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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Database crashed last night. It's probably been rebooted.
  2. I agree, this board is broken. DNR
  3. Man! You guys have a pretty interesting sense of what is slamming and what is teasing! Buell, who are you my wife? Memory like an iron trap and all evidence no matter how old is admissible in any argument! :D I think those 3 statements are not out of bounds at all, and really, they were not meant to be mean. I was asking that question sincerely, because I don't even like the wobbliness of soft e-rings. But hey if Bordy wants to loan me a pair of F2s I'll try them! Peace!!
  4. It's all good Bordy, debating this stuff is fun. I try to keep my posts succinct and to the point. Sometimes I guess that makes them sound direct or terse or belittling maybe, that's not my intent. Again, you seem to attribute this BOL idea that freecarvers <i>shouldn't</i> ride the same gear as racers to me. That's just not accurate. I have said that there is gear that is good for freecarving that would never be found in a race course. And that just because some gear is bad for racing does not necessarily mean it is bad for freecarving. Big difference there. I don't know if you've read my How to Buy an Alpine Snowboard article here, but in my description of the different kinds of boards out there I say: <i>"Race boards are replicas of the boards used by professional racers, designed for ultimate speed and edge hold. But that doesn't mean you have to be a racer to use them. These are the boards you aspire to mastering as you realize your own carving potential."</i> (snip) I have always stood by those words. I try to speak from personal experience, but it is also perfectly acceptable to extrapolate and argue based on theory. I do have an education in this type of stuff (M.E.), it's not like I just pull it out of my butt. I haven't ridden my Kessler yet, but if it's anything like the Coiler NSR I tried last year I'm sure it will be awesome for big speed, big turn freecarving. When one's freecarving goals intersect with that of racing, the equipment should be the same, I have always believed that. That's not always the case though. I don't ride softer bindings because dealing with ruts is not one of my freecarving goals. I also simply don't like them for carving. They don't work as well for my style. I ride shorter, radial (gasp!) boards when I want to make C-shaped carves down icy, narrow, make-the-turn-or-die steeps. I ride GS boards when I want to go big and fast and when conditions allow it. In my upcoming review, I want to find out how the latest and greatest GS race equipment performs for those goals. Want to loan me a Vist and a set of F2s? I also hope to include some video to give a point of reference to how I am using the boards. Thank you again for hanging out here and giving us a window into the world of racing. Typos and all!
  5. Yes Dave, it is his last name, not that that matters.
  6. Dave, why do you keep misspelling Bordy's name when it is right here in front of you, all over this forum? I see you do this a lot and I keep quiet about it, but enough is enough. Why do you do this? It's disrespectful.
  7. No hate man. Show me one post where I've dismissed F2 or Phiokka or any racer's binding but Burton out of hand. I don't, because I've never ridden anything but Burton and Bomber. I get the feeling sometimes that you attribute common vibes on this forum to me. I just know that for freecarving I don't like flexible bindings. And I'm talking about the feel, not the safety. I like my board to do what I say, when I say. I know this because I did go back and try Burtons again after several years on Bombers. It was downright scary. I felt like I had rubber bands holding me to the board. Also, last time I tried the soft Bomber e-rings, I didn't like them either. Bindings that are as flexible as Burtons, IMO, are like play in a steering column. That's not where I want my suspension. If I were dealing with race ruts on a regular basis, maybe I'd feel differently. I know they are unlike anything we normally encounter while freecarving from the beer-league races I did a few years ago. Unless they've changed since becoming Ibex, Burton Race Plates were most definitely flat out of the box.
  8. That's the one. Not big enough to print though... hope the original is safe somewhere.
  9. Jack M


    the future of roller derby!
  10. 3 times, once front foot and twice back, nothing happened, knock wood. Front foot was scary. 2 broken Burtons. One time on jerry-rigged TD1s, my nickels fell out.
  11. You need at least the 167. 4cm is significant. The rep is either lying to you, or doesn't understand how snowboards work.
  12. I did away with my front cant and experienced crazy quad burn. To each his own.
  13. Arnaud. Do you honestly believe that non-Swoard or non-EC boards do not bend while carving?
  14. getting out of Intec or Fintec heels is a two-step process. 1, pull the cable. 2, lift heel up. If you combine steps 1 and 2 together, you'll shorten the life of the heels. To be sure you aren't pulling up during step 1, you should put weight on the heel you're releasing. Once the pins are retracted, then you pull your heel up.
  15. what?! you could have sold that for significant money. it was a work of art. the whole picture - the girl of course, but also the pose, the light, the gun in the background, it was awesome. If you could recover it somehow, I'd help you sell it.
  16. Welcome back Dave. Part of your penance is to re-post that fine photograph of the babe wearing nothing but a thong and hardboots holding the race board.
  17. Augh... Palmer, but which vid.... Snowrules? Board With the World?
  18. Clever, but what you've got there is just a TD1 with a larger footprint, i.e., dead spot.
  19. here is my opinion: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/canting.cfm
  20. Same here. Hardboots are so good now that when my last pair of softboots needed replacing, I didn't bother. If you get moldable liners and custom footbeds, you can ride around all day in comfort. I don't clamp my boots down super tight, and I don't take them off at lunch time.
  21. Or if you don't want more cant disks, just get the center disc, screws, and e-rings.
  22. Behold! http://www.bomberonline.com/store/bindings/accessories.cfm I'm sure they'll sell you the screws too.
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