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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. A 5 year old could do that with Photoshop.
  2. Hey C5, we prefer "guru" over "geek".
  3. I can't remember the exact words and I loaned my copy out but Klug held total disdain for the guy. He says Ross was just a partier and his Nagano win was pure fluke. He actually calls him Rastafari in the book. He also says his pot controversy severely set the sport back and prevented it from being taken seriously. I highly recommend the book. Well written for a sports autobiography and gives you a great feel for the early days of the sport. http://www.amazon.com/Edge-Back-Transplant-Survivor-Snowboarder/dp/0786714220
  4. "Intense political experience"? Getting outed as a pothead and then being paraded around as the poster boy of snowboard slacker-dom somehow prepares him for office? What a joke. You guys should read what Chris Klug has to say about Ross Rastafari in his book.
  5. Here's what I tell my kids - Every photo you post on the Internet is permanent and global. Sure hope none of those dudes ever seeks public office.
  6. http://www.google.com/sidewiki/intl/en/index.html Install it and then turn it on for this page. You'll see comments to the left. Not sure about the benefits of this. Could be easily used in a negative way.
  7. I used to sell software to them. They were cool guys. Even after HD bought them, they still had a small shop feel. They were pretty cool about lending me a bike when I was down there too.
  8. Exactly what I do. I just toss them when they wear out. Surprisingly, they don't wear out that fast. I'm on my second season with my pair. I think every Costco in North America carries the Head gloves.
  9. On groomers, it feels really, really wide. You have to really commit to edge transition.
  10. Some of you are reading way too much into this. The caption: "Straight out the 80’s these dudes were lapping every hater and layin down trenches braadah." does not seem sarcastic or mean spirited in any way. It just says these guys are having a good time no matter what, which is exactly what they were doing.
  11. It really is a great city. I love Chicago and New York and I would place Washington right behind those two. Georgetown is a great evening spot. Lots of energy. I remember hearing stories about not going anywhere away from the Mall due to the crime but I never once felt threatened. The locals seemed really friendly too - genuinely happy to help the dumb tourists. I'd like to spend a week there to check out Adams Morgan and Dupont Circle and then another week exploring the Annapolis Valley and Baltimore. BTW, driving home through PA, I couldn't help but notice all the fantastic ski terrain. Yet, there wasn't a single sign for a ski resort along I-76 or I-99. If we had that kind of terrain in Ontario, there would be a ski hill every 10 minutes.
  12. Got back last night. A lot of of driving and there was tons of construction. A lot of federal stimulus money being spent in PA. The border traffic was brutal too. The .97 exchange rate sent a lot of people over the border for some holiday shopping. Dyno, we saw a lot of what you saw. Wish we had skipped the Air and Space Museum. It was kind of dull, to be honest. Wish we had spent the time at Newseum instead. We really enjoyed the National Portrait Gallery and the tour of the Capital. Georgetown was also very cool. Spent most of our evenings there. Vietnam Memorial was very powerful. Hard to believe there was so much opposition towards it when it was first built. We had some great meals. J Paul and Filomena's in Georgetown. Seraph, you were right about Filomena's. Great food. But, if I ate there often, I would end up weighing 300 pounds. The sauces were tasty but loaded with cream. We also loved the dining hall at the Capital, especially the hot dog grill. I couldn't resist the corndog. A cool city. So much safer and cleaner than when I was there last (late 70s.). I loved the fact that the Smithsonian Museums were all free. We could learn from that.
  13. I think Boris could make a little sideline business out of building longboards out of used up snowboards. Maybe just cut and finish the deck and have the end user assemble the trucks. Boris, I have an old Rossi Accelerator that you could cut up anytime.
  14. Funny... just after posting the above message, I looked in Classifieds and there is a brand new listing for SnowPro Race Ltd bindings for $120. Those are my exact bindings right down to the colour. I'll post mine up as soon as the existing one sell.
  15. I'm no materials engineer but I think metal bindings are just a better idea for the stresses we put on them. If you need some cheap bindings, I have some SnoPro Race bindings that are all metal and plenty beefy. Not sure what they're worth but definitely under $100.
  16. Weren't there a lot of cases of those bindings pulling apart? I remember seeing pics of the carbon fibre in pieces. I'd be careful of those unless I was really light. Blue, good looking board. How did you finish the edges? I'm guessing it would be too soft for an adult though.
  17. I'm in three leagues and in two of them, the waiver wire gets picked over pretty good. I'm 3-1, 3-1, 1-3. I'm finding that having three teams is way too much work and leads to confusion when watching the games - don't know who to cheer for. I'm cutting down to a single team next year.
  18. Rode Squaw, Sierra, Kirkwood and Heavenly. Enjoyed Kirkwood the most except for their slow chairs. Squaw is great if you have a lot of snow. We didn't and were basically stuck on the groomers. Heavenly is a must just for the views. Brown, dry Nevada on one side. Lush, green California on the other side.
  19. Anyone play in a FF league? I started Mark Sanchez yesterday and he got -1 fantasy points. Wow. I'm going to call him Dirty Sanchez from now on.
  20. Sounds like you are The Man in DC. Don't think we'll need asylum but you never know. We decided to book a hotel in Arlington. A nicer hotel, maybe not as nice a neighourhood, but only a few minutes walk to Georgetown. Plus, I've always wanted to see Arlington Cemetery. Hey dyno, let's exchange numbers and maybe get together for lunch one day.
  21. Now you got me humming "Enola Gay" in my head. Not sure if we want to head out that far with only three days in town. Still, would be cool to see all that. Wonder if they have a U2.
  22. We have the Smithsonian in mind. We could do all three days there if we wanted. Spy Museum sounds interesting. Plus lunch with the Obamas.
  23. Well that's a challenge because the Italian food in Italy was pretty good. Will check it out since Italian is a family favourite.
  24. Does either area have any kind of street life? Cafes, shops, restaurants, etc. or, are we talking sterile, high rise environments.
  25. I'm thinking of spending a few days there with the family and have pretty much settled on Embassy Suites for our hotel. Only thing is, there are two of them. Location one is near Dupont Circle. Location two is near the Convention Centre. Which location is preferable for a bunch of dumb tourists? Priorities are location and ease of transport to the museums and landmarks and low probability of getting robbed.
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