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Posts posted by michael.a

  1. On 25 February 2017 at 7:21 AM, 1xsculler said:

    What is the point of extreme carving?

    I'd rather see/watch/try to perfect regular carving where there is no laying down on the snow.

    The thing is, I hear the exact same thing about hardbooting by sooftbooters. Im surprised that even in our ultra niche sport theres   enough room to question the existence of various... riding styles. Might as well get salty over binding angles or baggy vs fitted jackets and just finish up in bigoted land questioning etnicity or why wont them uppity females leave the big boy sports alone. One poster already brought up nationality for some reason in some kind of troll comment.

    For what its worth, EC is what got me and a lot of friends interested in alpine snowboarding and I think it led the development of wider and easier to ride boards, let alone  spawned other riding styles and improvements in alpine technique. Thouhh I agree it made a lot us reach for the snow when we shouldnt have :)

    • Like 1
  2. Boot stiffness is one of the most important issues when starting. I dont know how stiff those boots are, maybe someone has some experience and can chime in. But there is no need to buy newer equipment if what you have works.

    I see youre from Slovenia, there are a couple of European based forums out there if you speak German or Italian, Im unaware of a Slovenian hardbooting forumthough.

    12 hours ago, erazz said:

    I just recently switched from stiff (Track 325ish) to noodle (Raichle 124s).  

    The 124s should be just slightly less stiffer than the 325s, no?

  3. Folks, most of the media is not gonna tell you how much we carve except for the fine people at Fox. They are so dishonest. They, with the softboot companies, are taking our jobs, our people, and sending them down to Mexico where there is no snow. No snow folks. How can they make our snowboards, that carve, in Mexico. Or China. You cant, and they know it. They know it. We won with carving, but nobody mentions how Hillary took carving away. Its all fake news folks. Every word. Im the most carving person in the world. I think that carving, folks know this. It, nobody calls it what it really is. Radical carving terrorism. They go after women, and children, and innocent, not those that carve. And this is an American problem. Not American, but big league. Global. Global. Folks, carving is, we're going to fix carving. We have great deals coming, great deals.

    • Like 6
  4. I agree with Ursle, while maybe at the beginning you can feel some sort of elitism particularly when looking at the majority of skiers and snowboarders just sliding around (big fish in a little pond), set your sights a bit higher or attend a carve event and you quickly become humbled. Seeing a pro hardbooter or racer do their thing in front of your eyes is way different from watching videos.

    And even if you do approach elite status, in such a niche sport no one really cares or notices any way. Most dont even look at others riding. And the ones that do, since snark and hate are in, are more likely to react negatively - falling over every single turn on that freak board with ski boots, that idiot is taking up the whole slope again, he's cutting up the slope they should ban him, that guy is not riding in his lane, look he cut off that person behind him doesnt he know any better... etc etc. 


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  5. 6 hours ago, b0ardski said:


    don't change more than 1 thing at a time so you know for sure which adjustment had what effect


    This is really important. Figure out a baseline setup that is relatively neutral and does not have a multiple of confounding factors, so dont worry about the power plates for now. 

    You may immediately feel something needs adjusting but do one thing at a time. Like it was said above, dont use parallel angles. You can start with 15/0 but Im one of those that recommend a strong directional stance from the beginning if you want to carve, so something like 30/15 but obviously everything depends on any boot overhang. In my case even with downsized Driver Xs (28cm) and a relatively wide softboot board I have to run 40/30. Stance, if you've been riding duck you're probably already quite wide so drop it by a few cm. Multiple you pants inseam length by 0.607 and tack on an inch as a start.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, 1xsculler said:

    Any chance his full name is Lothar Holzkamp?  To eliminate any confusion Lothar was on a Kessler with a plate, TD2s (I think), toe bail on the front, Step-in on the rear, Deeluxe T700s, BTS and what I thought was a very cool Hammer brand helmut.  I'd really like to know his last name as I may have known him in a Bludenz, Austrian mountain hospital in 1963/64 where we were both recovering from injuries.

    Oh man, like I met him a couple of times but not like I know him. I'll have to refresh my memory but PM me as I don't feel comfortable talking about someone out in the open like this, the internet's become a dangerous place.

    • Like 1
  7. The only thing that works for me are socks with a high % of merino wool, everything else gets cold, wet, stinky.

    Unfortunately there are a lot of "merino wool socks" out there that don't even have 20% of the stuff.

    That said, for now I've settled on the Smartwool Phd range of various thicknesses. Boots were molded in my thinnest pair so my toes are slightly squished when I put on the thick ones. Unfortunately the % of merino wool is steadily decreasing in Smartwools (used to be 76%, then dropped to the 60s and now its in the high 50s) so will be looking for alternatives. 


  8. Locked front leg, bend the front knee forward. May be hampered by boot and binding setup.

    Hips frequently are not rotated leading to toilet sitting, not allowing you to tilt the board even higher on edge. Practice angulation exercises.

    That back knee is something I and others have a problem with. Literally when riding push your knees apart with your hands. You immediately feel from pressure shift from the front binding to across the whole board, bumps up the power big time.

  9. Brand new Burton Wind boots developed a crack after a couple days of riding. Head Stratos Pros cracked at the heel after 4 years of 40 days per season. Currently in Deeluxes from 2002/03 that are holding up fine but my spidey sense that says its time for new boots.

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