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Dusty Bottle

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Everything posted by Dusty Bottle

  1. Bryan, Glad to assist. As Ink put it, I am somewhat of a motorhead and have owned old Mustangs, GTO's, Corvettes and the occasional hot rod(not race wax). I'm only 15 minutes from Monument in Castle Rock, so PM me thru the site and we can cover details. James
  2. Kai, You are sooo welcome! You were the only "Karver" I thought of when I found the boots and bindings. Hopefully, dad can find some boots that will fit you and the bindings for now and then someday you'll grow into the Raichles. And tell DT to leave your fries alone, cause you'll be giving him "Karving" lessons soon! See you Sunday! James
  3. Same issue last week... all message options were "greyed" out (locked) and got the same 5 character error... changed to standard and was able to post...
  4. After riding off the lift at the top of A-Basin today, I came to a stop next to a couple of skiers and was stepping in to my TD3's... Skier nudges buddy and points to my board: "Now THERE'S an intelligent snowboarder." Me as I rode off (in my best Elvis impersonation): "Thank you, thank you very much." 'Nuff said.
  5. Too many prior commitments for tomorrow, so I'll be up on Sunday... I still have a 2 for 1 coupon up for grabs if anyone needs it! (expires Sunday 4/17)
  6. Ink - pass Concussed - pass KarverKai - pass - very excited to be able to participate finally Big Mario - pass Seraph - Covered, I have a 4 pak tik. Arneburner - pass Greenleaf - pass Angie/Jim Callen - we have 2 for 1 vouchers (might have some extra too) Michelle - ticket Shrederjen - 4 pack ticket + Mark R (wants to try hardbooting!) - 4pack ticket pc denver - pass - if the G lets me out of the house scott.creer - 2 passes needed D.T. - pass Shelly - pass lazysnowkisser - 4 pack Dusty Bottle - pass + extra 2-fer voucher (if anyone needs it)
  7. I had so much fun and learned so much riding with the LCI last season, I figured it's time to quit lurking and contribute something back. I had computer issues at the first of the summer and lost everything on my hard drive, but found these on an old camera card from this past April and thought I’d share them. I also found a couple of vid clips and I'll try to figure out how to post them later, but for now here's the Pink Pantster laying it out and Karver Kai sharpening his skills. See you on the snow, James
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