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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. Relax there young carver in training, for Albert knows that I say these things in jest.

    Yeah, Aaron and I are cool like that. I can tell what he's saying without tone of voice. :biggthump

    I'm kind of up in the air about this Sunday. A lot of crap happened/happening this weekend. The novelty of so many carvers makes me want to go up.

    As for not wanting to go up, eh, that's life... sometimes $*** just hits the fan. :barf:

  2. I've seen a few of you post that you use loctite (blue or red) for securing your screws (not this thread only - i think i only see one)...

    IMO, Teflon tape (aka plumber's tape) is superior in all respects. I've never had a problem with with any screws coming loose ever since using teflon tape.

    -It's not messy and doesn't get all over the place.

    -You don't have to worry about it eating away at other materials.

    -You don't have to wait for it to dry or cure

    -You can use it on the fly and make adjustments on the slope

    -It still works if your screws get wet with melted snow if you make adjustments on the slope

    -Did i mention that you can easily make adjustments on the slope?

    Why use loctite?

    Anyway, just thought i'd share. Use teflon tape, it's better.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

  3. Maybe i didn't read enough, but if anyone would be kind enough to answer the following.

    What i know so far.

    the TD3 E-rings are compatible with the TD2 cant disks (which are the same TD2 cant disk = TD3 cant disk).

    what i have questions on.

    If i bought TD3 e-rings, would i need to buy TD3 center disks and some longer screws?

    Or, would i only need to buy longer screws and can still use TD2 center disk? Or, am i fine with the same screws and center disk and would only need to replace the e-rings?


  4. brother gets married on the 17th. I'm free after that. I'll be on the madd BX with my catek fr2s, although i have this feeling that i'm gonna be mounting my TD2s on it when no one is looking... hahaha

    planning on taking either a tuesday, wednesday, or thursday off next week to try out the new gear.

    board comes in tomorrow. can't wait to get back up to the slopes. it's nice to have a carving crew here.

  5. I ride on a Prior ATV 171 with 55f/50r on my MP24. It's waist is 23.5cm I think.

    Wow, i have MP 28.5 feet and i ran those angles (55/52) on my 161 ATV. and yes, it is a 23.5 cm waist.

    When i had a 4wd - 21.5 waist, i was running 60/57. that board was awesome. too bad i was an idiot and stuffed the nose into a mogul and broke it in half.

  6. I find the bigger the board the more need for a supportive binding.. ie stiffer highbacks and straps with more coverage and stronger wider straps with a solid ratchet with leverage. Also you need to have firmer inner liners in your boots too...because the longer the lever arm is.. the more your foot could twist in a soft boot.

    A Tanker 192 is pretty ambititious for 145lbs in softies (hey if you can do it why not???) .. I've ridden the tankers and hardboots for me would make sense for lengths over 175cm. I'm not sure how aggressive you could be in that set up. I tend to like to overdrive my boards... and not have them be able to lever against me.

    A stiffer high back would help for sure. As for straps, the ones that come with the FR2s seem pretty good (they're not carbon 900 straps), but they pretty much cover my entire boot, as far as surface area goes, when combined with the third booster straps.

    I'm actually really itching to try the setup in hardboots. I'm sure the radius on my turns would tighten up. It might be a bit ambitious in the softies (i agree), but i fall within Rad-Air's recommended rider weight haha. I figure probably weigh around 160-165 with gear (i carry a pretty heavy pack with tools, food, and water).

    maybe i should pick up an SG Soul for softies. wish i could get a hold of a Madd BX

  7. I just rigged up my Catek FR2s with some booster straps on my high backs. I've been running them at 48-43 with "Gilmour Bias" (i think) on a Tanker 192.

    I have my front binding shifted back (not set back) a little bit so that my heel sticks out a little bit more over my heel side edge, and my rear binding shifted forward a little bit more so that my toe sticks out a little bit more over my toe side edge.

    I'm using the standard high backs. They're a bit flimsy, and i think i'd benefit to have the carbon high backs. It'll work for now though. I don't weigh that much (145 lbs). I can definitely see how you heavier guys that ride more aggressively and powerfully NEED the carbon high backs.

    This is my second day of the season on the setup, and it feels great. Alpinish, but not quite. Still fun either way, i'm able to make the same shape turns that i'd make on my alpine setup. I don't think i can trench quite as deep though, and i'm pretty sure i can turn tighter radius turns on the HBs, but it'll have to wait a little bit more.

    It works for me. I'm using some Vans Fargos. I think i should replace them with Salomon Malamutes or Burton DriverXs. we'll see. i think i need new gloves and pants before that though - my left ass cheek is worn out and my gloves are all torn up now.


    More time on this three strap setup has shown me that you can't replicate hardboots on softboots, and trying to is a waste of tiem and effort. Booster straps removed...

  8. yeah, conditions were awesome. mountain opened up early. it never got crowded. temps stayed low, and snow consistency didn't change.

    snow was the perfect consistency, soft to dig in an edge, and firm to hold your weight and G's in the high speed turns.

    I ended up staying till around 1:45. what time did you and Aaron leave, Terry? your truck was gone when we got down.

  9. me me me!!!

    I'll be there with a friend from work. It'll be his first day back since last season. We'll both be on softy gear. Him with the Donek Incline and me with a Tanker 192, both on Cateks.

    I'm still trying to sort things out with my setup. I'd like to make some turns with you guys for a few runs, but i don't know if i can keep up. My friend is just starting to make linked turns, so we'll be a bit slower. Hell, i'll probably be slower too. I still need to tighten up the radius on my carves.

  10. very interesting and fun thread to read through. most of it goes way over my head since i'm hardly an intermediate carver and will never race.

    but hey, it's not summer anymore, and most of the country has had a crap load of snowfall. really? 10 pages with this kind of weather and conditions?

    so, does anyone here still snowboard?? haha jk

    keep it coming. this makes for some great reading - the economy is boring now (summary - it sucks, we're screwed... come back in about 8+ months).

  11. Ended up going up one day early...

    My brother and his friends wanted to go today. So i went.

    My buddy for tomorrow bailed (swollen thyroid...), and my brother is too tired to go up again tomorrow. And since I don't go up solo anymore since breaking my leg, i guess that means i'll have to wait till wednesday (24th) to go up again.

    Anyway, as far as conditions are concerned. AWESOMENESS!!!

    Great carving conditions. coverage is exellent, and the snow pack is the perfect consistency for laying an edge in. Surprisingly, it wasn't as crowded as i expected. i think a lot of that has to do with the road conditions... they suck big time. you HAVE to have chains and put them on, or you're not making it up there. or, you need a truck with 4wd and some big knobby tires (like me :eplus2:).

    anyway, to everyone going up tomorrow. have fun, drive safe, and hopefully i'll catch you all some other time (1-4-09).

    sorry again Aaron, it's been a while since we've been boarding.

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