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Posts posted by dredman

  1. The specs on the Winterstick Montucky:

    • 170cm length
    • Nose 256mm - Waist 190mm - Tail 240mm 
    • Effective edge: 1550mm
    • 40mm setback
    • Magic @Johnasmo SCR shape relatively 11.5m
    • Durasurf 4001 base and topsheet. 
    • Carbon/Titanal/Rubber layup. 
    • Maple/poplar core. 

    I was able to put many days on this board this spring at Red Lodge, Big Sky and Whitefish.  Conditions ranging from cement spring frozen groomers (western ice), slush, and even some hero groom.  This board has a dash of the Contra and Kessler K168 with a blazing splash of Winterstick.  The construction is spectacular and the styling bold, yet super simple.  Winterstick offers wood grain finishes and P-Tex to-sheet options. 

    Ride Report:

    The board felt very intuitive, and not hooky or grabby.  The edge hold is very reliable, tenacious and predictable.  If you do over power the edge, it releases between your feet very predictably and re-engages magically and smoothly.  That is if you can get the edge to slip in a turn.  My last day on it this year was absolute frozen spring cement smooth groomers, the board allowed me to carve turns when none of my other boards would have allowed me to.  I do not have any east coast ice experience, but I think this would work magic for the Ice Coasters.  This board made me feel like a super hero on really crappy icy conditions.

    On good carving conditions the board performs beautifully.  You can slarve if you need to, stop turns mid way through and accelerate into the next one, or just stand tall and do the freedom carve.  

    Winterstick has nailed it with their 2nd generation boards and shapes.  The ride quality is spectacular, the spectrum of conditions that they are fun/easy to ride is VERY broad.  

    We have been testing a few boards this season and Winterstick is now a SERIOUS Alpine Carving player. If a Contra and a K168 had offspring, this would be it.

    Give Rob @soccerdoge at Winterstick a call to get your custom board headed your way.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  2. @johnasmo and I have been meeting at Big Sky Resort on closing weekend for many years.  This year we got to meet up with Chester Fox who we met at this years MCC.  Chester is a multitalented carver.  This video highlights his riding.  

    More Rub In videos from the weekend to come!


    And if you really want to watch a whole bunch of Chester here is the long version.


    • Like 8

    @digger jryou can always have fun on a soft board, one too stiff will be terrifying.  Soft flexing boards can be easily bent/flexed into much smaller turn size, or you can resist the flex and lengthen the turn size.  Say Hi! To Gloria! 

    Here we go!  Down the Rabbit Hole! 

    So many factors....and how do they change performance? I am still trying to get my head wrapped around how all of these variables interact.  How do you quantify these things to test hypotheses?  Because we do not have the luxury of building and testing boards that only have one change in design parameter to help make these determinations it leads to lots of speculation  and even more questions.

    @johnasmo and I’s chair rides have become discussion sessions on board design.  Some of the factors we are discussing and how they relate to performance are:

    How does the flex differ in the 3 segments of the board (tip, between bindings, and tail)? 

    How far does it flex or range of motion before it gets stiff? 

    What is the rate of flex? (compression/rebound, think car/,motorcycle suspension) 

    Camber, reverse camber, decambered tip and tails?


    How different building materials interact to give desired flex, range of motion, rate of dampening/rebound, and torsional flex patterns?

    How are all of these factors interacting with the sidecut or sidecut with other factors?

    Our latest question is about torsional flex.  We were twisting boards and noticed different flex patterns.  Some had more twist at the tips and tails, some more between the bindings.

    We both seem to be aiming for a board that has the widest range of conditions that are fun to ride, are “Ride all day” boards with centered body positions, and have great suspension (without a plate) to make them smooth on the not so great groomer days.  







  4. Great edit @Johnasmo!  

    @daveovery stable like every Coiler I have ridden.  Spring variable conditions are great for testing.  On good snow, nearly every alpine board works well.  Working well on spring freeze/thaw snow is the condition that separates the pack.  The target for testing is a board/design that has the most fun factor in the widest range of conditions, that has “Ride all day comfortably” qualities.

    4 more days of testing at Big Sky starting tomorrow. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, daveo said:

    Any idea if it is hardware or software based?

    Software based.  Works great!  Even has an auto horizons leveling feature.  Heck of a lot of camera for the money.

    All the video I have shot this year is on the 9.  Super easy to carry and use.  Very happy with the quality vs ease of use.  Use a Mac and iMovie to mix things together.  

  6. I use a collapsible selfie stick and GoPro9.  The stabilization built in the camera is amazing.  I have not had to use the computer to stabilize any of the footage I have shot this year.There is even an auto level to the horizon function.  Simply an amazing camera for the money.  

    With the selfie stick you can either shoot yourself or just extend it a foot and shoot a buddy.  

    @johnasmo uses a helmet chinbar mount.  

    This looks like a pretty simple option.  Your head is a pretty good natural gimbal.  https://www.prostandard.com/products/the-grill-mount-the-best-mouth-mount-for-gopro-cameras

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