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Shred Gruumer

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Everything posted by Shred Gruumer

  1. Oh boy.. Don't make me draw it out on paper on why it works for me... Ha.
  2. No! 56cm to 58 on the big stuff...cm not inches...
  3. Its a solution for 9 degrees... Well again its a bit high... But mainly its a comfort thing and I have a wide stance so its a bit easier at that angle.. and it does help you get forward on the really steep stuff... I guess you just had to be there.... With the blocks on the F2 bindings its about the same 9 degrees of Kevin Bacon...
  4. Well, it's certainly 9 degrees.. With 4x4 lift. You need to know which 3 holes you won't be using. With it bolted together you can still spin center disk. Simple kinda machine milling. With a 1/32 step for added meat.. It ain't goin anywhere!!
  5. I'm going to Peak and Peek this weekend... Massive vertical and Groom..
  6. May pull the trigger? https://global.rakuten.com/en/store/ts-passo/item/s_05-267/
  7. It took a lot... A lot... Oh.. My oh my... Just got back from the hill... 10 degrees at first chair and firm perfect groom.. Perfect.. Finished at 46 degrees.. Yep sunny.. Warmed up that much with soft groom at the end of dayz.. This board.. Bruce will tell ya..is Shred Silly.. Centered inserts finally.. That took a lot of arm twisting too... He nailed it on this one... I tried 3 times to get back to that dreamy planckenstien original... A now... This thing was a Fricken a blast! It's not a 188 racer.. It's a 188 that does everything well.. It can turn rediculously short or go long.. Very forgiving... It's 23cm wide.. So ya kinda gotta like that stuff.. Probably the best fun I had all season.. Such a cool board and the nose and tail are really really.... Really nice.. That one oddly enough was easy to convince Bruce to do.. Haha. BTW.. how the timing worked to get this to my door for the last good snow (ya I know).. He never tested this final iteration we ended up with... But ended with..saying "It's got crazy forward inserts.. And soft... You should like it"... Baaaaabingo!!! Dam near perfect!!! It's has real balanced smooth flex.. I would not call it soft.. I'm 200..its just nice and even feeling... Nose is softer than tail.. Feels like it just progressively mildly firmer from front to back... From just a simple measurement taken from the tip of the nose vs tip of the tail.. I'm set back about 9cm. About 2cm based on effective edge.. For all you tape nazis.. It was a blast!! Nope not leaving my quiver anytime soon... Unless I get another one.. Doh.. Cheers.
  8. Yep... Ha... That one is a gem.. Cool aluminum tip and tail protection from factory..
  9. Plankenstien reborn with science.. 188x230 115/127/13 Creamy softer center..
  10. Disclaimer...only my take on fitting.. Use thick toe Caps!! ...For more volume and for hot spots I always bake, .. the hot rice did not seem to effectively heat the whole liner especially when adjusting for ankle and other outer bumps in bones...but that's my experience. If your not fast and have your foot all taped up with all the added hot spot foam in place(I tape mine in place) and have sock on ready to go...then don't bake as you really need to be pretty quick.. Liners can be re-baked a number of times, so if you do it yourself,,,you'll quickly learn on the one foot what went wrong.. also don't forget the block of wood (2X4) under the ball of your foot under the boot after you buckle it down.. kick the heel down then stand on it ...forces the heel in the pocket..you should feel it sit real nice in there... Oh and don't bake with your footbeds in the liners..... There is a lot of youtube video out there...on both methods. BTW those liners should have had good room in the toes... I'm a size 10+
  11. Shhhhh. Coiler comes next week... Plankenstien revisited... Doh.
  12. Really now....... Bad Lowrider...Bad boy!!
  13. Funny as in Europe mainly what I've seen in Switzerland that even when they teach a newbie or child,,, learning to carve the edge is the first thing they learn to do.. Maybe why so many good racers... Yeah... that's it we need more showcases.. personally I hate to watch parallel slalom it doesn't show well on TV.. at least for me.. I liked the old GS days... and Nickle Bagleeotti
  14. Why don't you who are reproducing start your kids on carving gear... wait all their friends are in the park.... I do see more and more softbooters trying or working to carve. But the lack of even carving softboot boards are limited. Eventually maybe it will pick up but not likely as if the shops are not touting it or even carrying them ...slim chance to none and slim just left. You would think the Midwest would be loaded with carvers as the groom is all we got... I gotta laugh when I take the chair lift over the parks and observe... Other than close friends... I never been able to bring ANY one into it... They all love to watch us carve but seldom have the sack to do it... Softboot carving seems to be the only glimmer of hope...
  15. No way Jose..... I have several hats!! I may sell another new one as I'm not a fan of structured ball caps at least not trucker type... And I have many Oxessessess
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