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Everything posted by 1xsculler

  1. No doubt about it these guys get it done! I bought two new boards for this season because of vids like these…as if that’s going to make a difference, LOL!!! IF I could even link up a few turns like these my quads would send me packing after one short run.
  2. Local Crystal Mt pass, as usual, plus A lot parking. Can’t wait!
  3. Makes me feel that I’m headed in the wrong direction concerning size…a lotta board!
  4. FWIW: I read the above diagnosis to Dr Dan Nelson, ProOrtho, Kirkland, WA, on the radio yesterday and, just as I expected, he would need to, at the very least, see an X-ray as a diagnostic note like this is not very helpful when trying to recommend or decide on treatment. Like he said total hip replacement may be the correct treatment but a Xray would tell the tail and, in some cases, stem cell treatment can solve the issue.
  5. And I thought I would get negative comments about the graphics or lack thereof which maybe this is. I will go on the record and state that I couldn’t care less about the topsheet graphics on a board. It’s meaningless to me. If I want a personalized or custom look I’ll use off the shelf or custom made stickers. I am so stoked to take this puppy for a ride and I appreciate what someone posted about a front foot of 45° as being important for heelside.
  6. About 31/26/30. Google Nobile 158 n8. I think scr is 10.5.
  7. Wow, super bummer, Barry. I hope you recover completely and sooner rather than later!
  8. Couldn’t believe it myself! Apologize for the hasty pics. I didn’t even know which end was the tip when I first unwrapped it. Excellent build quality. Purchased from Slapos, one of our own. Thank you very much, Lukasz!
  9. Shipped from Poland UPS Tuesday and arrived in Gig Harbor Thursday. Globalization at its zenith!
  10. Know your A1c, your PSA and your Omega 3 index!
  11. There is no “safe amount” of alcohol…it’s ALL poison…get any Resveratrol you want from supplements! Refined carbs (sugar, bread, pasta, pizza crust, etc.) are poison…the less the better! Ellenos yogurt=Häagen-Dazs, ketchup, mayonnaise, hot dogs and all processed meats from Arbys, Jersey Mike’s, Subway, etc. are problematic. Now excuse me while I eat a little chocolate chip cookie dough with my glass of Rose, chomp on a Costco hot dog and listen to Rhonda Patrick, PhD (my longevity guru) at foundmyfitness.com of which I am a paid subscriber.
  12. Mee too…so stoked for this season to arrive!
  13. How do you get one of these boards?
  14. Is K Carving Korean Softboot Carving Worth Watching which I’m assuming can be done on hardboots too?
  15. How about doing the leg blasters with a 10# dumbell in each hand?
  16. Plan on hospital time, lol!
  17. You have two entirely different styles to consider, IMHO. Bomber style on a 170ish length, 20ish cm waist board at about 55/55 angles OR what some are calling Korean style on a 160ish, 26ish cm waist board at about 35/20 angles. These are very, very general specs and are based only my pretty uneducated opinion. I’m going to start this season trying a little Korean style on a new Nidecker 158L Blade in my UPZs at 35/20 Watch Softboot Carving Worth Watching on this site for what I’m calling Korean style.
  18. Can’t tell you how happy I am that you turned me on to these leg blasters. I wasn’t sure I had the range of motion required but I have no problem getting my butt lower than my hips so I’m good to go in that department. 6 months prior to last season I did dumbell squats with 52.5 #s in each hand, 3 sets of 10 every other day and I row pretty hard about 5 days/week so I expected much less quad burn when I got on my board. It made zero difference. I’m hoping 3 months of leg blasters will make a difference. Thanks again.
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