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Everything posted by KingCrimson

  1. Believe it or not, the US Government is holding BP repsonsible for the accident, and it's accountable for whatever costs as a result of the spill. In what way is BP's liability limited? Or how are we (Shouldn't say we, I'm not one of them) taxpayers liable? Sounds like a bunch of tin-foil hat talk. And if you're worried about the price of oil going up as a result of this, I guess it's a shame you didn't invest in fuel options before the accident!
  2. Damn, I hate an imprecise pivot center on my carving boards.
  3. Tuesday and Thursday evenings are the team training nights, and I will be running with them. I don't think they'd really let you run gates unfortunately. MH won't buy brushes, they barely give us any room without parks anyway! We'll probably have to work something out where we borrow the stubbies from Team Mountain High (a separate entity from MH) if we want to run gates. Hopefully I can mooch some good technique off of you! Theo Edit..There are also some Snowboard panels and stubbies hanging around somewhere, they are used for the USASA SL, GS, and BX. Perhaps the stubbies are just reused. I really look forward to riding with you!
  4. Be easy on the guy! He's the one who wants to ride a broken board for some reason! :p
  5. Rover, an honest answer for you, because I honestly feel bad that you seem to not understand this.. You should never change trucks because of the "action" as you describe it. This is all controlled with the bushings. Get trucks that have the theoretical turn radius/stability compromise you want and then adjust the feel with the kingpin and bushings. Randals probably have this as they are generally a very agreeable truck.
  6. You seem to have skipped over it as well. Cute. Afterthought, it seems like you act extremely entitled for someone claiming to be so one with nature.
  7. Fin's Rules: #9. This is a private web community. You are a member here because you offer something of particular value to the hardboot community. Please, please make an effort to keep these forums an enjoyable experience for each and every member, regardless of their age, gender, race, or apparent technical prowess. Does this mean the rules don't apply to rover?
  8. Tom- Nastar is free to register, and you just do it the day of your first race. Yes, I did some gate training this year with Team Mountain High. Unfortunately, being that you're not a kid, you're going to have wait for the Master's Program to get figured out...Which as we know in race teams, any sort of major additions take time. Nastar is the closest you can get..But I'm going to try and see if I can borrow a drill, gate key, and the stubbies and set a course with proper offset. Course SETTING is no problem, but taking down gates after a long day is brutal.. If we can't get gates, I'm going to try and get permission to set up a dot-slalom at night.
  9. 19th after a good fall on my qualifier. I fell off the back of my board on the 4th to last gate and caught my shoulder on the longer pole. I had to hike back up, and awkwardly clip in with my left hand before finishing. At the bottom, Karl of the G-Team (Scuff on BOL) said to me "Your weight looked a little too far back on that turn" :lol: Nats were great, anyone that has the means to go SHOULD. If you're a sight-seeing masochist, it's a great drive.
  10. WARNING: This post is garbage and goes in circles and has repeated information, and some information that isn't needed at all. Hi Tom, San Gabriel is my home conference. You can do both. Generally SoCal and SG run 2 Slalom and 2 GS races. The sets of 2 are always on the same day. Your two home results (you can declare which you want) and your single highest outside result per discipline are scored. For example, I placed 4th and 2nd in San Gabriel Slaloms, and earned X points each. Had I raced one more outside event, I would have earned X more points, but nothing beyond that. There are no limitations on which series you choose, and the Nationals count towards your points for the next season, i.e. 2010 Nats scores contribute to your 2011 rank IF its your highest outside score. You're not going to find many hardbooters. There are a few, but it's mostly ducked out down here. If you don't blink, you'll see Johnny Ray racing San Gabriel. Mammoth is home to the UnBound Series, and I think they have a few more plate riders than SoCal and SG. What you WILL find is softbooters are VERY fast in SL and GS..The mobility of softies makes up for the lack of weight placement and edge to edge speed. The fees aren't super cheap, at $75 to register for the year..But that's a very small price. Also consider NASTAR, it's very affordable (to the tune of $10 a day) and it's good gate time. It will be a pleasure racing with you next season! Theo If you have any more questions or need clarifications, I have a rulebook I can pull quotes from. Also, I will try to start threads for all the MH Nastar events and I will definitely start them for any SoCal and San Gabriel USASA events.
  11. There are also the extra thick plates that are not dished out in the middle. I think they were made for a BX racer who snapped normal ones... I would find them if they weren't buried in a nondescript TD2 FS thread.
  12. Justin already said some of this stuff, but I can't let him have ALL the fun.. Seriously, I'm not this big of a dick in real life, nor am I very good at playing one on TV..But it's rather ridiculous to ask for tips and advice, and then argue with the people granting your wish, don't you think? You also discredit everyone by saying "I've taken that into account already" instead of just holding your tongue. I'm only 16 but I've done a dispropotionate amount of yapping, so I've had a lot of trial and error when it comes to getting people with a lot of knowledge to help me. I haven't necessarily learned much, but shutting up and listening to EVERYTHING is a big key to getting information. I can't speak for myself because I actually know very little about what's current in longboarding. I don't really care about it that much. However, I'm sure the serious longboarders will be more than happy to help you if you adjust your attitude.
  13. You live in greater LA and you're gonna tell me you don't have a skateshop? That's like saying I wish we had more places for surfboards down here! Google Maps.
  14. Thanks for the info Mark, I looked closely at the SW picture and it reflects that. All the other binding pictures do not show this, but I would be surprised if Fin is producing 2 different 4x4 plates. However, I'm very good at being wrong as I've demonstrated many times. Threadjack...Next time I'm in CO we need to meet up, I want to see some of that old racestock gear!
  15. They have be modding stuff. Their center discs have slots like a Softboot or Raceplate center disc, not the sets of holes like normal TD2/3 bindings. I can't imagine Fin is making these changes for only one market. But then again..He does have the self respect to keep some stuff hidden! ;)
  16. Our race coach calls that "No Livers After Lunch"
  17. Got a nice little ankle roll today skating! Last time I make a crack about injuries. Buell, I'd tell you to stop trying to pass off mid-season pictures as being current..but we got all your snow! Neeah! :P
  18. Charity Race, Baldy Banked GS. Scary slushy! Really weird picture of that gate, no clue how I hit it or which direction it folded..The second picture is my dad getting angry at the same gate, showing the size. Need to get on him about those pinched shoulders..and on myself about knee bend. And yes, that's a metal Coiler in a GS with rocks.
  19. It's about 10-15 people a day ask something like "Dude wtf is that?!" My answer is honest... It's a custom model made by a small builder in LA that makes less than 100 decks a year. The deck is named after me so I got one for free. I only ride it once in a blue moon. Honestly, I don't like riding it because I'm afraid the black paint on the edges will get dinged up.
  20. You top yourself every time Andrea! Except of course the Asym Special, that board is the best ever. It took me to school today because my regularly scheduled slalom board had a bearing problem.
  21. When you're testing stuff like this (or using scary cracked bindings if you're cheap) it's really nice to double leash your feet to eyebolts threaded to the board. I bought some of these M6x1 eyebolts off McMaster for that purpose. http://www.mcmaster.com/#eyebolts-and-eye-nuts/=6vddud Now, the only thing is I ran them in my Hangl inserts. Not sure how much you care about the board, but you might consider getting a coarser thread and tapping your board for them. Anything to save the board should the plate rip off.
  22. You lived in the Sierras, you know how we roll.
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