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Everything posted by dbmgreen

  1. I recently purchased these two products and have a couple of questions. The info with the Burton stuff is crap! How do you remove the footbed from the diode so that you can screw the thing to your board? Can you heat mould the Driver X liner?
  2. How come no skins? do you have to ride in floppy stuff?
  3. I would be interested in this too, I got a new pair of Track 325 with Thermo Flex Liners last year, to replace my deelux lemans, and despite professional boot fitting, they just don't feel as good? I have a feeling that the liner didn't form properly the first time we molded it, and now I have a couple of odd pressure points, that line up with the creases in the liner. Have tried re heating but have had no joy. My boots are 28.5 if you look at intuition site, they say to get 29s, and if you look here BOL, they say get 28s?? There is a lot of conflicting info here and on the web about thermoflex vs intuition :) probably largely marketing babble, but even so, I would be interested in everyones thoughts. Also just got a pair of Burton Driver X, but a friend bought them in the USA (i live in AUS), so I didn't get the box/instructions? Is the liner moldable on the 2013 Driver X?
  4. VSR 171 20cm ish width, can't remember the rest, will read it off the side and edit this. :)
  5. I'm hoping this newly arrived baby might help me a little :)
  6. Hey thanks for this, salient points :) I tried something similar to this last week, and came up with satisfactory results, (given that I was riding on icy man made hardpack) I had never really thought of it in a "push pull" way, but thats exactly how it works. I was "washing" out my heel side turns, but am trying to set up new boots, and a BTS system, so there is something going on there to fix up as well, because I have never had that problem before.
  7. Fin / Corey thanks for this info, It was perhaps pics of the older version that had me a bit concerned :)
  8. What boots are you using? New Track 325s How much do you weight? 180/190 Did you ride locked or unlocked? depends on snow, usually front locked back unlocked Do you like more or less flex?? Rated 0 to 10 , zero = sloppy loose, 10= rock solid 7.... Learn't to ride in Ski boots, but spent the last 15 years in Burton Reactors then Blue Deelux boots. I am sensitive to asking already answered questions, and very familiar with operators in google searches, but for the life of me couldn't track down what I wanted. Essentially I have the blue springs, I was just looking for a "safe" setup to start with, happy to tweak after that? eg: how far down is the minimum the top nut should be screwed down? Apologies if it has been asked and answered. edit: BTS = Boot Tuning System huh, now I know :)
  9. Just using the search function, and resurrecting an old thread, I have fitted a new BTS system to my boots, and whilst I get that by winding up the bolts at either end, you can adjust the cant / limit the range of movement, what I don't have a good feel for, is how much these should be tightened, ie: how compressed should the springs be? I have mine set currently so the threaded bolt is just getting up into where the hole in the top nut is? Some pics I have seen have the threaded bolt protruding above the top of the nut?
  10. So I have an old pair of deelux, with intuition, and a new pair with the thermoflex, I would rate the new liner about 6 outa 10, and the old intuitions about 9 outa 10. The intuitions are a better fit for the boot before they are moulded, and hence mould even better they also seem a bit denser and less prone to things ( wire from the intec) sticking through them. Just my 2¢ (australian) :)
  11. Just fitted the BTS system to a new pair of Deelux 325s, happy with the adjustment, bit more forward lean on the rear foot, but how tight do you all go? like I said i'm 190lbs and I have the blue springs. Is there a rule of thumb for setting these up? / or a place to start?
  12. Thanks to everyone who replied, i'm going to put some of the video on my phone, and see what I can do about changing my technique next weekend :)
  13. From all your comments and reading suggestions, I think I have identified my worst trait, (shoulders not in line with hips) and don't think I will have too much trouble correcting that, mainly because I have always actively tried to keep my shoulders facing the front of the board ... duh
  14. 50cc Aprilia scooter.........................check :) BTS system in transit from bomber....check Thredbo season pass........................check 2 consecutive weekends of preseason snow and a lodge booking for the opening weekend, gotta be happy about that!! 6 sleeps to go YAY
  15. So I ride in Australia, and am waiting on a new 170 ish x 20 VSR ( I just asked him what would be good for me) from bruce at coiler. Currently riding a Nidecker proto 168, and before that a mistral asym 158? Because there are only a few of us down here, I don't really get to ride with any other carvers, so have watched a lot of youtube. I have ridden with a lot of very good skiers, and have kinda listened to them about what is good skier technique. What I'm getting from you guys is, that might not be correct? But Also that there are a couple of different "correct" techniques depending on what you are trying to achieve. Might try and get some video next weekend, if thats not too indulgent. edit: I'm 6'1" 180/90lbs (depends on how much swimming i've been doing) :) edit 2: Thanks for taking the time to answer! It is much appreciated!!
  16. Oh it was taken from a LONG way away on a crappy day, sorry about the bad photoshop, was just trying to lift the image of me off the snow and get the exposure a little better :) I know it's a crappy job, but it serves the purpose.
  17. One thing I have always tried to do, is keep the upper half of my body facing down the fall line, (probably cause I hang out with skiers not boarders)
  18. OK edited that first post with a pic of me, original pic was not of me :) Found one of me that will have to do, really appreciate the answers, the you tube is very descriptive!
  19. is there a step / technique that someone could offer to get me from this position --> over to a full laid out carve like this ---> I have NO issues with speed / smooth carves etc, but have never been able to make that final 20/30 degrees down to the snow? I'm thinking its actually gonna be a weight backwards and forwards issue, not actually a "lie down on my side" issue? but am not sure. I probably tend to ride with my weight over the nose of my board more than anything else. I'm fairly certain from my lines in the snow, that I have pretty decent edge control. Or am I just dreaming, and only legends can do this :) EDITED POST WITH REAL PIC OF ME IN B/W ABOVE
  20. I'm guessing the pics are from Bruces factory, I'm waiting on a similar board with smaller sidecut radius. Will you be riding on some of the summers slopes? Passo dello Stelvio? i have fond memories of that place :)
  21. Are people wearing footbeds with these? Or are you relying on the thermofit moulding the shape of your foot?
  22. Can anyone help, I have new boots track 325T and I wanted to know if these are thermofit or thermofelx ie: should I put them in the oven (or NOT) couldn't get a size 28 from Bomber, so they had to come from somewhere else. :(
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