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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. Both Bear and Summit will be openning tomorrow.

    I'm itching to go up, but i'm probably gonna wait a little bit. Everyone else that's been Jonesing to go up is gonna be there, and I expect it to be packed.

    I'd rather not damage my gear just yet. I'm a gear abuser in good uncrowded conditions, early season crowded conditions is just asking for it.

  2. weather is supposed to warm up by like 10-15 degrees on wednesday or thursday... all that snow making go bye bye :(

    I figure mid January is when i'll realistically see the slopes. Maybe this is the way that those unseen greater forces/super natural being/beings keep me safe until my brother's wedding in January...

    Maybe i should start thinking mammoth.

    Or, since my new subsonic longboard came in, i'll just have to make due with asphalt and concrete. I just gotta dodge the cops and security. They don't like me.

    This is really sad, I've had my 192 tanker since July waiting for snow...

  3. Any metal soft/hard boot boards out there?

    I was thinking of something like an ATV with metal that can be used for both soft and hardboots.

    Or like, a metal Tanker maybe. Or maybe some sort of metal BX board.

    It would definitely be an AM board with a waist of around 230-240mm. nothing narrower, because that wouldn't work for softies, and nothing wider because that would be too slow for edge transitions and would feel too "fat" for using with hardboots (probably already too fat for most of you).

  4. I'm already pretty happy with my quiver. I would add a 188 Monster Metal from Coiler to it.

    If money was no object I would spend more time riding / traveling and less time working. That's what I would actually do.

    Best response in the thread :biggthump:biggthump

    Screw buying more boards, I just need a job where I come in twice a week and get to leave and go on vacation for however long I want.

    But, to be in conformance with the thread.

    1. Custom ATV with Titanal for softbooting (it's gotta have metal. just so i can see what all the rave is about)

    2. Some sort of Coiler AM-T, just to see what all the rave is about

    3. Madd 158, just to see what all the rave is about...

    4. (i know, i can't count). Tinkler of soem sort, because it just looks so bad ass that it's gotta be awesomeness

  5. Nothing but Catek love here. Got some FR2s last year after deciding not to ride HBs for the season. Awesomeness - my '05 burton cartels just can't compare.

    Used them on both an ATV and a Tanker. Best soft boot binding i've been on - for carving at least. Gotta try rigging that third strap this season.

    Dunno about customer service (never had a problem i needed to call in about), but just thought I'd share some Catek product lovin'

  6. Riding for sure.

    About $75-$100 (depending on prices) on gas each "local" turn around trip to the mountains, which easily turns into $1500 or more. $350 season pass.

    Add in any other trips to bigger mountains (probably 3 of these a year), and the added expense of lodging, tickets, travel, food, etc. and the price goes north from there.

    So far for the '08-'09 season, i'm about dead even on expense.

    0 trips up = $0

    Tanker 192 = $400

    Season pass = $350

  7. definitely looks like a lot more parts might be cross-compatible between the td2 and td3.

    Doesn't seem like quite as radical a change as the td1 vs td2 was.

    That's probably because the td2 was and still is a great binding, and now the td3 just improves on things that seem to be more user friendly/convenient rather than completely performance enhancing/changing (thicker e-rings are nice though).

    I could be completely off base though, and wouldn't be surprised if i was.

  8. Been on both the ATV and the 4wd. Both awesome boards.

    ATV = better float, soft flex, usable with softboots and a great transition board. Might want to have it stiffened up a bit if you want to use plates and are pretty aggressive. I've folded the nose on my 161 at 145 pounds.

    4wd = thinner version of ATV with stiffer flex. carves amazingly well. and great for taking all around the mountain. if you don't have big feet and won't be seeing quite as much freshies, I'd get this over the ATV.

    Don't know anything about the Axis and haven't tried a coiler. A number of coilers have been popping up here on the classifieds though. From what i hear, you can't go wrong with them. I wouldn't know first hand though.

    Might want to look into a Tanker. I'm using that for my AM board now. Not very good on boiler plate ice from what i hear though. Wouldn't know, never been on Ice-Coast mountains. Been in icy conditions (this is SoCal - we get warm temps to melt stuff, which re-freezes over night) though. For what i've been riding on in my area, it's a great board. And when you do get some powder, WOW, best board i have ever been on for those conditions.

  9. I can justify 3 boards, 4 maximum.

    1. Early/late season rock board. My ATV 161

    2. All mountain do anything board. My Tanker 192 (previously 4wd - broken. also previously Tanker 182 - broken)

    3. Groomed Carver. My Donek FCI 171 - I'd like to add a Slalom board to this with a 9.5-10m SCR.

    4. **Don't have this, but wish I did** Powder only board. Some sort of swallowtail like a Prior Pow stick, or a Rossi Undertaker (now BigGun).

    Everything else after that is just for fun, variety, and collection as far as I'm concerned. I only get about 20-30 days per season, so I can't really justifiy more than that. I also live around an 1hr 30min from the closest decent mountain.

    I have a number of retired/broken boards that I've gone through, i'm a real gear abuser. Last 3 seasons have had 1 broken board each season.

    So, 3 boards for sure, for any rider's quiver with over 10 days a season.

    1. Rock board/powder

    2. AM board/powder

    3. Groomed carver

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