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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. The reviewers on that site seem to have a lot of negative opinions on Panasonic's newer line. Which model do you have?
  2. I looked into that Samsung a year ago and it got some pretty bad reviews. Those 3CCD Panasonics are looking like really good deals at $599 CDN. Off to Best Buy to get a look at one. Too bad Sony doesn't make a Mini-DV 3CCD model. Looks like my batteries and accessories will go to waste. Anyone need them? Thanks for the input.
  3. My trusty Sony mini-DV has died after 6 years. I need a new one. Do I go with the DVD camcorders, HDD or stick with mini-DV? Which takes more abuse? Which is easier to do transfer to my Mac and edit with iMovie? How about HQ and HDTV formats? Ready for prime time?
  4. I heard rumours of some people riding hydro line right-of-ways. Also heard of some stuff north of Mt. Tremblant. I wonder if there are any other backcountry opportunities in the East, maybe in the Haliburton or Collingwood areas. Googling "backcountry Ontario" comes up with nothing but X-country skiing links.
  5. Radius is only .5m difference. The 174 might give you more float in powder. 169 easier to jump around in traffic. You're pretty big, I'd go 174.
  6. I guess the question is, how much grooming should I expect? When I go out West, it seems to vary from none at all to 50%, whereas out East, it's 100% groomed. I'd love to hit WTC but I doubt my skiing buddies will want to spend 5 days with a bunch of smelly snowboarders. Any lodging recommendations at Park City? We usually lean towards private condo rentals.
  7. The big difference is, I can hold onto my edge a lot longer and complete the turn. Sometimes, when I'm on my freeride board and soft boots, I forget that I don't have the edgehold, I really crank a turn and smack myself into the snow. I took my worst fall last year that way. Slammed my head into the snow hard. I also ride more racey boards and like them best when the snow conditions are firm and smooth. The Prior comes into it's own in the afternoon chop, that stuff we call powder in Ontario and spring slush.
  8. Ted: Welcome back to the fold. I personally find that carving trenches on an alpine board is the only way to have fun on our dinky little Southern Ontario hills. When I was skiing and riding softies, I got bored real quick. On alpine gear, I can have fun even at Centennial Hill (vert. drop 90m). I'm the same weight as you and ride a Prior 4WD 174. I think that would be the right size for you. I would be glad to let you try it out. You might want to buy some boots first then show up to some of our Southern Ontario carving sessions. There are lots of riders at MSLM on weekends and we do an annual organized get together at Osler (as long as we don't wear out our welcome). The guys are pretty generous with their gear so you could try out a number of boards before you commit. Buy your boots at yyzcanuck for some great service or post up your mondo point size and someone might have a used set for you. Henry
  9. Looking to head to SLC in mid-January for the annual boy's trip. I've never been there before and my mind reels at the sheer number of resorts in the area. We're looking for 4 days at a big mountain with plenty of variety. The boys are a real mixed bag - weak intermediate to expert, both boarders and skiers. I personally want to find lots of open bowls and powder. I love it above the treeline. Any recommendations? Park City seems to be the go-to destination but I hear great things about Snowbasin. Do any of the resorts groom?
  10. How does this work? He climbs with the approach skis and the Donek strapped to his back? Then, he packs the skiis and rides the Donek down? Seems to me that the skiis on his back would be unwieldy. How long are those things?
  11. This could turn into a deliberate tactic. Burn marijuana plants upwind from an enemy force before doing battle. They all get the munchies and head back to the mess hall avoiding any conflict. Chemical warfare - the good kind.
  12. skategoat

    Prior WCR 175

    Bryan, I'm going to counter because I don't want to hinder cross-border trade. I buy and sell from and to Americans equally and I find it no hassle at all. Plus, we want to keep those Coiler and Prior boards flowing south and vice versa for the Doneks, right? First of all, regarding payment, I use PayPal. Takes the International Money Order issue out of the game. And even if a m.o. is required, international ones are just as easy to buy as domestic. Insurance is also a non-issue. I've made claims on both domestic and international shipments and they take the same amount of time and work - which is to say, they are both a hassle and take a lot of time. Fraud? Not really a problem if you're trading on Bomber. On eBay, I go by seller and buyer ratings and communication and I'm not going to rely on the legal system to protect me. That's a long and ardous process in any situation and rarely worth the hassle unless we are talking about big ticket items like cars or art. On eBay, I've only been hosed once in 100s of transactions and I wasn't about to call the cops for a $25 item. I'm not sure how it happens in the US but I take my snowboard, all packaged up nice and secure using D-Sub's excellent FAQ, to the Post Office, I stand in line (usually zero lines at my P.O.). Nice lady weighs my package, quotes me a price, they slap on a stamp, and adios. If it's going to the States, I fill out a little form that takes 1 minute. I'm willing to give up the 1 minute to encourage international trade. Now, I'll admit the shipping takes up to 2 weeks instead of the 3-5 days domestically. But, since the money is already in the hands of the seller, it's simply the patience of the buyer that is tested. We've taken this thread off track enough. Sorry about that. I'll add to the comments about this board - great deal for a fine, fine ride. Someone in Canada bring it back home.
  13. skategoat

    Prior WCR 175

    Bryan: The shipper never pays duty, only the receiver. You probably know that but I don't want anyone to misunderstand. Because I rely on you wealthy American capitalists to send me new boards. Shipping is what - 25% more maybe (by USPS)? And is usually picked up by the buyer. Only extra step is filling out the little blue Customs form which takes 1 minute.
  14. bola, you looking for any valets/caddies?
  15. If anyone is attending the show this weekend, drop by the AOS booth to say hello. We are in booth 718, southeast quadrant of the show floor. Tell me when you're coming and I'll save you a cool AOS t-shirt. I'm there noon-6PM on Friday.
  16. Built this while I was bored this summer. Just 2 x 4s and dowels. I angled my dowels so it sticks out less from the wall. I need to build another one though, or sell some boards.
  17. Flea: That would be cool to see the photos. It's a lost art - beaver training, that is. Most of them are raised as housepets only now and are inbred like crazy just to get the flattest, largest tail possible. I've even heard some owners are getting their beaver's incisors removed because they can get a little destructive on furniture when they are in heat. Talk about cruel.
  18. And didja know that as late as 1935, the US Army developed and approved plans to invade Canada? Only the fact that every other Canadian household owns an attack beaver prevented the Americans from invading. BTW, "untenable" means impossible. Is that what you meant? Cause it would've been impossible and untenable for the Japanese to hopscotch down the mainland to the USA. Because when they hit the Garrison at Gibson, BC, Field Marshall Bruno Gerussi and the famed Courrier du Bois Division would have repelled them and kicked their sorry asses back to Japan.
  19. Pretty simple really. In Japan and Britain, there are very few illegal handguns. That's because there are very few legal handguns. So, the supply is limited. The "evil-doers" who would like to possess illegal handguns simply can't get their hands on them. Not easily. In the USA, it's relatively easy to obtain a handgun illegally because it's really easy to obtain a handgun legally. Follow? My last post on this tired old topic unless someone spouts off more nonsense about World War Two.
  20. Invasion of the mainland USA was logistically impossible. It had nothing to do with privately owned firearms and everything to do with logistics. For a parallel, look at the amount of preparation, personnel and materiel required to invade continental Europe. And we're talking here about 40 kms from England to France, not the 8000 from Japan to California. Do you really think Japan could've mounted such an operation? And dude, with the exception of the Flying Tigers and transport pilots "flying the Hump", there were no American troops in China before or during the Second World War.
  21. Holy Hannah! You're joking again, right? Japan's principle objective through the 30s and 40s was to secure access to resources and create a "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere". Their objective in striking Pearl Harbor was to neutralize the USA's military power in the Pacific. Ever wonder why they chose to bomb Pearl Harbour but never landed any invasion troops? Mainland USA wasn't even within the realm of possibility. Even if they wanted to invade the USA and it was defended by hairdressers armed with Super Soakers, Japan would not have succeeded. Just look at a map to see why. It had nothing to do with guns.
  22. Yer right about that. At least they have the coolest jerseys in the league.
  23. You know Mogilny is long gone, right? I think he got picked up by the Devils for one more go-around which didn't work out. I think he's retired now.
  24. No disrespect intended towards Mr. Miller. I loved the films in the 80s. They were fun. But the format is so tired. Warren isn't even part of the company that bears his name. His greedy little son sold the farm to Time-Warner (and got totally taken by the suits)
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