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Everything posted by Ray

  1. My guess either Cyborg, Black Death or Psycho... :p
  2. Ray


    No stupid question at all! I only use X-Socks now for years. http://www.x-socks.com/product.php?cat=21&area=41&XSID=ca0f879473fec990a17fcc851ab036f1 or http://www.x-socks.com/product.php?cat=21&area=41&id=444&XSID=ca0f879473fec990a17fcc851ab036f1 THE best there is!
  3. Bob, Good to hear from you, has been a while. Sure hope to see you and your wife at the next SES again!!! Very nice review
  4. I received my new custom Cyborg Zylon right before I went to Chile in August and had a blast with it! After a few days of riding I decided I want more (even more) torsional stiffness. So I ordered a second Cyborg (for those specific exteme days) with the identical core flex, but about 20% more torsional stiffness… classic design, all flat black, with black Virus decals, my favorite color combo. This should be the bomb, can’t wait to hit Ajax with it
  5. I will post some eye candy as well, but in a week or so when my new creatures arrive...
  6. I might be mistaken, but I think Frank will not make the Undertaker or Cyborg in Titanal anymore, unless he has lots of free time. It can be done. But so far, ursle, you have the only ones ever made
  7. Undertaker: 191cm, 14.2cm waist Actually one of my very favorite board there is. Well together with the Cyborg (181cm, 14.1cm waist) ...
  8. Most boards I have owned and tried during the last years (including Tinkler) cannot be compared against these Virus boards. The construction and materials used alone does not allow such comparison. BUT that’s just my opinion AND everybody is different!!! You ask 10 people and get 11 different answers :rolleyes: Find what YOU like most and ENJOY! Also, Virus concentrates mostly to build boards to have tons of FUN with. Carving boards mostly, not racing, not freeride, but fun, extreme and still easy to use carving boards. Please keep in mind. PIECE!
  9. Noooo, they just finished them and took pics. Virus letter decal available in either chrom or black.
  10. HAHAHA, exactly, that's why I ordered TWO new boards which should be here hopefully very SOON!
  11. Well guys, the color of Zylon is very close to copper, it is what it is. Can't change it, unless you paint it... But people who select a Virus with a Zylon topsheet know why, and they don’t really care about the color or look so much, they care more about riding abilities and quality of the materials being used… it's not just a wood core, there is a little more to it... but we had that toppic many times before as well. Cheers!
  12. Ups, correct. Was doing a million things at the same time again. Sorry for the confusion. Corrected now.
  13. Just received this photo from Frank, shows his latest edition to the line, THE BERSERKER… 185cm, 17.8cm waist and a full Zylon construction. Looks like a beast to me. Left: The Berserker. Right: The Gladiator
  14. I think Michelle is looking more for a person who enjoys life... You probably wouldn't pass the job interview... :p
  15. Here are some pictures from the trip The most important items, boarding pass and my bootbag with boots and bindings! Bola and a friendly helper from Hertz getting our bags on the car We took the tour via Vina Del Mar... ...because we needed a nice seafood lunch in Con Con. The next moring we left quite early and arrived at the pass up to Portillo in time to realize that the pass is actually closed! The told us it's due to snow! 5 hours later we mad it up. In the meantime... ...we are taking the opportunity to get our powder boards ready… Took these pics the second day, so after the storm disapeared... Always important, a nice dinner with a nice bottle of Chilean wine! What you can't see in this picture are the Pisco glasses in front of us. A pic I took from the train I took going back to Santiago from Chillan In regards to Portillo, I would for sure go back, but also like to explore other resorts. I think it's best to split up the trip.
  16. I don't have any riding pics at all, just some scenic pics I can post. We only hit Portillo for 3 days and made our way down to Termas for an additional 7 days. Portillo was fun, very family oriented resort. Great food! We also got lucky. Storm left 2 feet the day before we arrived, so we still had some freshies. Last day some good carving as well...
  17. Fin, not that we see these signs all over Mallorca now as well... I hope. Btw, the Bomber bootbag and boardbag worked out perfect Ray
  18. So Bola and I went to Chile as well. Yes, we had a really great time! One question arrised right after we arrived and drove to Portillo, Fin, have you been in Chile before? And possible not behaved yourself very well? Might this be the result? I mean, now I know why you didn’t want to join us. Bad boy!
  19. Sorry to hear that! I still hope for the best!!! Yes, please keep us up to date.
  20. Just got back from Chile yesterday (10 days) and am already exited about the upcoming season… Probably going to Mammoth during the first weeks of the season and than heading to Aspen for 6 weeks (1/25 – 3/9) Some trips to the Summit from there… After that heading back to LA and hitting Mammoth/June again…
  21. Will do my best ;) Going to the airport in a few, hopefully we can take some nice pics and post from there.
  22. Actually Bola and I are going to Chile next Tuesday (7/31). I stay for 10 days and he a little longer… We will be riding Termas de Chillan
  23. Way to soft for my taste. I left after one day... First couple runs ok, but got softer by the minute... Might change again due to the colder weather... and more snow on it's way.
  24. Ok, leaving today for sure and be on the mountain Tues/Wed! bobdea, will be around chair 2, riding a long black stick and a wearing a black full face helmet... hope to see you. Hopefully Dave makes it too Ray
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