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Everything posted by caspercarver

  1. i used Spaz-stix last year to paint my new helmet. i used the color shifting paint. depending on what angle you view the paint it changes color. it has held up great. Spaz is for R/C trucks etc. made to bond to plastic and is flexible. i will painting my boots @ some point in the future. here is the link. http://www.spazstix.com/index.php you can also by @ tower hobbies http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0002p?&M=SZX
  2. got to stick with what i know plus this was my first carving board(sentimental thing)
  3. anybody got a F2 beamer laying around collecting dust? i just delambed mine. so want a regular 160cm+. i see them on german ebay all the time but ive never been able to get them to ship to usa. cheers.:)
  4. went Tuesday and groomers were perfect. never stood in liftline all day. forecast is for sunny skies. temps are perfect right now. perfect for shooting video. any takers???
  5. i first measured 26 and bought 26. as soon as the guy @ the ski shop stuck the rod behind my heel he said they were too big. i wore them anyway. lot of heel lift but usable. this year i bought 25, after the first day i was wearing them buckled all the way, with the catches as tight as possible. then i drilled the buckles and made them tighter. now there great but as the liners crush they will get loose.
  6. i have a goatee for now, just a winter thing until it gets annoying. i got the Swoard after you were here and then purchased a used 173 prior metal. today i delambed my f2 so currently am worried.:( i might have to come to ses to find a board i like. :)
  7. the village is going to be epic this weekend for carving if the temp on mid mountain doesnt get above 32 degrees. so far so good, supposed to be sunny by end of the week . anyone going to be around? i was out there on sunday and it was incredible carvin conditions. :D link to mnt. temps. http://www.avalanche.org/~wxstns/jhnet/mid.txt
  8. it was -18 zero i couldn't take my gloves off . come on somebody can beat this!
  9. i will try this as soon as it stops raining here. thanks.
  10. i am in no way saying my Beamer is a great board. if asyms were for sale now i would not buy one. this board will not hold an edge on anything but soft groomers. i rode the Swoard for few hours on the perfect groom and then switched to the F2. i am not a tech person so i cant say why this board acts the way it does. this board "hooks" into a turn so fast some times i start laughing. it is also carbon fiber so it ways almost nothing. the board is also super soft with maybe a centimeter of camber. on this board i can be more dynamic and jump up in air and ride it switch with ease. i doubt it has anything to do asymetric sidecuts, it just happens to be an asym. i know there are new boards that will do this but i just havnt ridden them. cheers.
  11. i rode my asym f2 beamer today. don.t have any idea the sidecut but it is a 162. i was using my new td3 stepins. the amount of leverage/torque was incredible. i was making turns so sharp my body couldnt cash them a few times. thrown over the front. i can.t ride @ the low angles so i had it set up @ 55/6o. i was able to photo a comparsin between the swoard and the beamer. both toeside turns. i had a videogirl set to go with me but it was to cold, -18 and she backed out. first photo is asym. we are going tomorrow so maybe video to come.:)
  12. i was @ the hill only three hours. tomorrow i am going with friend so i may stay a lot longer. every exhale will be thru the nose. i think i could double this. currently it is 16 below. drinkin lot of fluids tonight. have to be careful not to get to close on my heelside turns, don't want to break any off:eplus2:
  13. how about a frozen snot contest? i start. this was today @ teton village. around 18 below zero.
  14. oh well, for now i think i will use the lexan and the ibex. the ibex are certainly more flexable/forgiving. the ibex work great on the Swoard but never have tried them on the metal. i read a lot of the old threads on metals lately. i was certainly remiss in not doing my homework before i invested so much $$$. live and learn and work ALOT more overtime. cheers!
  15. for those of us who have metal topsheets (with no warranty), what is the current wisdom on the best binding for metal topsheet? i have lexan plates, are they still recommended? i have ibex race, td2 standards and td3 step-ins. what your opinion?
  16. all these years of riding and so far never gotten hurt. i do have chronic back pain caused by leaning hard into the nose on heel turns though. i was thinking maybe i could send my other metal boards back and have a top sheet put on? don't know if that is possible? this year i can finally lay out on toesides when it's a bit soft. ya!
  17. my new friend was riding with me today for the first time. she kept asking if i could here all those people behind us talking about the turns i was making. gets me jazzed up for the next run. by the way Chubz you coming to jackson this year?
  18. that huge fold is on the tail! the front had two small fold marks. i hope bad things don't come in threes or i am $%#%#. i believe this is a 2006/7 board. my 187 is a 2007/8 and the 163 is new. cheers.
  19. maybe i am ni-eve but i never thought this would happen, especially @ my wieght. i feel for your loss. sad, very sad.:(
  20. hey dredman, wish i could come over but i have to work the night shift tonight. i did Snow King yesterday, bulletproof. went to the village today and snapped my shiny prior in half on soft groomers:eek: pretty good day up till then, sun came out a few times and no avalanches. i have pics of the board on the main page.
  21. please, someone tell me this was a fluke. i have three metal boards. i have never broken a board in 18 years of riding. i have never even broke a binding. this was done on a heel side turn on soft snow. i did have spacers as seen in the photo. in the second photo you can see in the front in two places of the board started to fold(in front of the spacer and about 8 inches in front of that). i weight in at about 148lbs. thankfully i was able to ride it to the bottom and pick up my trusty Swoard which i rode the rest of the day. :( the first photo is the tail, the second is the front.
  22. http://www.tetongravity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=145375&page=8 link to tgr where you can see photos. mountain closed until further notice. post 179
  23. things i have tried...that didn't work for snow sticking on very first turn. rain-x, paste car wax, liquid car wax and chrome polish(has silicone). i thought about de-icing solution but supposedly leaves a yellow film.
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