an expensive op --- with my co-insurance my out of pocket looks to be around $1200 an eye. The Doc says I should settle in somewhere around 20/20 but wont know for sure for several days to weeks. I think they said that based on the pin hole eye test with which I was able to see 20/20
  24. I just had my left eye done. what an experience to have your lens replaced, totally painless except for the little sharp pain of the needle below your eye to dumb it. 2 weeks from now I will have the right eye done... and then hopefully 20/20 vision returns and I can see my golf ball again when it lands on the green. anyone else ever had cataract surgery?
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