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Everything posted by pcABQ

  1. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    mario -- been working out all summer and could possibly be up to 135 pounds (with boots on). watch yourself.
  2. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    mario - that was an attempt at humor.
  3. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    mario -- are you seeing anyone about this ?
  4. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    loveland website says their terrain park will be on 6. hopefully in the woods, but i doubt it.
  5. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    FYI aspen just posted: $3100 for 5 days of private lessons. noted.
  6. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    Little man wears a big hat and will ride a big board
  7. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    Haber Testimonial. Brought my year-old, smudged Habers back to them in Golden, where they replaced the lens for free, just checking their computer to make sure i really purchased them. Impressive customer service.
  8. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    SAT AM wicked cold. wicked windy. limited visibility. good fun.
  9. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    Monday 4 degrees, -- 13 with the wind. couldn't see the ridge. couldn't see porcupine. 1 inch new, no wind drift powder to be found. winds were moderate to heavy to really heavy. so where were you guys ?
  10. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    should be there sunday the 5th with mr. branson. see you there i hope.
  11. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    crashed under 6 sunday -- worst fall in 750+ days of riding in colorado. don't remember the fall, getting up, or twenty minutes afterward. not ideal. many thanks to ice, jon, and mario for picking up the pieces. many thanks to doctor scott for his expert advice via the phone. lesson learned: focus on every turn, every run.
  12. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    somewhat windy a few inches had fallen by 10am
  13. pcABQ

    nidecker 174

    board has been sold. thanks for your interest
  14. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    safe travels good to make some turns with you come back soon (cuz i, for one, won't be in jersey soon)
  15. been using them for about five years, and i'm a big fan the local area has a tester and i've replaced some of the cables (i have 2 sets), but the batteries are still good my feet are not warm, but they are definitely not cold, and i can ride as long as i want good luck
  16. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    oh. somehow i missed that. in any case, if i have to take out my badge, there's gonna be trouble --
  17. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    i beg to differ. the first thing i do is ALWAYS compliment the ski patrol on doing a great job at loveland. always. next i mention that i've been riding for here for 15 years and i appreciate being able to be here. then i put out whatever observation i've got going. it's always positive; it's never negative. on sunday, i talked to a patroller i don't know, who said he'd mention it to Pip. that's the whole story.
  18. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    stopped off at ski patrol after riding sunday and made the observation that perhaps reducing the Only Run Open on lift 2 (by setting a line/poles down the hill) might not be a good idea. That perhaps funneling the masses into a constrained space might lead to some problems. i think the more we can put our voices out there, nicely, the better off we'll be.
  19. pcABQ

    nidecker 174

    send me an email and i'll send you pix peter.zrd@gmail.com thanks
  20. pcABQ

    nidecker 174

    2000ish nidecker. approx 18.8 waist, 12 sidecut. still has camber and edges are in good shape it won't get lower than this: $50 plus shipping thanks
  21. pcABQ

    nidecker 174

    older board (2000ish) but still good. approx 18.8 waist, 12 sidecut. still has camber and edges are clean $75 plus shipping / insurance
  22. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    selling nidecker 174 for a friend, about 18.8 waist and 12.0 sidecut. probably 10 years old, but has camber and clean edges. figured i'd post here before i put it on classifieds. thanks. $75
  23. pcABQ

    Yo Lci!!

    sunday, thursday looks like it could be brisk
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