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Everything posted by BigDogDave

  1. Glad You and Colleen are leaving your mark over there. Still hearing stories about the epic pow day last Monday...That's alot of fluff!!. Kellycanyon has been getting fairly consistent new snow and doing an exceptional job of grooming this year. Have had only a couple days when it was too soft to carve...Roy has been a very good friend!!.I will be doing my normal 12-10 pm patrol shift on Wed. will see what snow and conditions have to bring by weekend....still going for the roy...not the fluff. Hill manegment has been giving me alot of crap about too many trenches...makes me wonder what they would say if I were a seasons pass holder. May have to give them a small break...just give me groomers at the Ghee...Hope to be there soon...be well
  2. I voted for Roy!! Maybe because of where I am In the learning curve...I've ben fortunate to have access to alot of pow (Grand Targhee) over the years and hardbooting is relatively new to me... the amount of focus, energy and conection required for each turn in a carve gives me that amount of thrill in return and more,,,much more than floating thru the fluff.....maybe I ;need to learn to relax!! Maybe breath alittle more??
  3. Good info Princess!! will help aspiring women riders!! As you know, my experience has been similar with my VSR T 170 ,,,It demands constant attention and gives abundant rewards,,,take away the attention and it wants to punish you...sometimes not so gently, but that demand for attention to details ,,body position ,,, and where I am on the board has helped my skill level and transfers nicely to riding my other boards...Carve ON!!!
  4. Big thanks to all those providing pics and vids...allowing us to re-live a great SES week ,,,,and re-live....and re-live...and re-live.... digger Jr.,,,,fun pics with fun captions....and about that drag coefficient,,,??? Johnasmo,,,as always, great vids capturing great riders that inspire me to try harder and ride better..very much appreciate all your time and effort providing us with more carving fodder....and the ending of video 5,,,,,priceless!! Video 6 started uniquely...Suprised not to see Trent there...professional shoot and all....or maybe he was and I just didnt notice!! Steve...thanks for access to the pic bucket...lots of great pics!! And to all...be well and CARVE ON!!!
  5. Way to Make the Day James....nice shot....finishing up some patrol obligations this weekend so hopefully to the Ghee next weekend or soon there after....
  6. Post SES blues!! Big thanks to all for a spectacular week.Great to see old friends and make new ones...made it to southern Montucky last night dredman and Johnasmo continued on to those far reaching Montucky northern lands...so they could ride the Big today.Big thanks to those northern Bros. Also big thanks to Finn, Michelle,Sean, Bruce, Frank and all who assisted them.Great time with great people ...thank you all....CARVE ON!!!!! until SES 2012!!
  7. Montucky crew underway,,, Dredman and Johnasmo made it down late last night after yet another day of ideal riding at the Big...full day of freeway carving today, but roads are clear and dry through southern Montucky. Will be pulling in late this evening. Looking forward to another great SES!!! Tomorrow at Buttermilk!!,,,,, Think snow.....general ... ....... rocket.!!
  8. Great SkES.!! Carving, clinics, and especially the new high tech equipment! Rocking entertainment ..only at sled...wet body armour contest. Visiting participants were enjoyable, although some were real turkeys ...may need some kind of selection process next year. Will Aspen even come close? Will find out TOMORROW!!
  9. Great SkES....May make Aspen alittle boring by comparison....but,,,pack up tonight and leave Montucky with,,,the Montucky crew in the Morning!!!!Yea!!!SES 2011...Aspen or Bust!! oops,,,can I say that? See Ya there!!!
  10. Pi Plate Technology is simply amazing,,,but the demand even more so!! I waited at the demo tent most the morning....all demos were out on the mountain....never saw any come back,,, so I went to the dollar store,,,sold out,,,Pi and Pi 'R Squared....You are really on to something here....SWEEEEET!!!!
  11. Boy Am I missing out!! Missed the short board clinic by 1 cm and now miss the eurocarve clinic because of a time out...and although we have great things at kellycanyon,,,now where else but SkES can I learn how to get fully laid....side to side...front to back....and with all that snow flying in the clinic pics....you really had to be moving!! And those that know me,,,and have seen me ride,,,know how badley I needed that clinic!! Another reason to look forward to next years SkES!!....And ...Nice pics of the moose and roadside turkeys...yea ...the ones with feathers ..Keep up the good work,,,,,
  12. Great job on the SkES thread 2Ravens,,,,Thanks for coming over for a visit on the day off...Kellycanyon may not be big,,but its good and lots of fun!!
  13. Feeling kinda slighted here...thought we were going to do full laid out carves with our bodies bouncing across the snow??? Since getting my Coiler classic (Montucky race carve) last year, I have frequently stated that Coilers (and Doneks) have curves in the right places, but laying out with the stubette AND mud flap guy...man boobs and all,,,adds at least one,,,if not two demensions to this whole senerio!!! I may have to take a time out (BOL style)..and go back to Kellycanyon!
  14. Would have enjoyed the short board clinic but the shortest board Ive ever owned was a 156....a soft Burton at that...wanted to sneak in with my new vsr 170....but rules are rules (and made to be broken, right?).....So...any upcoming tight heelside clinics?
  15. A real powder day at snow king...and during SkES...what a treat...I'm sure with such a large crew things were tracked up pretty fast...probably hard to get down through all the fluff on such a mellow mountain!! What will tomorrow bring?
  16. Yea!! YEA!!! SkES 2011...Finally ,,,been waiting all year...and tonight...byoht (bring your own hot tub)...Party!!!
  17. Ahh Yes,,The persisting memories of the Hot Springs, but what an end to a great day of riding. So,,hopefully they have been getting good use out of the new (used) groomer and all that new stuff/fluff will be firm and smooth for tomorrow---and another geat day of riding/carving....till tomorrow at Kelly Canyon.
  18. Thanks for the memories guys...Great vids..was sooo much fun. White out in Idaho Falls today. We have a good 8 inches on the ground. Snowing/blowing most the roads closed. Snow Gods are strutting their stuff....love it. Kellycanyon could easily open this weekend. They aren't real organized....they put a new above ground motor on lift 3 and still dont have it running right. I hear they are hesitant to open until all is working right. Hoping to hit the Ghee this weekend. Great to see everyone on the vid again. Everyone maintained good digital form thru the summer..haha...and 2ravens tight heel side!! I met with Crackaddict a few weeks ago when he past thru on his way back to Calgary. He will be at the Ghee by Dec. 1st. Cheers to everyone...Be Well
  19. Nice John, nice. I sense waves of envy?? No---pure jelousy--waves. Really, thanks for sharing --great job--glad conditions are still allowing you to play--enjoy!!!
  20. GREAT big thanks to johnasmo for another GREAT video providing GREAT memories with GREAT people having a GREAT time doing GREAT carving on a GREAT-Big Mountain. Must do a GREAT repeat next season!!!
  21. Big thanks to the Big Mountain carving crew. Great to meet you all and to ride the Big Mountain. Thanks to dredman for the invite (and a ride back to I.F.), 2 ravens for the trip up--and the love tap--no harm done, johnasmo for a very nice place to stay, and to those providing vouchers. Good to meet Allee. Hope to ride with all of you again next season. AND--my belief has been restored in the Easter Bunny--I saw him--and he rides-- a--a sqwall!!
  22. What more can be said. crackaddict--you rock--carving and climbing. Great riding with you and hot coco (and ya, consider the coiler for hot coco). Safe travels and climbs. Catch you next season. dredman--cant thank you enough for all the help and mentoring (carving and you know--life), so --thanks again. And really, your jokes are funny--we laugh!! 2 ravens--IT'S BEEN SO FUN . YOU ARE DOING SOOOO GOOD. I hope some day my heel side will be as tight as yours. Something to work towards--I may have to shed the crash pads. Do I smell Whitefish?
  23. WoW! the one piece fuschia/black. "Brilliant". Couldnt tell if rabbit was smiling, wincing, or in attack mode. So, count me in for Sat and Possibly Sun. I, too, will be adding alittle more flash/clash to the bright parade. Good clearance price on pants. 2 for 1. So there is now a selection--how do I decide between the very yellow or the multi brilliant electrical pattern. And, may have to find just a bit more courage. Daughter Lauren may be coming up on one of the days ,too.
  24. 2 ravens is so right on. I'm better all ready. The past 4 hours my hips want to drag on the snow just walking down the hall way!! iT IS SO EASY . Had I just realized this sooner!
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