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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Krud, you really want a set of these for the internal bling in your ankle: http://www.bomberonline.com/store/accessories/liners.cfm
  2. Uhh, no. You don't want more angle on the rear foot, unless you are naturally very pigeon toed. When you want to carve your soft gear, just set up your bindings so you have zero or almost zero boot overhang.
  3. Hi Dizy, For some reading to give you an intro to the sport, click the links in my signature. It is definitely possible to learn snowboarding in hardboots, but if you would rather start in softs, that's totally fine. In which case, a Boardercross board or a Prior ATV (if you have medium sized feet or smaller) are your best bet. Check out our classifieds for the cheap stuff: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=3 Good luck!
  4. http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20070220005783&newsLang=en
  5. No doubt. Pretty ballsy to stick it on f/2.8. Great toeside technique:
  6. There's a reason we're all here! Most fun you can have on snow, imo. Perfect corduroy is right up there with 3 feet of powder. Here's some reading to help get into the sport: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/welcome_center.cfm
  7. "the Das Amputator".... is that like ordering Prime Rib with au jus? :p Yes, it's a sweet board, one of a kind. Enjoy!
  8. Todd Brown: "It ain't no thang." nice pics, Sean. Nice lens.
  9. I didn't realize that. Of course, leading with the eyes is the most important thing. And yes, counter-rotation is to be avoided.
  10. Rotation = unneeded motion. The Norm has been time tested. Before anyone mentions EC, beginners have no business even thinking about EC. It's an advanced skill for expert carvers. Talk about rotation then.
  11. Here's some reading to get started: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/welcome_center.cfm You don't need a custom for your first board. Good luck!
  12. I don't know if this has already been written as a natural law, but it should be. If two cars are approaching each other, traveling in opposite directions on the same road, and a pedestrian (or bicyclist) is also traveling on that road, all three will pass each other at the same point.
  13. LOL, it is so perfect. Couldn't have asked for better proof. :D
  14. I could not illustrate my point any better than with this typo.
  15. Unfortunately a new computer purchase is still months away due to cashflow and I also want to see if Vista leapfrogs Apple in terms of HTPC stuff. I just got the bee in my bonnet to weigh the options now. If Vista does not leapfrog, then I'll probably go for a Mini when the time is right.
  16. The problem is that there just as many valid reasons to call a toeside turn a backside turn and a heelside turn a frontside turn. Toeside and Heelside are the only unambiguous terms. The only reason to use frontside and backside are if you want to be a word-snob and make newbies and/or non-surfers and non-skaters feel stupid and excluded.
  17. I do this at the ECES. It works.
  18. Wow, did I just drag Mr. Fox out of his spider hole? heh... cool.
  19. Well, yes, yes you do. You responded. :p Yes, but people who want to look like they're one of the cool kids use these terms and it's impossible to know wtf they really mean. Does frontside mean toeside because that's the edge you face, or does frontside mean heelside because that's what surfers call it (or don't they?) or because then your front is facing down the mountain (well, for softbooters anyway)?
  20. Jack M

    New Camera!

    Circular. I thought I had it aligned right, but it looks like it might have been tilted to the right a bit. Yeah, the Moats are the mountains you see off to the west of Conway. Pretty sure that's them.
  21. Jack M

    New Camera!

    digital, Canon 30D with a polarizer. Orange filter effect applied in post. Is that the Moat range?
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