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Everything posted by BigDogDave

  1. (yes, I am working thru my posting phobia, several months of therapy, all aggravated by Droid anxiety) Great jamming with dredman and 2 ravens Saturday. Great day with great people. Johnasmo has some serious compitition with the videos--great job dredman!!! We will do MORE!!
  2. Big thanks to dredman and crack addict (Dave and James) for riding tips at the Ghee on Sunday. Great day . Heel side is coming--slowly but last two runs had best heel side turns ever with jello legs and of course --no air. Breath Dave, Breath!! Great pics and movie posts Dave.
  3. So dredman, First attempt at posting. Made it this far. Enjoy Bogus. I will patrol at Kellys all day/night tomorrow--the regular Wed. thing. Will Train with tobogans evening but should get some carve time in the afternoon. The new Coiler is maaahhvelus. Coilers definately have curves in the right places!! Maybe The Ghee on Sunday?
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