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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. Tomorrow looks like it'll be an awesome carving day. I was up at summit today (to hopefully get my season pass rolled over for next year), and it was covered with around 8 inches of powder. It should look good when it gets packed and a bit hardened up tomorrow.

    The drive was hell. I ended up spending around 7.5 hours driving up and back to my place (normally takes around 3.5 round trip - 4 max)...

  2. The slow down nazi patrol is only on one run at Snow Summit. That run is Summit Run, and that's only on the weekends when its crowded. It's a green run designated for beginners, so don't even bother if they have the slow signs with the nets up.

    All the other runs are cool. And like Aaron said, Bear Mt. and Mt. High cater mainly to the soft boot park crowd with all the jibs and rails they have set up everywhere.

    Oh yeah, and Mt. High does suck ass, major ass. I had a season pass there last year and only went up there 5 times (to break even). After that, I spent all my time at Snow Summit with two trips up to Mammoth.

    So, go to Snow Summit since all the other places suck.

    Anyway, happy carving to all you SoCalers this season, I'm still sorting things out.

  3. Lord of the Ruts - SO awesome. Grats... hehe :biggthump:biggthump

    Gleb, glad my parents came here too - before my syblings or I was born. This country is awesome. It's not perfect, but there are very very few other countries I can see myself living in.

  4. and, prepare to be amazed, pebu, as I won't be saying anything else in this thread, related to this thread. I wanted to see the response to the terrorist fallacy statement, but that's it for me.

    No, don't stop yet. You're almost at 3000 posts. Is Fin gonna make a new title just for you? Well, not just for you, Pebu is making up ground pretty fast considering the late start. :lol:

  5. Well, I'm still not walking straight. I can't run, jump, or skip. Changing directions while walking is still a pain in the ass, and I'm not skateboarding 5 months after, like I'd hoped I would be...

    Lots of other "minor" (yes, I'm guilty of over/improper usage of quotations) injuries, but none that have ever taken this long to heal.

    Still, as soon as the hardware comes out, I'm going back. And since the family is slowly forgetting, I'm probably gonna keep the majority of my gear too.

    Oh, and I get hurt because my gear doesn't do what it's supposed to do, the resort personnel are lazy and irresponsible, and the other patrons on the mountain are complete f**king morons. It has nothing to do with my skills and abilities (or lack of)... :rolleyes::lol:

    Still, no one that I'm responsible for, other than myself, so I don't have to think very much. And, to my own credit, I don't.

  6. You almost sound upset/irritated. :rolleyes:

    It seems like no excuse/reason is good enough for stopping, short of getting your leg amputated or being paralyzed.

    Besides, she's a doctor, I doubt she's concerned with squeezing ever single dollar out of the sale possible. She's probably just trying to get some gas/shopping money out of belongings that have been demoted to "garage sale junk." Also, she had her stuff up here in the classifieds, and I didn't see any fish biting.

  7. here's a slightly different view

    Why do profession sports athletes get paid million dollar sallaries? It's because they're entertainers first and formost, and athletes second.

    Which, if that's the case, they should be allowed to take steroids... Nay, they should have steroids made mandatory.

    When I watch sports, I want to see awesome things happen, like 85 yard touch down passes, home runs being hit out of the stadium, tennis serves exceeding 140mph, golf balls driven 350+ yards, etc. etc. I want to be wowed and impressed.

    And, if someone could naturally beat all of the other roid using athletes, then that would be a big wow factor and kudos to him. In short, make steroids legal. We've already seen what humans can do without them, lets start seeing what they can do with them.

  8. Perhaps that is part of what Albert remembers!

    Heh, i was 8 at the time, so, I'm not too sure where everything is. I just remember seeing lots of redwoods and sequoias, oh, and also driving on a road that passed through the trunk of a tree. And what I also mentioned. The two hours makes sense though, since I remember seeing the sequoias and the general sherman before the redwoods.

    As for me, I'm doing ok. I'm now doing partial weight bearing on my leg assisted by crutches. I had my 3rd surgery, and they pulled some screws out of my ankle. The bone can now slide with the rod since it's only fixed in one place.

    As for the Donek, you guys a definitely welcome to ride it next season. And so long as what's in your pocket is a quarter of my paycheck, we're all good :D . Seriously, I'll probably be selling off that board. However, I'm planning to keep the rest of my hardbooting gear and hopefully update it with a tanker or some other good all-mtn board, like maybe another 4wd to replace the one i broke or a longer atv. Things seem to be blowing over a little bit with my family. I still have another year and a half to let things blow over more, so that hopefully by the '08-'09 season, they won't even notice i'm still on hardboots.

  9. yeah, it's an awesome, place. I was there 15 years ago, but I still remember some of it, like getting eaten by swarms of mosquitoes as we hiked out to see a fallen sequoia. The other thing I remember was the General Sherman. That is one big tree.

  10. I got some mp 28s for the track 325s. I had suzukas in 29s, but my foot shrank a little bit when I had my surefoot insoles made.

    Anyway, by comparison, I really liked the track 325s. I got about 10 days on them and 11-12 days on the suzukas by comparison this season. The buckles were really nice, but not too friendly to small calves. I ended up filling in all the extra space and play with those sticky foam pads. After that, everything worked out great for me, so they should be fine with larger calves.

    The other thing that i really loved about the 325s compared to the suzukas is the heel cup. It's much tighter fitting than the suzukas and really kept my heel planted and down in place. The toe box is a little bit smaller than the suzukas, but that wasn't really much of a problem. I use thin smartwool (sp?) socks (my feet are about an E in width). As for durability, no problems so far with my 10 days. I can't comment on the lean adjuster mechanism since I put BTS with yellow springs on mine (I weigh 150#).

    As for pushing the limits of the boot, I'm not at that level yet. I'd say where hardboots are concerned, I'm an above average beginner on the verge of an intermediate break through. I do however ride aggressively, if not slightly reckless, which my broken 4wd and leg can support (two separate trips and accidents) - I averaged about 18-20 days the last 2 seasons.

    As an all-mtn boot, they seemed great. I rode them everywhere, powder, cord, moguls, and even on a freeride board. Overall, I liked them better than the Suzukas in every way (i have no other hard boot to compare them to). As far as stiffness was concerned, they seemed about the same, I couldn't tell the difference. I know one area that some people didn't/don't like is the cant mechanism, which I haven't had a problem with yet.

  11. It's snowing and blowing here in Wyoming. Looking forward to hiking and riding Medicine Bow Peak this afternoon!


    Going higher,


    Are you on softies?

    You're really tearing it up :biggthump:biggthump

    You won't believe the smile you're putting on my face right now. That really gives me hope for the future (a season or two from now). What board and boots (more importantly, what boots)?

  12. hehe, looks like someone's already feeling the effects of the snow melting.

    I can't say statistically, but I do know one thing based on my own injury and talking to the medical staff.

    I had a tib/fib fracture. On the same day, three skiers came in with tib/fib fractures of some sort also. There was a lot of fresh snow that day, mammoth reported 10 inches of freshies for the day.

    Hospital staff said that they really weren't too surprised based on the conditions. I think part of it is just luck and chance.

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