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Everything posted by Carp

  1. Carp

    Cant Disk

    For which binding?
  2. I like the wd40 idea - have never heard of that but willing to give anything a try as it does seem to friction related to some point. Reading my post after a good nights sleep I think I was looking for some justification to splurge and get the sidewinders. WD40 in a bag is WAY less expensive.
  3. From a riding perspective I'm not sure it was a good move. Most leave here for Colorado. Granite is steep up top and flat at the bottom. It's a bit spendy but do have the faster lifts. The runs in the midwest are typically narrow. There used to be a lot of carvers in the Madison are a that would ride Tyrol Basin - a neat little hill and pretty drive to get there. For night trips in the Milwaukee are Sunburst and Little Switzerland are (that's it). Cascade past Madison get's a big IL crowd. Devils head is kind of cool and a bit off the beaten track like Tyrol Basin. I prefer the upper peninsula of MI (indianhead, powderhorn have the best snow making) with the runs being more consistent pitch and a bit more enjoyable. It's about 5 hours so may not be worth the drive for you. Whitecap is really fun if they get a ton of snow. Manmade stuff there is really lacking and there is some traversing that can suck. Mt. Bohemia is supposed to be awesome for the midwest but I've never been. Steep and lot's of snow, zero-little grooming and yurts (sp?). If you have any you'd like more details on, I've ridden them all.
  4. I have Head Stratos but have ridden Burton Megaflex (others), and several Raichle models over the years. The Stratos have the BTS on it. I do ride with TD3 step-ins. The liners I have on the Heads are 7+ year old Thermoflex. I use Shintronics and a booster strap (played around with location some). I still get shin bang. I'm wondering if after 20+ years of riding, 80-100 miles a week of running during h.s. and college has just given me old bones and there's nothing else to do. Wondering if new thermoflex and maybe converting my td3 to side winders would do the trick or if my form is so old school that's what's causing it.
  5. http://www.nikwax-usa.com/en-us/ I use this companies products on all my outdoor gear. IMHO it's incredible. There's youtube videos out there and one that I tried myself is taking a coffee filter and then spraying the product on it. Holds the water like a champ.
  6. Sidewinders available? Anyone know if/how difficult it is to convert to a step in SW?
  7. Not a fan of Manzella gloves in general, but I have a pair called "The Beast". They are about 4 seasons old and have held up great with the exception of one seam by the goggle scraper. Minor sewing keeps it good for each season. I haven't been able to find them again, but if given the chance I'd buy the whole lot. Warm, super durable, long gaiters with integrated/removable wrist guards, knuckle zips for warm days and pockets for hand warmers. Best I've found.
  8. Dang you guys put a lot of thought into riding. I just throw on a pair of boots, snap them in my bindings and ride. If I'm understanding the ramp angle discussion, I would think that it would work a riders quads more than a boot with less ramp angle. I've got weak quads and find less ramp angle allows me to ride a little longer without being spent.
  9. Anyone know of someone with narrower feet riding these and either loving or hating them?
  10. I read that Dalbello is the OEM for Head, Burton, and one other boot. I've used the Burton MGX, Reactor, and I think one other in the early-mid 90's and didn't care for them. Does anyone know if the fit and feel of the Heads (Stratos Pro) is the same or very similar to those Burton models? I've read so many good things about Heads.
  11. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?41449-Deeluxe-Boots-AF600-M26-0-Thermoflex-w-Booster-strap-for-sale Would this work better for you Kalalex? Less $ and full thermoflex liner
  12. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?41449-Deeluxe-Boots-AF600-M26-0-Thermoflex-w-Booster-strap-for-sale Would this work better for you Kalalex? Less $ and full thermoflex liner
  13. It's my understanding that the boots are 25.5 and have the stock liner which are 25.5 as well. I get the sense you're thinking the liners the seller is keeping for himself (none stock) are what are included with the 25.5.
  14. Is there any way we could work out me getting the shells and you getting the liner? Shipping the liners would be inexpensive I would think. I have a buddy willing to meet to pick up the shells/pieces. Just trying to help all of us. :D
  15. Are the liners in the pic what would come with the boot? Is there any thermo fit technology with them? I seem to recall reading just the foot can be molded.
  16. He's going to North Andover. He's leaving from Wisconsin on Thursday if you'd be willing to meet him.
  17. I don't want to steel a deal if one's already been made/locked in, but I'll take them for $275. Does that include shipping to Wisconsin? I may have a friend in Boston that may be willing to pick them up too.
  18. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/outside-the-games---justin-reiter-225306660.html?vp=1
  19. Naw...I'll keep thinking about it. It's a good price certainly.
  20. I have a pretty narrow foot. How much volume was added to the shells in the forefoot. Any mods toward the shins?
  21. These may just work for me. I think my Deeluxe Indy's are 25 or 25.5. The label is worn on both toes. I've got a lot on my plate right now but will measure my foot and get back to you. Ping me if I forget.
  22. Great information friends. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
  23. I have the orange Deeluxe Indy's (I think). I've got very little meat on my shins (skinny ankles). I use the booster strap and like it a great deal. If I really ride hard (less and less the older I get), I get shin bang by the end of the day (not a fan). I noticed the 5 position lean (I installed) is bent by the pins reasonably bad on one of the boots. I was thinking of getting a softer boot but curious if going with a BTS would be a less expensive investment and provide substantial relief from the shin bang. I was thinking of trying the Heads but a little nervous as I've read they have much more volume then the Deeluxe boots. If the BTS would be a good upgrade and help eliminate shin bang is there a color spring that would be better than others? I've been riding since '84, am getting older and have a low fitness level. I can ride hard in spurts but they are getting less and less. 6' 175-185 lbs (all weight in the upper mid section).
  24. On Yahoo.come saw an add on the right hand side that had an alpine racer and mention of the Winter Olympics. Pretty cool.
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