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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. I have these (also from Beckman). I used to think they were a luxury, now I consider them mandatory equipment, I wouldn't ride without them. When I first got them I was amazed at how quiet and relaxed my feet became, and how planted and connected to the board I felt.
  2. now we see the violence inherent in the system!
  3. Damn. Sorry Shred! That's twice!
  4. No, the center disks are the only metal part touching the board. The cant disks do not touch the board. The center disks are black and have the degree markings on them.
  5. Sure you can man, I just wish that sometimes you could be a bit more diplomatic and less antagonizing. But that's just my opinion and I know that through it all your intentions are good and you have the experience to back it up. Most people here are into freecarving. We like making round, fully carved turns at sub-sonic speeds. These goals are diametrically opposed to a racer's. There is plenty of technique cross-over, of course, which makes you a valuable guy to have here, but the goals are just different, that's all. And I'd say we've come a loooong way since '97.
  6. Bordy, I find it ironic that you are chasing Vlad away from this forum, when it is you who asserts that no other high-level racers or coaches post here because they get chased away by weekend-warriors. Vlad, Bordy is actually a good guy and knows his stuff, he just sometimes has trouble getting the good guy to come through online - unfortunately more often than I wish. Believe me, I've been on the receiving end. You seem to have some great experience to share, the IQ of the forum jumped a notch when you found us. Please give us another chance and stick around. You are appreciated here.
  7. Thanks to all for voting. See you there!!! (if for some crazy reason Stowe is impossible to deal with, Killington will be plan-B) Also..... we are pleased to welcome GeoffV to the planning committee. Geoff will be handling all resort relations, which is a huge job. Thanks Geoff!!
  8. Jack M

    Nos Madd 158

    Now that the board is sold, I'd like to chime in here. I've never ridden an original 158. I didn't really like the 158 I demo'd in 2004 - didn't see what all the fuss was about, and it just seemed like any other short, nervous board with a minuscule sweet spot. They worked for some people, just not me. The $300 used 158's we see popping up here and there are surely of this variety, given away by their blue tinted topsheets. Then I demo'd a new 158 in 2006. Completely different board, *had* to have one. This January I took delivery of my new 2007 158 f3. I cannot imagine any 157-163cm alpine snowboard made by any manufacturer at any time now or in history carving any better than this. If the original Madd 158 is indeed better, then it is surely worth the price someone paid. However I don't believe that is possible. My new 158 eliminates all curiosity I ever had about the originals. I can enjoy and recommend it without reservation.
  9. I'm not sure if you've got a handle on what the Norm is and for what/who it is intended... The Norm is meant to get someone to carve who has never carved before. Nobody who knows how to carve rides around in the Norm. And, "upper levels of the <i>sport</i>".... do you mean racing or freecarving? Because as far as I can tell the two have some common ground, but also several mutually exclusive goals. Agreed, completely. This is what the Norm attempts to illustrate - that your snowboard will carve a turn without you really doing anything other than putting it on edge. A new hardbooter, especially if they are coming from softboots, typically has no idea what sidecut is or what it does. They think they have to steer and push the board around. The Norm shows them that they don't have to do that. It shows them how to let their sidecut work. If you don't do this first, I don't see how a new carver will recognize the carving sensation they are shooting for. The Norm says nothing about counter-rotation. That is another of its goals - to eliminate the swiveling at the waist that plagues softbooters and many skiers, and to get the board and body turning in space as one unit. I've just re-skimmed the two Norm articles and I see nothing about fore-aft weighting. Again, really at a loss here. I don't see where in the articles this is coming from. :) Touché. Still, I don't see how it's old-school, outdated or overkill to tell people to strip away all extraneous motion and simply feel their sidecut work (typically for the first time). Is Newtonian Physics outdated? I missed the memo. Not at all man, you know that. I just think that you as the resident racing guru and me as the freecarve guy could be a good team. Wish you would have wanted to work together on improving things. Well, thanks, but then why take pot-shots at it? I gotta go. I'm about to be ill.
  10. Ahh, nothing like a good blindside to wake me up in the morning. Sheesh! Bordy, I know several of the articles are old and in need of updating. However the Norm has worked to get countless new hardbooters carving. It is certainly not dead. I know, facing the nose of the board is not necessary. However when teaching newbies anything, more often than not you have to tell them to overshoot the target in order for them to hit the target. In my experience, simply telling a new carver to face their binding angles is not enough. They usually end up facing the toe edge. This is the worst of bad habits and it must be prevented or broken before anything further can be accomplished. I wish that you would have contacted me directly with your recommendations for improving our library of information for new carvers. You know I value your opinion. Thanks for your support. :(
  11. You'd only need about 168-175cm for a 13m radius. Why haul around the extra lumber? My response to the original question: I've owned (after Burton) Prior, Donek, and Madd. My next board will be a Coiler. I'm making the rounds. Of the brands I've owned... they're all awesome, I cannot choose a favorite. Someday my quiver will include one of each. I will say I like my Prior Metal 177 a lot more than the '01 WCR175 I had.
  12. D-Sub, they say the best racing engine is the one that grenades as you cross the finish line.
  13. enough was enough. everybody got the message(s, on both sides) loud and clear. it was turning into a feeding frenzy. Fin may unlock it tomorrow, I think everyone needs to cool off for the night.
  14. I can't believe we are putting several of the *few* people supporting this sport up in front of this firing squad. Take a freaking step back.
  15. ...magazine did a story on Jesse James' version recently. Neat looking, but 39hp/liter.... yawn.
  16. no you didn't. nice Photoshop work though! :p Tesi + MH900e.... that'd be about a $100k custom!
  17. Sounds like we need to start a black list to teach these miscreant snowboard builders a lesson! Who's with me? I'll start... Prior - can't afford to give free boards to people who break them. Donek - can't afford to give free boards to people who break them. Madd - long wait times. funky graphics. cosmetic blems. Coiler - long wait times. 1-2 years? WTF? Let the boycott begin. (if you are sarcasm impaired, you are a moron)
  18. You didn't say *why* you think the board snapped. Did you inspect the board before the run? If you didn't hear it or feel it during the run, and you didn't look at the board before the run, how do you know it happened on snow at all?
  19. well, I said firm perfect groom, so that would be hardboots and any one of my 3 alpine decks. I think you meant, what do I ride when there's powder, and that would be my '97 Burton Custom 164 and yes, softboots. c. 1995 Haven't been able to justify upgrading the old soft gear. I think when it finally disintegrates I will get an Axxess and go 100% hardboots.
  20. Ever heard that saying? It means no waiting around, every man for himself, get to the frickin' freshies as fast as possible. If you get left behind, that's your own damn problem! :D When I wake up and it's bluebird, about 10-20 degrees F, perfect firm groom, I feel the same way. You do not want to get in my way on a day like that.
  21. If ya didn't answer groom, maybe take up softbooting! :p Nah, powder is the ultimate treat, but to me it's just that - a treat. I think if I could only ride one or the other it would have to be cord.
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