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Everything posted by jp1

  1. Greg, the 20th or the 27th (any weekday) works for me. Yesterday (Friday) conditions were nice but it got Very Overcrowded EARLY. Razor was closed off for a Race & buses were rolling in early and they were only running (six pack) one lift. Hmm, I wonder if we could get Razor's for the BMES morning ;) ?
  2. scrapster, thanks for the Info. Zoar Gap / Deerfield, if I remember correctly. Thinking about taking a ride, depending on work schedule (of coarse).
  3. Had a good time riding with all of you guys too, as always! I'm just glad :) there are some other Hardbooters in the area to ride with and learn from or I would have 'packed it in' by now. Reading everything under the sun often does nothing but confuse me (not hard to do) but seeing IS believing to me. I'm a "Show Me" kind of guy! Joe, I know I've read it at least 20 times, 'pinching the pencil' but never really 'got it' . A simple jab in the right spot got me to 'thinking' about it and starting to 'apply' it. I can feel the difference, it is helping. It's something for me to work on every day, along with Greg's suggestion on tightening up the turns and commiting from edge to edge sooner. Also believe I figured out something else major. I call it the 'Sausage Effect', but won't get into it here . Has something to do with being comfortable while riding, it's hard to hold you breath for 3 hours because your clothing is too tight (guess they shrunk, sitting around not being used for 3 years) :D. Glenn, Friday the 13th sounds like a good day for an assault on Razors. Seriously, think about this. You are by far a better rider than I, and I can do Razors. I'm not saying I do it like it 'should' be done, but I get down it and in one piece, and have fun doing it. I do it because it 'forces' me to get with it. That's why I liked running gates, and tree skiing out west when I skiied. It forced me to make turns "when I had to", not just 'whenever', it's a dicipline. (Ask me about tree skiing out west next time we meet, looong story, but true and applicable). When the snow is nice, Razor is probably the nicest trail there, you have the ability, and we (and Ian) wouldn't steer you wrong. I'll bet a few easy runs down it when the snow is nice and you'll be 'digging it' ! If you have no desire to ride it, that's fine. One thing I have learned in life no matter what it is you do, you have to 'want to do it', so I would never push anyone to do anything they don't want to do. But I do know, you have the ability, and believe it would quickly become one of your favorites. Just have to get there early, or find a day when a certain someone can't make it. He tears the $hit out of that thing , I can't even imagine when he and JBS are there together!
  4. Sounds interesting, could one of you guys please post (I couldn't find it on their site) the actual address ? I'm 'guessing' it is 'close' to North Adams, which puts it about 240 miles / 4 1/2 hrs. from western NJ (08865). Is it by Charlemont, did some WW in that area a couple of times? Thanks--jp1
  5. Scott, why do you always have to Over-Simplify everything :rolleyes:, that would be waaaay to easy ! I think it may have something to do with Common Sense ? EVERYONE BELOW YOU HAS THE RIGHT OF WAY.
  6. jp1

    Intec Heels

    Chubz, Couldn't sleep, my thighs were screaming :D.
  7. WASMAN, I asked the same question 5 years ago when I first started. Forget it, It doesn't exist for Alpine Boarding UNFORTUNATELY :(. Seems like a 'nitch' for someone to make a couple of bucks to me, but obviously there is no interest for some reason . When I started on Soft Boots, I picked up an Instructional Video "Get Dialed In", man I wore that thing out & to this day lend it out to people interested in learning to board. As Pat posted, there is a ton of information here and other sites, but there's nothing like a good video to some ( like I always say, " I'm from Missouri, Show Me" !) I need to see it, back it up, replay it a hundred times, have someone beat me or scream at me for it to 'sink in' sometimes . I've been out of it for 3 years and now feel like I'm starting from scratch again. I'd give my left nut for a good Instructional Video like "Get Dialed In" for Hardboots ! Best thing is to take a lesson or hook up with someone more experienced, IF you are lucky enough to have other carvers in your area. Everyone I've ever met is wiliing to help (but I feel guilty hacking into their Carving Time) and I find that I learn something , even if it is just by following behind someone and watching them. Good Luck !
  8. Scott, Go For IT! You'll have the whole week to carve anywhere you want (not like being on a 50' wide hardpacked (ice) trail here in the east). I'm sure whatever you get out of it will be well worth it.
  9. cafercr35, I usually get there around 8, and get ready up by the lockers by the rest rooms. Fat guy, Silver helmet, Blue & Grey Jacket probably on a Metal topsheet Coiler.
  10. martyagt4, I'm with you. There IS something special about a hand striped or lettered piece, specially if done by a friend! It don't matter to me what it is on, it just has more character. But as you said, with modern methods, transposing the original artwork onto a topsheet would probably be more durable. I've seen the Chubz77 in person, and I would not hesitate to go that route, the finish IS awesome !
  11. Chubz, pictures don't do it any justice, I've seen it in person and that thing IS sweet, and it works as good as it looks (or is it the rider)? Sometime, if you ever stop 'tearing up the mountain', I'd like to hear the story behind the graphics. Maybe you can call me tonight, since there's nothing on TV (whatsa Stiller :rolleyes:) ? :) :)
  12. Scott, after being away for 3 years, Definitely NOT me! When the line starts to form at the lift, or I see buses pull in, it's time for me to leave! Between working all night, being out of shape (well, I do have shape, but it's :o round) and not having the confidence in my riding yet, I'm outta there. That's why I bought a Season Pass, so I can leave at any time and NOT feel as though I have to stay and get my $$ worth. If I'm going to get hurt, hopefully it will be in descent conditions, and my own fault. One thing I will say that I have noticed at Blue though. 3 years ago the only people trying to Carve were a few Hardbooters, maybe 1 or 2 Softbooters (Instructors) and the Ski 'Race Team'. Now I'd bet that at least 50% of the people on the hill are making ;) OR trying to make some turns! It's cool to see this transition, and it may not be as noticeable to others that have not been away, but I see it and like it (always appreciated carving on ski's / Elan SCX's). I think when people start to learn to roll their edges (skiers) turn/carve, they learn to appreciate more what we are doing, thus making them more aware & safer for all . Their seems to be less 'straightliners' than I remember (but they are still there). Of coarse I'm there first thing in the mornings & ride weekdays ONLY with pretty much the regulars. I don't know If I could conjure up the cohonies to ride in the evenings or weekends with all the crazies?
  13. JD, Diamond Plate topsheet IS awesome! Just curious, what is 'superimposed' into it? It is great that the customer has the option to individualize their board if desired ! Cudo's to ALL that make it happen
  14. cafercr35, Glenn, his Son & myself plan on being there. I ride out of Lower Lodge 8:27 am. Depending on conditions usually hang out on Paradise / Razors Edge, if they're ugly, I try Lazy Mile or the middle of the hill, but always ride whatever lift is running at the bottom (Quad or 6-pak). I'll show you my 'secret stash' :o I hope glenn didn't show Chubz (that guy tears up EVERYTHING with his new toy) :lol:
  15. bobdea, interesting observation about the F4 if using the wizard. I never felt slow as **** with the F4, and because it left the base 'shiny' like after a hot wax, I felt it was doing its job. It didn't seem to last more than a couple of hours until the very edges, about 1" to 1 1/2" in seem to dull, thus why I was waxing them every time out (between hot waxes). It sounds like you are using the Rays Way (wizard) system? If so, does it leave the same result (shiny, appearance wise) as hot waxing? The reason I ask is because I just got a used board that the base had the appearance of being spotty (dried out/not shiny in areas) and no matter what I did (or how many times & how much pressure) with the wizard, could not get the whole base to look shiny. Like the entire base was not taking the (Dominator Graphite Zoom/All Temperature) wax? I finally ended up hot waxing it last night, now the whole base has a shiny finish, as I have been use to in the past. I'll try to refrain from using the F4 and strictly use the wizard as a touch up also now, and see the results. John Gilmour," How do you get the F4 to work?.. I have tried for years unsuccessfully to make that stuff work as well as hot wax.. what's the trick??" I never said, nor do I feel it is as good as hot waxing, I used it as a way to 'touch up the wax worn off of the edges between hot waxes'. Thought process was, base was shiny again (not dried out looking) and most always glide as good or better than others, so felt it was better than not using anything !? By the way, most all of my riding is in Pennsylvania. I have noticed when I go to Vermont that the wax usually seems to last 2 to 3 times longer before the base starts to get that dull look.
  16. Glenn, I 'should' be there for 1st tracks as long as it's NOT precipitating.
  17. Everytime I ride I towel dry board before putting into the car. I visually check & feel edges for damage. If damaged, touch up as soon as I get home before waxing. I use Swix F4 paste wax (usually an 1"-1 1/2", along each edge is the only worn area) every time out. I use to 'hot wax' entire base every 5-7 times out, but this year, have gone to 'Rays Way' as recommended by Tuner instead. I know my equipment is NOT my problem :).
  18. jp1

    Knee braces?

    I had a knee injury skiing years ago making 'that' knee seem weaker & always tire sooner than the other. I tried a Compression Knee Brace (looks like Ace Bandage material, made specific to your leg circumference) to see IF it would help. By the second day out I realized that my 'bad' knee was feeling better than my good knee I went back to the Pharmacy and purchased another Compression Brace for the other knee, and have been using them ever since . Neil G., "her orthopoedic specialist says they're mostly psychological unless there's some rigid bracing in there". It 'may' be 'mostly' psychological, but it works for me also, and NO one could ever convince me that they do not help me. Like a lot of other 'tools' we use in life, they may not be required, but if they add support, keep my knees from tiring as fast (more time on the snow) keep the swelling down and I can be riding the next day instead of resting sore knees, for less than $20 a pair, I'm there !
  19. Loupa5, "The other day I wax my board with what ever I could find. Then after about three to four runs at the local slopes I was getting of the lift and I about did a face plant. I'm not sure why but I think the wax froze. The board had no slide..it felt like someone laid a carpet underneath me. Really scared the sh#t out of me." What is, "what ever I could find" ? Just curious, because of my own ignorance when I started skiing I was reading about waxing. Not having 'ski wax' around, thought what could it hurt to use a car wax? I found out quick, exact same results as you experienced! Another thing that WILL cause same results is Riding on a lift 'Thru The Guns' ! If you get the base of your board blasted by a gun and it freezes to it, it feels like you have studs in the base when you 'try' to get off of the lift!
  20. Was looking sweet last night . Was hoping for a good morning, but :(. One run and packed it in. Had a good Breakfast @ Blue Mtn. Drive In though.
  21. Like said above, do yourself a favor and upgrade to 4 wheel drive WITH Snow Tires. It's been years ago, but the last time we went out, they had Road Checks at the base of some of the 'Bigger Hills' (Man they've got some 'real mountains' out there )! If you had 4 WD with Snow Tires you were OK. If not, you were not allowed to go any further UNTIL you had Chains on :(! Man it had been 20 years since I seen or heard anything with Chains on. If you want to spend your time riding, go with the 4WD & Snows, If you want to spend your time putting chains on (or paying someone a couple of Bucks to do it) go without. JMO from experience. Enjoy!!
  22. Chubz: Isn't it amazing, How Good one little arc in the snow can make you (me anyway)feel! Let me know what time 'lunch' is on Wednesday. (so I can sell tickets :D) What length Coiler did you get?
  23. This morning was SWEET, although they must have some kind of a problem? Looked like 'something' was working on Razor with a Ginsu Knife ?? Won't mention any names :).
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