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Everything posted by Ray

  1. So, it's coming down heavy, good! nekdut, how long are you staying in Mammoth? I am thinking of coming in for Tues/Wed now ... especially if it doesn't stop snowing any time soon, they don't groom for tomorrow...
  2. Thanks for the update. Seems conditions coold be better... but with the aditional snow should be right on for Mon/Tues. I will park at chair 2 and probably ride there most of the time. Seems that's where conditions are the best...
  3. If you guys are up for a beer Sunday eve. I would leave LA a little earlier so we can get togehter... nekdut, please post a short report how the conditions are
  4. Yea, lets all get together! Dave has my cell #
  5. Cool, finally get to ride together... let me know how it is. I am leaving Sunday afternoon and will be on the mountain first thing Monday morning. Weather looks promising. Ray
  6. Mammoth got 6 inches so far, more on it's way Sat/Sun, so Mon/Tues should be really good again. Anyone?
  7. Just spoke to our friend in Mammoth, he said conditions are really good. So we will be up there Thursday and Friday... Brian, see you guys later tonight ;)
  8. Mats, count me in as well ;) Ray
  9. Good to hear it heels 100% ! Get well soon!
  10. Ray


    The two pics Hans posted show the very first Undertaker proto. As far as I know "McFussel" (forum name in Germany), the guy in the pic, still rides this one... #2 Undertaker is here in the states, currently getting tuned by PTC and handed over to his new owner...
  11. Leaving LA for MM now. See ya Sat and Sun ;-) And it was bad! Way to warm, slushy and crowded. I am done with MM. Ray
  12. Ray


    Correct, I am using OS2’s. They fit perfect on the 14cm waist (The base plate of the OS2 is 12cm). My angles are actually not to extreme (in my opinion) 69/66… I always wanted to ride a longer board, but always hesitated because I just don’t like the way they ride. For me, even a longer boards must be able to cut tight turns. This one certainly does. It’s like a aggressive snake.
  13. Ray


    Hans, Yup, my latest infection, 192 with a 14/3 waist, a very sexy board! Curtis, Was really fun meeting you and Holly in Aspen! Looking forward to next year already. Ray
  14. Ray


    Yea, this kinda infection happened to me several years ago… can’t get rid of it… and I tried many remedies already. Nothing seems to work. Oh well Actually, the more I try, the more serius the infection gets... hahahaha
  15. Back from CO and might go to MM next weekend. Anyone?
  16. I think they don't tell us. Not really sure why, hmm.
  17. That’s what I always say, ride ride ride and than, go ride ride and ride... I would rather go ride with a real good rider and learn directly from him instead trying to learn from reading. But that’s just me, everybody functions different. Go ride with someone who is REALLY good!!! I would put riding before reading... Jack is right, it's all about baby steps. Time will put it all together. Ray
  18. Ray


    Todd, just give me a call ;-)
  19. Is ther some sort of schedule were the "Euros" hang out this week? Would like to join a little...
  20. Bordy, really sorry to hear that! I wish you only the very best and a quick recovery. Ray
  21. Well, so far nothing but sun. A view clouds, but no new snow yet.
  22. Today riding Aspen getting out of a lift at Ruthys a ski instructor approaches me and says: Oh cool, a Sqwal. ARRGHHH, no… I thought. I answered, no this is a, and than I had to think for myself, what the heck is this really. Hmm. Well, I told her it’s, well you know, the usual story... Than I thought, she was actually not too far of. I was riding (first day) my new Virus Undertaker which almost looks like a Sqwal. The Undertaker is 192cm with a 14.3 waist!!! Let me tell ya, I was riding with a huge smile in my face for the entire day. Just an insane board. Ray
  23. Ray


    Insane day on Ajax!!!!!!!!! Todd, come on over, I have some Virus boards you could ride if you want. Pick one.
  24. Ray


    Ajax this AM ...with a 192/14.2 Virus Undertaker
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