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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. That's crazy! I've heard boot molds cost a fortune - upwards of $20,000 per shell size!
  2. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/world/0603/interactive.sea.level.rise/frameset.exclude.html Sorry Michelle.
  3. I wish Saab kept the hatchback on the 9-3. That was one of the most versatile and uniquely good looking cars ever. In fact it was Saab's identity. The new 9-3 is good looking, but it's just another sedan now. Actually it's a Malibu. Now the only choice for a decent looking and functional hatch is the Mazda 6. Is the Aero really the Viggen?? I thought the Viggen was a high-buck limited edition super wicked sleeper. Saab seems to be floundering, imo. The new SUV is soooo GM looking it's disgusting. Should have rebadged a Subaru B9 instead. I'm still waiting for VW's answer to the Outback.
  4. I missed the other thread because it was titled "skiers vs. snowboarders" and not "Dave Barry on Snowboarding." I put the skiers vs. snowboarders debate out of my head about 5 years ago, so I didn't read that thread.
  5. http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/living/columnists/dave_barry/13861456.htm
  6. Thanks Dave. However in diagram 2, I see 4 directions shown for triaxial.
  7. NO. That board is ***way*** too small for you. $39 would be spent more wisely at McDonald's.
  8. http://youtube.com/watch?v=z965UUEmdB8 mad skills.
  9. There have been assertions that binding manufacturers need to make their bindings stand up to this kind of misuse. I think if you're setting your bindings up so loose, you'd be better served by a binding like this: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=1854&stc=1
  10. Jack M

    A Memorial

    well done Phil. My condolences to your family and our country for the loss.
  11. Jack M

    Bad Habits

    I make stupid faces. http://bomberonline.com/JackM/jm_profile/jack_snow.jpg
  12. Lex, sounds like you've got a good trail for both practicing and for pushing your limits. When the trail gets steep, really exaggerate the forward weight shift at the beginning of each carve. Drive the nose of the board into the turn. Between carves, don't waste time standing up and gliding - this allows speed to build. Speed control only happens when we're carving (or skidding). Snap into your next carve as quickly as possible using cross-through technique. Here's some reading on that: http://bomberonline.com//articles/cross_over.cfm
  13. you-know-how-I-know-you're-gay jokes, short bus jokes, stickers on top-heavy waitresses, boner alerts... the ECES shall now also be known as the PIES - Politically Incorrect Expression Session.
  14. Never ridden a Madd BX, but their alpine decks are world famous for being really lively and poppy.
  15. Derf, lefty in hockey is as you said, holding the end of the stick with the right hand, middle of the stick with the left. I would say a significant majority of people shoot hockey righty. Phil, yeah, open forehand.
  16. absolutely no correlation. me: hand: righty Snow/wake/skateboard: goofy Golf: righty Hockey: lefty Lacrosse: righty Soccer: right foot Baseball: righty Tennis: righty, but I have a good backhand - because then I'm standing goofy!
  17. You're trying to ride terrain that is too steep for your abilities. You can't learn anything when you're fighting for your life. Head down to the greens and practice the Norm. That board should be fairly easy to learn on. So should the terrain. http://bomberonline.com/articles/feel_the_carve.cfm http://bomberonline.com/articles/the_normii.cfm
  18. Sugarloaf was outstanding the 6th through the 9th. :p
  19. Donek also makes wide alpine boards too: http://www.donek.com/specs.htm Another option is the Madd BX board. www.madd1.com
  20. Troll. JT has clearly never been to Mountain Creek on the same day as ErikJ.
  21. It should be noted that all the S-R boards at the ECES were experimental prototypes.
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