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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. James: I understand what you're saying. Do you remember which end is the knurled end? Right side or left side?
  2. I have one BTS kit but I want to try it on two different boots. Plus, I want to experiment with different springs. I would think since the pins are held in only by friction, there is a finite limit to the number of times you can punch them out and then re-insert. Is this something to worry about? Also, which way do you punch the pins? I want to try this on both the blue and gold AF700s and the orange Indys.
  3. How to get a better Starbucks coffee for less money: http://www.slate.com/id/2133754/?GT1=7641
  4. 3 runs open at Osler today. Brutal season. AOS Halfpipe event on Jan. 6 is already cancelled. How is MSLM? Anyone been this week? I'm thinking of trying it out tomorrow.
  5. I'm going to be in Park City Jan 10-15. Let's hope for some big storms over the next week. Some questions for your Park City riders: What runs/lifts are PCMR are good for a mixed bag of intermediate to advanced riders/skiers? Are any of the bowls on the East Side doable by non-experts? How serious are those double black diamond ratings?
  6. Doff: Enable your email and we can exchange co-ordinates. I can probably give you a ride. Henry
  7. I owned a Madd 170 last winter. Didn't really care for it and sold it off rather quickly. I far preferred my Volkl RT 168 for carving tight turns. To each his own which is why I suggest trying before buying if at all possible. The word on the F2s are that they are stiff boards and you need to be in the upper range of the recommended weight to get them to work.
  8. Victor, come on out to the Southern Ontario Session and I'm sure there will be lots of boards to try out. Be careful of long, stiff boards. They will be nothing but hard work on our crowded, narrow trails.
  9. If you're worried about the clutch on the Subie, why not buy an automatic? They are better in the snow (less slippage during takeoff) and less likely to have been abused by a Colin McRae wannabe.
  10. I'm doing 400mg of ibuprofen every 8 hours. I know about the risks of too much of that stuff. I'll have to look into arnica.
  11. 8 hours since I hurt it and the knee is doing okay. No swelling and the pain level is the same. Maybe just a mild strain. But man, when I felt that knee go the wrong way, it scared the bejesus out of me. Thoughts of Napoleon McCallum went running through my head. I've never had knee trouble but have so many friends with bum knees. I do not want to join that club. Thanks for all the advice guys. All the reading I'm doing on the Internet tells me I'm not doing any further damage if I just take it easy. I'll see a doctor after Xmas. Bobby, I've amended R.I.C.E by adding a B (for beer) to the end of it. Helps a ton.
  12. I wish I could say I did it on the board but we have no snow here. No, it was playing hockey. I got hit on the outside of the right knee causing my knee to buckle inward. I went down in a heap but I did not feel anything pop. I think I just stretched the hell out of my MCL. I can walk on it with a limp and the pain is a 2 out of 10, unless I twist or pressure the outside of the knee, then it goes up to a 5 and it feels very unstable. I've been icing it non-stop and resting. I will seek medical advice but right now, it's going to be tough to see someone. My only real choice is the emergency ward. Just want to ask anyone with similar minor knee injuries. Is this something that needs active care or will time and rest heal it? I have a Park City trip coming up in mid-Jan and the way I feel right now, there is no way I would go riding.
  13. At 55 degrees, wouldn't you have trouble applying leverage to the edges on such a wide board? I run 30/15 but maybe I should try steeper.
  14. My 4807 gets its maiden run at Park City in January. What angles your running BlueB? Bobby, sorry for the lack of comprehension. We can both commiserate on our lack of powder riding opportunities. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing living in the East.
  15. It's a dance craze from the Seventies. You really don't get out much.
  16. What are you talking about Bobby? I have a 4807 but I don't see your name on it.
  17. I didn't mind my Fish that much on the groom as long as I remembered not to really crank a turn. But that could be said about any freeride (ie. non-alpine) board. Sometimes, you forget that you're not riding alpine gear, you try to edge hard and end up slamming yourself into the ground. The Fish was great in the trees. Those of us in the East should start some sort of powder board loaner program. I have two powder specific boards and they get out once a year.
  18. bobdea hit the nail on the head. Intrawest is about real estate, not skiing. They basically ruined Mt. Tremblant. And now that they've wrung every easy dollar out of the place and have reached the point of diminishing returns (not to mention incurring the wrath of the militant Quebec unions), they are trying to sell the place. I'm feeling very sorry for Steamboat locals.
  19. TD1s are great bindings for any level of rider. Just be careful to inspect the bails to make sure they're not bent out of shape. Also, you might want to fashion some sort of gasket between the plate and the snowboard to prevent the plate edge from biting into the topsheet. I've used cut up inner tube but you can use any thin plastic, silicone or rubber material.
  20. Looking good Dave*. Nice cord too.
  21. How deep was the snow? No danger of stuffing the nose? I'm trying to make a decision on boards for Park City. Never ridden my Prior AWD in deep powder. Untracked new snow on top of groom, yes but not bottomless stuff. So I'm trying to gather input.
  22. C5: Did you ride the Prior AWD in ungroomed bowls? How was it?
  23. Good suggestion. I'll keep my eyes open for an Oxygen.
  24. That was a short season, eh? Oh well, there's always 07/08.
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