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Everything posted by KingCrimson

  1. Can you use something as hard as delrin? I was under the impression pivot cups were always so soft because they have to deform as the truck turns. It would make sense to use Delrin if pivot cups were perfectly spherical, but my Trackers definitely are not. It would be interesting to see if the truck binds when you get the Delrin wet, as I think it is very prone to swelling.
  2. I figured I'd get this all organized while killing time.. For all USASA events, you need the following -A helmet (you should have one anyway!) -A USASA membership of some form. This may be a first time competitor free membership, a $25 one-day membership, or a $75 season membership. If you are planning on competing at the Nationals, (which I strongly recommend, if you can pull it off. I have never learned more or had more fun snowboarding) you need to get the full membership, or your points will not count, even if you update to a full membership at a later date! -A legal snowboard. None of us are skwallers, so this really isn't a problem, but some Virus decks may end up being too narrow. 16cm is the minimum allowed waist. If you're racing BX, no squaretails! -The last thing I hate to say, because it might scare some of you away. I'll put it in smaller font. Piles of cash. On top of your lift ticket, it's $25 for age group racing (which I recommend, I got destroyed in Open) or $45 for Open Class. The beauty in USASA Racing is there IS a such thing as a free lunch! On the day of the event Show up early and run to the lodge before getting your gear on. Bring your pile of cash, Driver's License, and if you've yet to register for USASA membership, your Health Insurance card (if you don't have insurance, I know this guy that does a GREAT job printing out Canadian ID cards ;)) Other than that, the rest is just racing and having a great time! I'll post events as they come up. The races start early in the year, the Mountain High Slalom was on December 6th last season! I look forward to everyone trying racing this season! Theo
  3. Good thing we ride MH! Google helps me find what I'm lookin fo.
  4. Skidding into PLACE in a lift line shouldn't be scary, but I tell ya, it gets them every time when you skid into the lift line itself! ;) Get a 160ish slalom board, and be ready for a serving of humble pie! Seriously, BOL has a big board fetish that is conducive to a very lazy, albeit rocketship fast riding style. It should be a requirement to have a bi-seasonal short board refresher day. [/summer complaint] Theo
  5. I do need that. Still digging around for the change to buy a Laser.. Catalina 22s are a mental exercise. While headed to an upwind mark, I was asked, "Where are you going?? The mark is that way!"
  6. What's the sole length number on the heel?
  7. Uh this one time I was sailing in San Diego Bay, and the waves were almost over my bow! I'm really glad little dinghies are all I need to get my high..
  8. And he's tall! Moving to Delaware next month.
  9. You're way off base. Buell helped me get myself out of an argumentative hole I had dug when I was still an argumentative little sh!t. Now I'm an argumentative big sh!t, but I'm generally more tactful about it, and know when I'm wrong, and admit it. If you truly felt you were so correct in your opinion of yourself, you would be significantly more dismissive of someone who is clearly as big a meanyhead as Buell. Trying playing nice and being a student of hardbooting, not its uninformed prophet. Several people on BOL, including myself, need to actively try that when they go complaining about the so-called "attitudes" here.
  10. I can help, I'll send you 1000 to help him, plus an extra 5000 I owe my business partner in Angola, that I'd like you to send to pay off the balance I owe. The 1000 is yours to use as you see fit.
  11. Something to keep in mind, the greater surface area contacting the road means there is less deformation of the wheel, which could in theory translate to LESS wasted energy.
  12. My favorite aspect in trying Vectors was the lack of yaw-oriented play. I honestly had no idea there was a kingpin bearing, but now it makes sense why I had that experience
  13. Lower friction, so your truck action is dictated solely by your bushings, not the stiction of the pivot cup. There is also hanger play inside the pivot cup..If you've ridden with a totally worn out pivot cup, you know what I mean. The bearings basically eliminate this.
  14. It's got a corny taste to it! Sorry. I made some solid oak boards, with milled flex. I think maple is less prone to splitting. I really like working with poplar though. It's made me so lazy!
  15. Totally conflicting with the scooter sign Fin has up on that garage door!
  16. Okay, maybe there's some equivocation here, but it's still remarkable weather! The snow was still very deep on May 8th when we were there last, and based on the coloring it's still amazingly good. Weather from Mt Baldy Notch at 7800' <TABLE><TBODY><TR><TD noWrap colSpan=32>05/23</TD><TD noWrap colSpan=47>09:30:01</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <TABLE width="100%" NOWRAP><TBODY><TR><TD width="50%">Temperature: 23 F 24 hr graph</TD><TD width="50%"></TD></TR><TR><TD>High 26 F at 00:00</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD>Low 21 F at 05:41</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  17. Ha, and you guys thought I was a dumbass! Yes, for those who have been to Baldy, I am walking DOWN to the chair.
  18. I'm sure nobody is upset. Just giving you a hard time and trying to get some more numbers out of you. However, it's curious that you added all the extra spiel, like saying it's "simply a faster board than most." I find that rather hard to justify when you pit it against alpine boards with sidecuts twice as large. Oh well...
  19. More like Mr. Martin is smart enough to not pursue a public argument that undermines the purpose of BOL. In the interests of maintaining my youthfully contradictory nature, I have to ask how producing copies of a board instead of purchasing the originals does not affect his business.
  20. That's awesome how you discredit potential buyers' equipment and all, but some more details such as specifying which 'team board' and its age may be equally rad.
  21. It's just another factor in removing feedback from the board. A consistent stance is also of benefit if not just for comfort.
  22. [quote=corey_dyck;306954] What do people with bigger feet do? What are those outer holes for? Long plates. I suspect your spinning problems would have been resolved to some extent if you had the o-ring. Anyway, in regards to the receiver breaking, look at the Catek one. The holes are positioned directly above the screws in the aftmost position. On the Bomber receiver in the aftmost position, the holes are outside of the screws by quite a lot. Also, the Bomber receiver offers a lot more adjustability, the Catek has barely any room to shift the receiver further out. Check out how far back the Bomber plate could be mounted if you were so inclined. This combination of design changes and an unlucky setup may explain the damage. This also explains the odd boot centering.
  23. You have a very nice lever on heelside to break that aluminum with the Intec pins(!!!) being outboard of the plate.
  24. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the black spacers on top of the kingpin are weight bearing if you're using a lot of cant. If the plate wasn't actually supported by the kingpin from the underside, it makes sense the tilt screw cracked the plate. That still doesn't address the issue of the heel cracking though.
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