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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. Prior... because they introduced me to the alpine industry (at least their boards did - bomber did the introducing to the company).

    I've purchased 3 boards from them in a one year period and really think their boards are awesome. Granted, I haven't tried any of the other renoun alpine manufacturers, but they really made me fall in love with this sport in a whole different way. It should have only been 2, but hey -- sh!t happens, and I was more than pleased with them to buy a third.

    Now, when I get the opportunity to try out the other manufactures, I expect nothing less. I expect nothing but excitement and thrills when I give my Donek its debut ride on Friday.

  2. Sorry about your loss. I would normally say "at least you didn't get hurt" but, you didn't even crash...

    I have no race experience, but I can only imagine that the forces you'd generate racing would exceed those generated by myself "freecarving."

    Maybe the best explanation is: "Sh!t happens... Snowboards break..."

    Still, it sucks, and I can share in your pain (my board was only 2-3 weeks old - 3 days of riding).

    A little OT here, but in retrospec to my experience/thread:

    Anyway, do all the Prior critics with warranty issues want to jump in here and offer your $.02 with what Donek SHOULD have done?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    Are you all gonna cross Prior AND Donek off of your lists? :AR15firin

  3. I read part of this thread last night, and unexpectedly went riding today.

    I spent about 1/4 of my time on a steep green (summit run - for the locals) just working on cross-under and trying to be quick and fluid. I definitely think it's a bit tougher than the GS style turns because all your weight shifting and movements have to happen much quicker. There's also less room for error, and it's a bit harder to recover from if you screw up in your rythm. Decambering the board requires different and proper technique, and you really need and want that pop from your board for throwing you into the next edge transition. On a steeper run at higher speeds, it's easy for the board to get ahead of you and literally fly up out from under you -- leaving you sliding on your back in the direction your board was last pointed.

    For GS "bomber style" turns, there's much more time for you to make your movements, granted you're traveling faster though. You still have to work to decamber the board, but it happens more naturally with speed. There's also more time for you to set up for your next edge transition, you're not constantly hopping back and forth from edge to edge with the constant board pop. The carves are spaced out, so if you should fumble a bit mid way, there's time to recover before the next transition.

    As for what's faster for getting down the mountain or through gates, I don't know. I'm purely a recreational rider and don't worry about that stuff. I wouldn't mind bashing some gates for fun just to get a feel of what it's like, but I don't think I'll ever find myself competing.

    Disclaimer: the above stated is not necessarily technically sound nor is it correct. Rather, it is a description of how certain movements and turns "felt" to this rookie.

  4. I cannot believe more people have chosen groom over powder. You people are either crazy, or from the east coast.

    You are on a carving forum :p

    And powder isn't exactly ideal for carving.

    Still, I can't decide and haven't voted yet. It's definitely a toss up between powder and perfect groom. I need to ride my plate set up on some super fresh pow pow, which I didn't get a chance to do this year.

  5. what can we do to develope tougher feet? I also have tender feet.

    what ralann said. just stop being a pansy and wearing shoes... :lol: :lol:

    i have tender feet too, but i like shoes. it's funny, because the soles of my feet are actually softer than the soles of many women i know. It's probably because they wear all sorts of crazy shoes and stilettos...

    anyway, back on topic, it seems like a great way to hurt myself.

  6. I bought a season pass to the worst local mountain ever. However, even though i only went 7 days, I still go my money's worth for that season pass.

    I went 9 more days at another resort, which if i got a season pass there it would not have paid off unless I put all 16 days at that mountain. That's because they offer $15 and $19 dollar vouchers if you leave before 1pm (pricing depends on if they want to price gouge for what is considered "peak season times"). Even then, that's cutting it close for me.

    I'm thinking next year, to pay as I go since this season was so crappy. That, and I can't see more than 40 days on the slopes given time factors. If i got 30 days, that would put me at a $400 dollar loss, which I'm willing to soak up.

    Which gets me to, the whole thing of how do you people put 50-60+ days or more on the slopes? Do you work full time 8am-5pm jobs 40hours a week? How do you support yourself economically, etc. etc?

    The only way, I could see it where i lived is if i'm retired, and or working part time, 25hours or less a week and live less than 40 min from the mountain (my commute is 1:15 hours or 1:30 hours).

  7. that looks insanely sick. it's starting to make my left leg hurt again. heh

    as bad as that is though...

    Oldvolvosrule told me that the guy that's suing bomber posted pics of what happened to him on tahoecarvers. I can only imagine that that looks much worse. And after seeing this, I know I don't want to see THAT. (those pictures aren't up anymore, got taken down pretty fast apparently).

  8. I’m thinking this is what people call chatter???<O></O>

    Can't really comment on the board, except that greater length will provide more stability at higher speeds (at least as a generalization it should).

    As for chatter, if you look at nice clean trenches in the snow when carving at the proper speeds, they look very smooth and well clean cut (like the majority of pictures posted here).

    If your board is experiencing chatter, then your lines will be some what wavy and even have skipping. They might still cut deeply compared to skidding, but they definitely do not look smooth. If can picture a sine or cosine wave, it almost feels like your board is oscillating in that way while carving, and if you look at your lines, it almost looks like that too (well, at least that's what it is for me when I have heel-side chatter).

    For softboot carving on a freeride board, you might want to look at Steepwater boards. I don't know much about them, but D-Sub raves about these boards. They have larger SCRs too -- something like 10m, which makes carving a realistic option. There might still be one or two in the classified section here, and for less than $300.

  9. Crazy stuff, speedy recovery to you.

    I got kinda scared my last time out, I folded the nose on my ATV (damned spring conditions) and torqued my leg harder than ever before (even harder than when i snapped my 4wd).

    I knew it didn't break, but that was scary. My lower leg still hurts sometimes a week and a half after. Btw, I had BTS installed on my boots -- wonder if that saved my leg. Thanks for the info. This is good stuff, might save a few other people the trouble.

  10. Yeah, those guys aren't even wearing any pads in some of the crashes. Some of them, they just hit the pavement and come to a dead stop, no sliding or anything.

    As for taking up longboarding/skateboarding in general, it's just weird. I've already had the board shoot out from under me and fly forward while i'm on the ground trying to figure out why the hell i didn't go forward with it. haha

    It feels great so far, but I'm gonna be a pansy and wait till the rest of my gear gets here before trying more. I love the flex feel - it has that decambering feeling of snowboard when making quick cross under carves.

    Btw, how was it picking it up after a 15 year hiatus? I kinda wonder if the learning curve will be higher for me now that I'm a bit older (almost 24).

    It's shaping up to be a good summer... and a long one too.

  11. since we're on the topic and posting videos left and right...

    this video has convinced me that Landyachtz is the way to go if you wanna bomb hills at mach schnell like ralann has been saying.

    The video ralann posted ^^^ above is cool, but as far as bombing hills and having the balls to do it. watch

    on a side note, I just got my Loaded Vanguard, and from the feel of it just messing around a little bit, it definitely feels like the carving feeling I'm looking for. Haven't really pushed it or myself yet. I'm waiting to get some protective gear in (I have almost zero skating experience) and can already foresee eating sh!t. I don't mind, but since I already know i'm going to, i'd much rather be wearing some pads, helmet, and gloves when I do it. I figure I can wait at least that long. Everyone thinks i'm nuts right now... "You're 23 and NOW you decide to do this?!?! Most people take up this stuff as kids... blah blah blah"

  12. that ASB system looks awesome. the video is cool too. Only problem is, i don't see it being practical with any sort of possible street traffic around. And then there comes the whole thing of , why build a road if you're not gonna have cars traveling on it?

    Cool system and concept though, just no clue where I'd use it. At least not in my area.

    The snowboards look interesting too, but not with softboots. Even with catek FR2s mounted on those things, softboots don't exactly seem like an option on 18-19cm waist boards.

  13. I always yield to the downhill person AND the uphill person. I'm all about self-preservation. This season, I've only hit 2 people, and it's because I fell about 10-20 yards up slope and could do nothing but slide into the person down slope.

    I've had a few near misses, but I have yet to be hit from behind. I usually catch small peak of what's up hill while on my toeside and have taken preventive action to assure I don't get creamed.

    Now flying off the runs and into the trees because I get distracted or spooked with people down slope... haha, that's happened at least 3 times now. Luckily I haven't hit any trees yet.

    I'm with bumpyride and philfell on this one.

    Driving analogy: my brother got hit by a guy who ran a stop sign. When the cops came, the other guy denied it. My bro's word against the other guy's word... No win situation, for my bro at least. The other guy got off with just having to fix his car instead of both cars. Case in point - defensive driving, not exerting the "I'm right and have the right of way" mentality.

  14. I never had good food in any american ski resort.

    Same here, as a result, I almost never buy food at the resort. I just eat one Cliff bar (or something like it) on the drive up, and maybe another one mid-day. Works out better that way, I don't like the feeling of food in my stomach while boarding.

    I drive down and eat AFTER boarding.

    BTW, how're temps and conditions holding up there on the east coast?

  15. Yeah, I was aiming for 30 days this season, but the damn weather wouldn't cooperate with me.

    This weekend saw 90F+ temps at sea level, and it's going to continue through out the rest of this week.

    I went up to the slopes yesterday, and the season is officially over in SoCal, unless things change. Slopes had 60-65F temps.

    So, I'm thinking 16 days for this season, unless something miraculous happens.

  16. I could definitely see how this is bad publicity, and up until december of 2005, I had never heard of any of the snowboard manufactures that are so highly praised here. So, if a complete noob were to see that, he/she might steer clear of a Donek.

    However, all of that being said, the 4 broken boards last week were all from some top alpine manufactures -- Donek, Prior, Coiler, and i guess you could throw Volkl in there.

    Now we just need a few people to snap some other boards, like maybe a Virus, Pogo, and a Madd. I think that would round things out nicely. J/K of course, wouldn't want to see anymore broken gear. But, that last week just goes to show you that every board has limits. Even Ferraris and Porsches lose grip and skid out, whether it's user error or the limit of the vehicle is another matter.

  17. Dunno about you, but he might be smiling for the same reason I was smiling.

    He gets to walk away and drive himself home, rather than take a ride to the ER in an ambulance (at least that's what it looks like).

    So, that makes 4 broken boards this weekend: Volkl rentiger, Coiler, Donek FC, and a Prior 4wd

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