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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. I personally am not as concerned with these people's safety as I am about them polluting the gene pool.
  2. Alexey, do you wait for a red light to shine on your dashboard before you change your oil? Do you wait to hear a grinding noise before taking your car in to have the brakes inspected? Take a look around. The few people breaking these things are the exceptions. It's user error.
  3. If not, PLEASE do not post your opinions of either system. I reserve the right to actively keep the signal/noise ratio of this thread at or near 1.0. I'm considering the switch. How did it go for you? What do you like, what do you dislike? Will your next computer remain a Mac or will you go back to Windows? What can you do on your Mac that you couldn't do on your PC? I am tempted by the Linux (quasi-Linux?) operating system, the concept of the Mac Mini, and just a fresh approach to computing in general. Also I think Apple is further along in terms of full home entertainment integration, but perhaps Vista will leapfrog? I have two external usb hard drives. Will they be plug 'n play, or will I have to format? I wonder about the processor speeds, they seem slow by PC standards, are they comparable? Photography is a big hobby of mine and I shoot all in RAW format, so my computer is my digital darkroom. It's processor heavy. Would the 1.8ghz core duo Mac Mini be fast enough? However there are two things that really tick me off about Apple - they're so g.d. arrogant (and so are their kool-ade drinkers). Microsoft should sue for the ads that are on tv right now, because none of the claims are true. But I digress. The other thing (which stems from the arrogance) is that Apples/Macs seem like "computers for dummies". It strikes me that Apple is quite confident that they are smarter than you. I got an Airport Express to use with iTunes (on my PC). The instruction manual basically said "just plug it in and it will work". That's it. Well it didn't. I had to call support to get the real instructions. That approach turns me right off. But I'm willing to accept this if the computers are really that great. The other options I'm considering are a Shuttle, or building my own box from beefy components sourced from newegg.com. Thoughts?
  4. Mmm, yeah, I'll bet world totalitarian rule followed by world communist rule were merely unpleasant concerns. You know how kids have fire drills in school? Well, they used to also have air-raid drills and nuclear fallout drills too.
  5. Any bolt will fail if it is not torqued properly. When was the last time you checked it for tightness? Also, if your bindings are sized too loose, that can cyclically load your bindings to excess. It should take a full hand or even two to close/open your toe clips.
  6. The loaf is my mountain of choice. I'll be there on 2/17-18.
  7. duh, skis don't have inserts.
  8. What brand of aluminum foil works best to keep the government's mind probe rays out of your head? I prefer Reynolds, but someone told me Target's works just as well for less coin.
  9. the solution would probably frig up the flex pattern of your board. But then again, so does putting bindings on your board. Hmm.
  10. I'm quite confident you can't get a new Burton race board with these graphics. Font? Not sure. There will be much reverse engineering. It's not even done yet.
  11. hahaha, this is enough info for now. You and I can do our own retro-replica thread when the time is right! The "SG 7.7" came out great! Can't wait for my ****** Comp IV!!
  12. now that's where you haul out the 205.
  13. The back-push test is 100% random. You are goofy. Or at least, you were.
  14. A common flaw is not pressuring the nose enough at the beginning of each carve, especially heelside. Make sure you are really getting forward when you initiate heelsides. Check out the tech articles here for more ideas.
  15. My dad can beat up your dad. And he's French-Canadian.
  16. Can I get some credit here Shred? ;)
  17. http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/8c52/
  18. So Kathy.... where did you go? I waved to you on the highway...
  19. keeping your hands where you can see them is a good thing to do.
  20. Glenn, here is the VT, NH, ME ride board, where we usually post these announcements: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=25 Thanks Geoff, right back at ya. It's fun to follow you down any trail. Woulda been more fun if you donned the full Vanson leathers though. Next time okay?
  21. TT was checking on his gf on the one run I dragged the camera out. I would have spent more runs with the cam, but I don't have a proper bag for it. And my models were not that into posing. no, different Ken. Thanks, and thanks to Geoff for snapping it. I was on the 158 f3 all day.
  22. Thanks kipstar - I was a little rusty, day one of my season, and on a precision 158 no less. Bullwings - Basically as long as you are somewhere between your binding angles and the nose of the board (inclusive) you are fine. The Norm articles are designed to get newbies out of the mentality of sliding sideways, facing their toe edge and looking straight down the fall-line. I found in my years of instructing that in order to get a newbie to hit the target, I had to tell them to aim past the target. Telling them to face their binding angles was not enough, most of the time. They would think they were doing it, but weren't even close.
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