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Everything posted by Petrol

  1. I'm sure plenty of folks who now have jobs that provide insurance benifits feel that way. one question, how will you feel if your employeer finds that it might make more economic sense for him to reduce his contributions/delete your benifits and let you purchase it your own?
  2. 1. there was no "attack", I was simply pointing out what I think obvious. this 'health-care' bill is Not a boon but will instead be the ruination of the healthcare insurance industry... in relitively short order. 2. of-course the cost of serious medical proceedures/care is beyond the sffordability range of the vast majority of folks. that is Exactly what Insurance was/is designed to cover... catostophic health needs, not health maintenance as it is now being used which is driving costs ever higher. (thus the referance to auto insurance & auto maintenance earlier) 3. sending the sick/eldery off on an iceberg to die... hmmm, does that mean you don't believe in global warming, or just that you have faith the it is now being reversed/) Nope, under obama-care, we won't be sending the sick/eldery off on no icebergs to float off & die, we'll instead be sending them home witha few pain-pills to die. (beings that budget constrainst will require us to focus scares 'resourse' on those likely to lead more productive lives that will benifit the 'collective' 4. I already pointed out a few tweaks that will more then 'fix' the major problems with costs as have many others. 5. yes I should go snowboarding, but my dang boots are broke and the 'collective' has yet to send me a new pair... would you prefer to make a donation or shall I have it Taxed from you :lol:
  3. well, you are in Cali, right
  4. Congrates, for them and I'm sure millions of others, medicare WOKED! Now, add a couple hundred million more needy folks to the list, figure in tight 'resources' (ie., Facilities, Staff, Doctors & Cash) and perhaps your in-laws find themselves quite literally Dying on line at the US postalService of medical-care, or a waiting list
  5. let's see, socialism takes your work/money and gives it to whom they deem deserving whilst convicing you that it's the moral thing to do. communism takes it at the point of a gun.
  6. sounds like a textbook example of a candidate for medicare... now, if it weren't so damn awash in fraud, waste and abuse... and denied services and waiting lists
  7. cheers. threadjack out.
  8. lighten up Francis, it's called Humor oh, and it's Christ... Freudian, or parapraxis :p
  9. what topic would you have to argue with "full-on-red-communists" over?
  10. rather then offer opportunities for self-relience, the best the 'progressives' can do is make the poor a bit more comfortable in their poverty, though I think they want us all under their thumb & the creation of increased dependancy is thier method
  11. just about 180 degree off base.using your auto-insurance example, this is like saying you can risk a $700 per yr fine and drive about all you want. Then AFTER you "Experiance" an at fault crash resulting in property loss and persoanl injury to others, you "purchase" insurance and the insurance compay is REQUIRED to cover your pre-existing condition btw, there is quite a bit of differance between auto-insurance, which is designed to cover cat CATOSTROPHIC loss and "Health" insurance for one, chances are that your auto insurance does not cover repairs, oil changes and tire rotaions btw II, what WERE the cost esimates for medicare at inseption??? what are they now??? why couldn't big-gov simply work to "fix" and possibly "expand" medicare to include these estimated 11m folks???
  12. sad to see but inevitable... the US is going to see a lot more jobs lost before it gets any better because I don't believe we've yet reached the bottom. ps I agree. just as we can chose where to buy our own car insurance, so too should the end user always have the choice in which goods or services are being bought with his money
  13. My thoughts exactly... Anyone else remember the episode Fin had with the Yellow-Jackets?????? I'm 'seasoned' enough to know to be a bit skeptical about what I'm being sold by the "authorities". until I get a chance to see if his toyota snowboard was REALLY running away on its own or not....
  14. ONLY because it (the senate Bill) is NOT truely 'reconcilible', but I don't count of the crooks in DC letting a lil thing like that get in the way.It WILL be jammed down Tax-Payers throats to the cheers of big-gov dependents everywhere WHY??Example = Lasik costs dropped like a rock while tech & patient care improved at the speed o light. Sure it does. big-gov Will control not only every aspect of your life (you incured your injury how? how dare you risk snowboarding!) but theyWILL also run evil for profits out of business with over-reaching regulation ah yea, just pass it and let the "fog" clear and we'll then be able to see the bright world that lay ahead :lol:
  15. Exactamundo! btw, the Only reason I didn't include the republicrates in my original post is because None supported this piece of communist-bloc socialism, er ah, "social-justice"
  16. for the socialist, er ah "progressive" political leaders of the former democrate party, it was never about "healthcare", it was always about Big-Gov and furthering recruitment of dependents on said same your belief is mistaken. case in point the lawful killing of innocent children...
  17. well, I guess I can cross Durango Mountain Resort off of my "Mountain-to-Ride" list :(
  18. looks fun! way, if I were 30 yrs younger
  19. Services ARE. btw, health is NOT a 'right' either besides government, the main problems were/are TORT, inability to purchase across statelines & 'third-party-payer' big gov will grow greatly and intrude in your lives in ways previously unimagined while innovation, quality and availibility of service plummet enjoy
  20. hmmm, I guess I better updating my quiver sometime.... {Edit -DONE!} should now read; 32 have hardboots and softboots in their quiver
  21. your post is not noise and there is no reason to say you're sorry
  22. I rode flexy & free for a couple years then saw bought and LOVED a new stiff as it got back then for a softy setup, Burton Aysm Air, Comp Boots & Torque bindings. Kept cranking them angles and digging the carve. I "thought" all was good until I went in a new-to-me shop one summers day and saw a Aysm Alp 7.0 w/ race plates mounted up and a pair of Reactor boots. I went home and noodled on it for about two hours, went back to the shop and brought it all home for 50% off list. I spent a good portion of that summer "visualizing". Fell in on the first run and never saw another hardbooter for my first two seasons.
  23. I think so The FP I had, can't remember the 'model' year but it had identical base graphics, had the aluminum nose plate:cool:
  24. I hope to post my experiances soon as I have a pair size M28 on the way....
  25. I thought the whole toebox on my left (front foot) reactor would fall off when a 2" crack opened it up on the first run of the day, my last day out. I wasn't about to get off the snow on such an otherwise great day, so with caution I rode on. two runs later, a similar crack opened up on the right (rear) boot. wtf, I rode, albeit pretty conservitively, on until closing, ready for a 'release' at any time that never came. Now I'm not saying that your boot is good to go, but if you follow through with the "t-nut" repair and "fin-tech" heel, you'll probably be alright so long as you keep a close eye on it to see if it gets any worse.
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