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Everything posted by caspercarver

  1. i saw it the other day, to bad it's a goofy foot. i started laughing when i saw the price, i think $200 is what i paid for it new in 1990.
  2. if i could find the 1990 model i would hang it on the wall. mt first carving board. if i could find one of the last models they made i would ride it. i have the wc carbon beamer now and love it.
  3. looking for any f2 regular asym beamer. let me know, thanks.
  4. caspercarver

    Madd 158

    what is the waist width on this board? thanks.
  5. thanks for your reply. i am determind to find the pink nose version. i have had a search on ebay for months but this praticular board has yet to show up.:o
  6. let me know if you come to jh. , i work nights so i can go board pretty much whenever. it has been snowing here everyday for the past week so groomers are pretty soft not exactly ideal conditions for carving. my stance is 60 degrees on both feet and width is as narrow as possible. groomers here are fairly steep so speed is never a problem, my favorite board is 160 cm f2 which i can make as many turns as possible between point a and b. i also custom made my bindings, very unconventional i know but very comfortable to stand.
  7. your right the board is a rossi shannon m. 173. see photo. i have been carving turns ar jh ski resort since 1989 and if i am lucky i see one or two hardbooters a year. around here hardpack is bad word, but ever since i learned to carve thats all i think about. caspercarver is the nickname i was given by the lifties because i always ride the casper chairlift. "liftline" and "easy does it" are the best groomers on the mountain for carving turns which are served by the casper chair.
  8. my carving style is strictly intuitive. i took no lessons and had no peers to get advice from. at teton village where i spend my time snowboarding, i may see one or two hardbooters a year. i have learned a lot from reading the threads here in this forum but when i am on the hill i snowboard by feel and not "the rules". i have always had a problem with my toeside turns, can"t tell you why except i am still learning each time i go out.
  9. anyone know of a video posted that shows a full circle or beyond? thanks.
  10. two videos basically the same except old version has been colorized which some people had a hard time seeing so i used different software and redid it. the video is fairly old circa 1995. old school carving. old video colorized http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7016751575026231017&q=jackson+hole&hl=en new video with normal colors http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3240728274127679830&q=jackson+hole&hl=en i am new to this thread thing so i am sorry for posting threads all over the place. hope you enjoy!
  11. here is my carving video without any colorization. video is circa 1995 @ jackson hole ski resort. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3240728274127679830&q=jackson+hole&hl=en
  12. photos taken thursday @ snow king and Jhski resort. pretty soft snow conditions. temps in the low thirties. short liftlines.
  13. looking for my first snowboard. a sims switchblade, circa 1988/89. will pay top dollar for very good condition board. also want the bindings but will buy seperately. see photo, thanks for looking.
  14. pray for snow, it hasn't snowed in a month. the best run at the village for carving is under the CASPER chair on "liftline" and "easy does it". we have had great carving here until last week when the temp. finally rose above 32f and the snow turned to ice. so far this year no liftlines, have not stood in line once. look for me on liftline, i wear white pants and red jacket,helmet and the old f2 beamer. rip it up!
  15. can someone explain why some carving boards will hold an edge on boilerplate when some will not? my boards will hold an edge on snow that has never melted and refrozen but once it has, no edge hold. thanks.
  16. i spent the last four days at jackson hole ski resort, the best line i heard getting on the shuttle with my f2 asym beemer, "ah to bad about your board" he thought i had broken the tail off. then there was the gal from New Zealand who said "your quite a ripper!" i had one lady ask me i would please stop puttin all those ruts in the groomers and i told her "sure if i would if she would stop making moguls"
  17. took item off ebay due to problem noted in quote. i took a straight edge and it was concave thru the center. guess it will hang on the wall for decoration.
  18. selling on ebay now, BURTON ALP 7.1, only rode couple of times. very good condition. starting bid is $99.99 http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=290069615547&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=019
  19. a few years back, i got old, hurt my back, got fat and quit boarding. this summer i got back in shape and lost seventy lbs. and bought a pass to the village. i'm back! i have seen maybe one or two hardbooters a year and they usually end on casper lift. usually when i caught up with them, they would be visiting from europe or back east. "liftline" run has the best grooming and fall line etc... we are only at 85% of normal snowpack so far this year, so conditions are not great. i had three real good days before the holidays and plan to be out there whenever conditions are good. glad you liked the video. email me when your coming and i will try to let you know conditions etc...
  20. the video was in color but the only color you could see was dark green and white with almost no definition. the only way i could add any detail was to use a negitive acid video effect. also lost a lot of detail going from old vhs tape to mpeg2 and then wmv to upload to google. my style is better but i am still using old technology. my present board is a F2 wc beamer which i love but i know it's ancient. looking to upgrade but can't decide what too chose. cheers
  21. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7016751575026231017&q=JACKSON+HOLE&hl=en caspercarver at Teton Village Ski Resort, Jackson Wyo. circa 1995 on Liftline beneath casper chairlift.
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