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Everything posted by skategoat

  1. This is killing me: <a href="http://twitpic.com/pahfs" title="Paul Morrison photo taken today on Whistler Mtn. #Openingday ... on Twitpic"><img src="http://twitpic.com/show/thumb/pahfs.jpg" width="150" height="150" alt="Paul Morrison photo taken today on Whistler Mtn. #Openingday ... on Twitpic"></a> More here: http://twitpic.com/pahfs
  2. Did you notice who was the second rider in the YouTube clip? I was thinking he would have to be one hell of a rider to follow that close behind at those speeds.
  3. Looks bad on Tickets.com who is the official supplier of online ticketing to the Games. Predicting the load on the ticket site should have been pretty straightforward. That's their frickin' job.
  4. Did anyone manage to log in to buy tickets today? I tried from 10AM to 11AM. Then again from noon to 1PM. Timed out every time. I almost got a page once. A bunch of text and links that were out of place. Good thing I already have a few tix already. I guess I'll be hitting the scalpers for the rest. If anyone has event tix from Feb. 12 to Feb. 15 and can't use them, I'll buy them.
  5. I was checking the transportation plan on the official website and it talks a lot about getting to and from Whistler for events. But what if you have to get there for accommodation? Do you just show an event ticket and get a free shuttle? Can you drag a big suitcase and a snowboard on the bus with you? I hope this gets cleared up soon.
  6. I'm staying with relatives in Whistler so I'm all set. I fully expect it to be a zoo. I only have a handful of event tickets but I'm not too worried about seeing events. I'm looking forward to just soaking in the atmosphere. I still have fond memories of Montreal in 1976 (ya, I'm old).
  7. My brother is flying from Buffalo to Seattle, visiting friends in Seattle, then driving up to Vancouver/Whistler. He's saving about $2,000 for his family of four by flying through the US. We get hosed so bad in Canada. Taxes and extra charges are something like $135 on my $240 flight.
  8. This is mainly aimed at Canadians flying from the East. If anyone is planning to fly to Van for the Games, I suggest you grab your tickets now. Last week, I checked on Air Canada website and the cheapest flights were $379.00 one way from YYZ to YVR. Same with WestJet. Yesterday, I checked again and saw Tango flights for $240 each way. Needless to say, I jumped on them. Checking again today shows the return flight sold out but the outbound flight is still available for $240. Depending on your day out, you might be able to nab the $240 flight. Also, with rental cars, you could potentially have a hard time. On Expedia, no one was offering a weekly rate. Only daily rates during that time at $170+ for a full size. I called Avis direct and booked one for $445 for the week. I may not need the car but I booked it nonetheless. That is all.
  9. I have this Pryme helmet sitting in my closet for 2 years. I bought it for my son but he refused to wear a full face. I know you're not supposed to buy used helmets but I guarantee this thing has never been outside. It's a size L/XL. Let me know if you're interested and we can work out a good deal. http://www.mec.ca/Products/product_detail.jsp?FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302693161&PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=845524442499169
  10. Bottom line is, we all do something that is way more dangerous than a flu vaccine. It's called snowboarding.
  11. Reminds me of the time I went charter fishing in Lake Ontario. We're sucking back beer and tequila, smoking cigars and we ask the captain if the fish are safe to eat. The guy just laughs.
  12. This is the kind of yellow "journalism" one needs to avoid when making an informed decision.
  13. I just read the article. Sad that they felt the need to kill it.
  14. That's pretty cool that a pro could figure that out. The one that BobD posted looks fake too. What's the mountain lion growling at? Looks posed. I think there's some bored rednecks out there. Now, this one is not a hoax: Coyotes kill female hiker in Nova Scotia: http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2009/10/28/11550106-cp.html As far as I know, that's the second known fatal coyote attack in modern history. The first one was in California. I think them coyote's are getting wiser and bolder.
  15. H1N1 killed that kid in one day. His father says 10 minutes. He lives in my neighbourhood which means the virus lurks close-by. I'm staying away from public places and not shaking hands with anyone until I get my shot. From Health Canada: Q1. What is the difference between an adjuvanted and non-adjuvanted vaccine? An adjuvanted vaccine is a vaccine that includes a substance that boosts an individual's immune system and increases their response to a vaccine. An unadjuvanted vaccine has no “booster” element. Adjuvanted vaccines are included in common vaccines such as tetanus and Hep B. The adjuvant in Canada’s H1N1 flu vaccine is made up of natural ingredients such as water, squalene oil and vitamin E. Q2. When was the last time Canada used an adjuvant in a vaccine? Adjuvants are not new. They have been used for several decades to boost immune response to vaccines. Many of the commonly used vaccines in Canada contain an adjuvant. However, they have not previously been approved for use with influenza vaccines in Canada. Q3. Are adjuvanted influenza vaccines safe for use? The adjuvant used by GSK has been tested in approximately 45,000 people around the world and has been evaluated by Health Canada and other regulatory authorities as part of the review of the H5N1 vaccine in the pre-pandemic period. No significant safety concerns regarding the use of the adjuvanted vaccine were detected. In June 2009, the WHO held consultations on the safety of adjuvanted influenza vaccines to review and discuss known and theoretical safety concerns and prospective vaccine safety evaluation. The outcome of the WHO consultation was that no significant safety concerns or barriers to evaluating or using adjuvanted vaccines for the current H1N1 virus were raised. Clinical studies have been designed to study the risks and benefits of using both adjuvanted and unadjuvanted vaccine against the H1N1 flu virus, and Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada are working closely with other national agencies to implement appropriate post-market monitoring.
  16. I never get the seasonal flu shot but this one is different. It kills young people. Old people seem to be immune. Also, I find it strange that so many people died in Mexico when it broke out but no where else. That leads me to believe this ain't your normal, garden variety flu virus.
  17. A 13 year old kid, otherwise healthy, died of H1N1 this week. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/091027/national/flu_boy_dies I've been on the fence about it but this death has convinced me to get the shot for the entire family. My neighbour is a public health doctor and is telling me the vaccine is well tested. She says make up your own mind after speaking with health professionals and whatever you do, stay away from the YouTube videos.
  18. I watched the snowboarding with some buddies and a bottle of tequila. Every time Rob said "stoked", we had to down a shot. We got hammered. Just busting your chops Rob. You did a great job on that telecast. I remember it clearly.
  19. Not a chance. See the hot spots (reflections) all over the chair? The light should bounce the same way off the sticker. Also, there a dozens, if not hundreds of photos of soldiers posing in that chair. Not one of them shows any sticker or alteration of the chair. I guarantee they were under orders not to deface it. Dave? I think he's a Saddam supporter. I'm pretty sure Dave's a common name in Iraq.
  20. Very nice. Hoping to take delivery on my own Dupraz soon.
  21. Yep, I suppose you are correct on both counts. Ross wouldn't be the first under-qualified MP. Ruby Dhalla comes to mind in that category. In any event, he has a pretty much zero chance to win as you pointed out (being a Liberal).
  22. Wow, EC-ing on a Dupraz with soft boots. Any video?
  23. To quote John McEnroe, "You cannot be serious" (about the political career). I don't keep up with Ross news but he's hard to avoid. What I know about him is this - he bounced around Whistler trying to sell real estate. Then he attempted a comeback as a racer. Then he moved to Kelowna to be the director of a non-existent ski hill. Somewhere in there, he tried to sue a TV show for infringing on his persona. Now he wants to be an MP. Publicity hound.
  24. My memory fades but a lot of flukey events came together for Rosstafari to win. Weather was a huge factor. Jasey Jay was leading after two runs and then he was held in the starter hut. He got cold and messed up his final run. The guy who should have won it was Mark Fawcett who was way ahead at the split before his binding pulled out.
  25. Bro, the photo is touched up. This took me 7 minutes and I had to create the "sticker" from scratch. And I'm a Photoshop hack.
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