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Everything posted by Maxlanaudiere

  1. Mort de rire ? SOP Feu ont eu plusieurs impacts avec des drones cette été avec leur CL415, en amérique il a eu plusieurs incidents avec des hélicoptères au dessus de zone habitée. Pour l'aviation c'est un fléau ces engins. La population générale n'est pas assez intelligente pour avoir ça entre les mains. Et si vous pensez qu'un drone est trop petit pour avoir de l'effet en cas de collision et bien détrompez-vous les rotors et les moteurs c'est felluette en cas d'impact même léger dû au force appliqué lors du fonctionnement. Ceci dit nous on s'en sert beaucoup en kayak :P mais ne pas prendre la violation d'espace aérien à la légère.
  2. Encore le premier ! J'y ai penser hier lorsque j'ai vu qu'ils ouvraient à midi.
  3. Moi je ne veux rien tester...ça me coûte trop cher par après. Mais si je suis libre pour l'évènement du relais je vais avoir une Diamond Blade de Mig Fullbag snowboard à tester.
  4. Thank you very much Hans, Buckles touching and everything buckle related is not really an issue in my book. I put them on go on patrol and take em off at the end of the day. Worn parts can be replaced/modified.
  5. Not staying idle between posts, reading a lot but they're not much left on the internet's forums I haven't read. Even the Skiboard forum (wtf are those things) has threads on these boots. Seems it's going to be either a set of RC10, after I do a fit test, but they're way more expensive or go with easily available T700 with my old BTS and yellows which fit me quite good. Hans I see you ride both at the moment and only use the T700 for your race setup. Mind giving me a RC10 vs T700 reviews. You say your 700 are superstiff ? done anything special to them. Seems like the Boys at Swoard are using either RC10s or T700s with modified springs system. Can't be that stiff if they like it.
  6. Wow that's a lot of info to digest thanks guys, Hans I'm a 28.5, 190 pounds. I think I've ruled out the RC8s. From what I've read the stiffness difference between 325 and the 700 is barely noticeable, main difference would be in the shell design. It seems the general consensus is that the T700 is just a better boot. Snowmatic I could go back to Head boots if I can find a pair in 28.5. But I don't like the idea of cutting the wing and driling for the BTS installation once again. The BTS improved those boots so much for me. T700 with BTS sounds tempting now. Well got time to think about it.
  7. 6'3 190. Forward and Aft flex is not the issue. It's can be modified quite easily with tongues, spring systems etc. I'm shopping for lateral flex. Ok from what've read ATBs are marshmallows. OUT ! and I'm well aware of the liners, but hey who knew ! More info the better. Corey: Thanks ! I'd like something a bit softer lateraly then the 700s. The more I sanded my heads the more I liked them. Say maybe that's why they're cracked all over :P Went to try a pair of 28.5 Track 700. Apparently the fit as improved since 2007. So some track 325 could work, great plan B available locally. But I'd rather have the UPZ since they are shorter in length. Rough plan A, have to special order the RC8 A.S.A.P. Speaking of Deluxe, What's with the 425s ? I fail to grasp the difference with the 700s EDIT: Holy price tag Batman ! Surf: Je vais surement faire un tour à Sorel pour tester le Fit des UPZ.
  8. So my Head have more stop drill holes then a spaghetti strainer. I really need to get new boots. Deluxe do not fit me so the only option left are the UPZ. The RC10 seems like they'll be too stiff and the ATB look too noodly. RC8 seemed like what I was looking for but they're gone (sent an email to check). Anyone as feedback on the ATBs or the RC8 ?
  9. Pas d'argent pour une passe et j'hais faire la file. Alors je patrouille à St-Côme :) ECES c'est certain !
  10. On l'avait considéré pour nos film mais juste en regardant le video démo et les specs on a vu qu'il était trop lent.
  11. Le problèeme avec le Lily c'est sa viteses de déplacement. Ça suis à peine un kayak alors oubliez ça un planchiste.
  12. Où est-ce que tu les as acheter ? Semble interressant. Pour l'Année prochaine moi je vais rider avec du Kinco. Look = 0 , pas cher et durable ? à suivre.
  13. Habituellement lorsque je vais en voyage je me ramène un T-shirt comme souvenir. On n'a pas tous le même budget pour les souvenirs faut croire.
  14. Im with BlueB on that one. When I first started one big mistake I've made multiple times was to change too many things at once in my way of riding. Either try something new technically wise or change one variable in your binding / board setup. Else you could waste 1 season being all over the place.
  15. I'm on patrol duty that week-end but I'll be able to make it to the Mont Blanc's Session the following week. Thanks for the heads up, didn't know you guys were having a session close to us too. Some of the Montreal area crew present on bomber will be in Zermatt so they'll be now shows too...
  16. Googled it, tried urban dictionnaries, etc NADA Where is it ? I see that term poping up all the time.
  17. Magnetraction is only usefull if you are skidding. So it is fairly useless on an Alpine board. I too ride a Skunk Ape and compared to my non Mag-traction softies you can really feel the difference...while skidding :P
  18. Austrian Ski shop à Montréal. Jamais été mais plusieurs personne m'ont dit que du bien.
  19. Je viens de recevoir mon horaire de Patrouille et je suis libre le 21 ! Donc j'y serai.
  20. Ça s'en vient les amis ! St-Côme enneige aussi, ouverture le 22 où le 29.
  21. Snow is coming. Get back up there.
  22. Est-ce qu'ils avaient une poste de haut en bas ? Fait 4 semaines que j'ai switché au kayak.
  23. Never between runs. Boots are O so comfy (Heads Stratos pro) I loosen the ankle strap for lunch.
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