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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. +1 on everything Jon Dahl said.

    It's my favorite board so far. The only thing i don't like it for is moguls (plain stupid to even try it on this), ice, and probably trees (never tried it for this though, i suck at trees).

    I have to use it with hardboots though. It's too much board for me in softies at 145 lbs.

  2. So at 107 you can see damage. So sit by the door of the class and you will be below that, add in the fact that you sweat and you body is much cooler than this and I doubt you will see any real damage.

    In the rat models, heat was only applied to the testes (localized heat). Actual core body temp does not go up to that temp.

    Also, there's a biological reason your scrotum hangs away from your body. Men who wear boxers tend to have higher sperm counts than men who wear briefs. Do you know why this is? Temperature. Your balls aren't at 98.7F like the rest of your body, they're slightly cooler. They prefer to hang and swing around a bit. When it's too cold, the skin gets tight and they get pulled closer to your body to warm up a bit. Just because your core body temp is cooler, doesn't mean your extremeties are - e.g. see frost bite for the flip side, core body temp is probably much warmer.

    Also, sweating is ineffective in a room at 90-95% humidity with temperatures well above body temp. Your sweat works to cool you down by evaporating and it evaporates by drawing the heat off of your body. Well, it's tough to evaporate when the air is saturated with moisture and if it does evaporate, it's drawing more heat from the surounding air than it is from your body.

    Also, chances are that you're not standing around naked... Those two extra layers of clothing act as more insulation to keep the heat in.

    As for hot tubs, it's worse with heat. Ancient male Greeks and/or Romans used to sit in 110+F hot tubs for 45 minutes at a time as a form of temporary contraception.

    There's nothing wrong with doing it every once and a while, but regularly isn't healthy - just like drinking too much alcohol. But hey you don't have to believe me, they're not my balls, you can do with them what you like hehe ;)

  3. http://www.cababstractsplus.org/abstracts/Abstract.aspx?AcNo=19880109520

    Title: Effects of local heating of the testes on the concentration of testosterone in jugular and testicular venous blood of rats and on testosterone production in vitro.

    Personal Authors: Galil, K. A. A., Setchell, B. P.

    Author Affiliation: ARC Inst. Animal Physiology, Cambridge CB2 4AT, UK.

    Editors: No editors

    Document Title: International Journal of Andrology


    Heating both testes of rats to 39°-41°C for 30 min (by the direct application of heat) was apparently without effect 21 days later, but heating to 41.5°-43° for 30 min resulted in a significant drop in testis weight, accompanied by significant rises in the serum LH and FSH concentrations. There were no changes in serum testosterone concentration in the peripheral circulation, although there was an increase in the concentration in testis venous blood. The ability of the heated testis to secrete testosterone in vivo in response to max. stimulation by HCG was reduced, as judged by the testosterone concentration in peripheral blood, while there was a supranormal increase in testosterone concentration in the testis venous blood. Maximally stimulated testosterone production in vitro by the heated testis was supranormal, whereas the basal production of testosterone per testis was not different from control values. Therefore, it appears that the testosterone produced by Leydig cells from heated testes may not be secreted as effectively as in normal testes.

    (The effects are very similar in human models...)

  4. how'd your boards turn out?

    Anyway, as far as rocker goes, for long boarding, i think i prefer it to camber.

    I have a Landyachtz Mummy, and i've ridden it right side up the way it was designed (with lots of camber) and upside down (with rocker) - you can only do this on boards without concave. I prefer it upside down with rocker. It cradles my feet a lot better, and the added turn angle it puts on my front truck means i don't have to wedge it as much to get that extra turniness for pumping. That, and the rocker effectively lowers you without being a dropthrough and keeps you as a topmount. Also for the Mummy, i find the flex a bit too snappy and harsh when in the cambered position, but when rockered, it feels a tamer - this is board specific.

    Overall i guess it depends on what you're looking for. If you're looking for more of that snowboard carvy feel, you probably want camber. For me, I prefer rocker in my boards, only board where i really like camber is my loaded vanguard.

  5. The other thing is that Bikram himself is a greedy money grubbing whore. He charges a crap load in royalties to use his name so you can call your studio a "Bikram" yoga studio, and to get to that status, apparently the owner/main instructor has to pay a crap load in class fees (more so than other yogas) to get "certified" as a Bikram instructor - not very yogi like at all...

    As Dan said, a bunch of marketting BS aimed at making money.

  6. No go for me, it's Easter Sunday - plans with the family.

    Have fun though, if conditions are anything like last Sunday, it should be fun up until around noon. I stayed till about 1:30 anyway.

    Early morning is going to be icy and edge hold will be challenging. I had the tanker out, and wished i'd been on the Donek FCI. But, by around 9:00 certain areas were getting carvable, and by 9:30-10, things were definitely good for carving. By around 11:30-12, that's when it really started getting slushy and heavy. By the time i left at around 1-1:30, i wasn't even trying to carve.

    Anyway, good fun still. Glad i brought out the Tanker - it sucked for the first hour or so, but was definitely the better choice for riding the whole day. Would have been nice if i had a second set of bindings, switching boards would be nice. As it stands, i didn't feel like remounting bindings - PITA.

  7. This is making me excited about my Coiler and I haven't even discussed details with Bruce yet (December '09 delivery).

    This is definitely good, though, gives me ideas of what i want, although i have a pretty good idea. I just need to know what works and doesn't...

  8. My girlfriend is a nut about the stuff. She's gone on 2 stints of going 90+ days everyday at a time (over 530 classes). She's practiced it for about 2.5 years now and is pretty as flexible as a noodle. And after all that, she's quitting...

    I've gone to it, and find it no more beneficial than regular yoga, except for all of the hot sweaty girls everywhere wearing the bare minimum. that and every now and then you'll get the stupid one (or slutty one) that wears white...

    Anyway, as far as the heat goes. All it does is warm you up and make it easier to get into postures and make you a bit more flexible than you really are. That's it. It doesn't add anything to giving you a good work out. All that sweating isn't calories burned... It's you losing crap loads of water because it's F***ing hot and your body is trying to cool down - unsuccessfully of course since humidity in the room is at 90+% and it's around 110F. Oh and one other thing, for us guys, it's bad for your testies. There's a reason you have this sack that hangs AWAY from the rest of your body - it likes to be at temperatures COOLER than 98.7F (37C). Hot yoga, equal bad for your balls and your testosterone production.

    As for my girlfriend quitting, she's seen the light. Those temperatures are just unnatural, and you're better off doing some of the other forms of yoga out there. Getting dizzy, fealing nauseated, getting angry (heat can do that to you, especially guys - it has to me on one occasion and i've seen it happen to other guys), etc etc, is not worth it. All the weight lost is just water weight becuase you're de-hydrated and sweating a crap load. It's like sitting in a sauna and losing 3 pounds when you get out. Did you burn any calories or fat? NO, you just lost all the water in you and got dehydrated. That weight comes back on in like 2-3 days.

    Yoga in general is good for your balance and overall being flexible, which is nice for snowboarding, but Bikram (hot) yoga versus some other yoga won't make you better. Avoid the heat, your balls and your sig other will thank you... And take it from my girlfriend, there's gosip at her studio going around about the owner/practitioner/part-time instructor (who is male) that has certain male problems - one of the other male instructors apparently also has the same problems.

    As for me, i go every now and then (see 1-2 times a month), but it's just to spend time with my girl, that's it. The stretches and postures are definitely beneficial, but you don't need the heat. If you want to do yoga, don't do Bikram.

    Rant done...

  9. '87-'89 is the sweet spot for Porsche 911s. Uncomplicated yet easy to drive. If you have the means, I highly recommend you pick one up.

    How's the reliability? I have an '86 944 Turbo (951) with 71,700 miles on it and it's been a pain, even with the low milage...

    I really like the sound of the high revving air cooled N/A engines that Porsche made for the 930 chassic. 993s are pretty sweet too, but I hear they're all a pain in the ass to maintain.

  10. downsized_0210091547jpg.jpg

    custom Subsonic century pulse. Scott makes some awesome boards - this is my second one. It's a drop down LDP board - those are hard to get right, LDP boards usually have you around 5-6 inches up in the sky (real PITA to push, but then again you should be pumping). (4 in diamond file to show drop). It got delivered in November so it hasn't seen much ride time - 10-15 miles max.

    hopefully my summer ride (car) sells, because it's a pain in the ass... :barf:

  11. Summit has only 12 inches left...... sad :smashfrea

    Yup, sad indeed. This looks like it'll be my last day for the season, unless... eh, unfortunately I don't see myself making it out of town for the rest of the season, but i can still hope.

    Enjoy Mammoth guys, it'll likely be your last until next season, unless you go there or Tahoe again this season...

    Carve it up for me, happy turns

  12. Last i was up there, March 14-15, it wasn't crowded at all. Stump Alley express was a little bit crowded on Saturday, but everywhere else was pretty decenlty empty. And even then, Stump was only crowded from around 12:30-2:30.

    On Sunday, not crowded anywhere. It felt like a weekday almost.

    BTW, economy is slow - Hennesey's in the village closed, if anyone remembers or knows that place.

  13. Hey Aaron, you were talking about more likely a new pair of skis instead of a carving board in you future purchases...

    You ever consider a mono board by Mohouck? I saw him coming down stump alley on that thing a few times the last time i was up at Mammoth (march 14-15). It was pretty sick, he was cutting super tight arcs in the snow, unlike any skiers. Easily as tight as i've seen you cut arcs with your 4wd three years ago when it was newer.

    I don't see myself skiing in the near future, but should finances permit, i'm thinking after the coiler, what's next in store is one of those mono-boards. That's looks really fun and cool, AND, i don't have to worry about my legs getting all separated and tangled up. not sure, but i'm thinking mono-boards are non-release bindings, right?

  14. Terry's gonna be a patroller next year, so we'll get to see him on Sundays now, hopefully ;)

    Regretfully, I think i only got one or two days off for snowboarding on a regular weekday this season, so I only saw Terry once or twice (on a sunday) this season.

    There's a good number of us that are pretty regular on Sunday though.

  15. ahh, you guys are making me jealous. I'm assuming you guys won't be there this Sunday then?

    Looks like i'm going solo this Sunday (probably my last day of the season)...

    Damn work, ah well, at least i have a job to be damning :biggthump

    Have fun guys, carve it up for me. I'll be slarfing, scarving, and skirding in our 60F weather hehe

  16. I'm 230lbs and often wondered what would happen if....

    If your board didn't break??

    You probably would have broken.

    When i broke my tib/fib, the previous month (to breaking my leg) i broke my 4wd by stuffing it into a mogul. My leg kinda hurt after that, but i was glad that the board broke and actually was not upset in the least. Based on the pain i was feeling in my leg (went away after an hour or so), i knew that i would have broken if the board didn't.

    Following month when i broke my leg, the board came out unscathed completely fine.

    If the gear doesn't break, the energy is transfered to you, and you break... Broken gear is a blessing, and a great excuse/reason to go buy a new up to date toy :biggthump

    Btw, that's an awesome looking broken board

  17. Hey Albert...sure you don't want a custom topsheet?


    only 42 bucks! and 30 off your coiler. :biggthump

    I'd need someone to design it for me and everything, and i have no artistic skills what so ever. It just seems like a pain right now.

    I'll look into it more later, maybe while i'm at work :eplus2:

    Bruce has about 12 top sheets to pick from now, and he might have more in the fall. Right now i see two top sheets that i like in his line up.

  18. Good call on the Donek for this morning from 8:00am to 10:15am it was great on the icy stuff. It holds an edge way better than my Tanker on that stuff.

    But, by the time the slush came out and everything got heavy and wet, i wanted to be on the tanker. ended up leaving at 11:30 and not remounting the bindings to the tanker.

    First time out on FCI 171 in a long time. It may not be metal and might not have some new shape, but it was definitely fun, just kinda dicey in the slush later on.

  19. Last time I checked Hardbooter doesen't sell SG or Kessler.

    B-squared, Phil Berube, Pretty Good, and Silly Good...

    All new CURRENT METAL SHAPES designed by the man himself and made by Prior...

    Come on, you're a racing coach, aren't you current and with the alpine times? I mean where the hell is this sport and its progression heading if a top coach doesn't know what "prod'e'ct" is out there?

    :1luvu: this guy...A humble genious (sp.)...Refreshing:)

    A certain resident expert could learn a thing or two, or NOT...

    Bordy, take some time to read again your first post and think about the way you wrote things... it should make you understand and think a little about things !

    I understand why so many people reacting to this !

    Nothing to think about, he wrote things exactly the way he wanted to.

    Also got exactly the reaction he wanted too.

    Drama queen. He lives for this stuff. been here for two and a half years, same ole same ole.

    That's how these chill cats (as he likes to call himself) work apparently. I have much to learn about the alpine world and keeping it real and current. I'm not chill enough though, i haven't flipped out in every thread i've started and posted in. I also haven't sold enough of my old "crap" and "trash" on the BOL classifieds in the name of helping out. i'm still a padawan with much to learn.

    Done, this thread is just stupid, and i'm even dumber for adding to it. So many other threads started that're on this bandwagon this year. If BOL was behind, other threads showed that it was starting to catch up this season... This thread = unnecessary trolling and baiting.

  20. Good to hear Erwin. Maybe i should mount up the Donek. It'll probably be much better on the Ice.

    Also, I'm a 50% show for tomorrow now, guys. I'm at work right now and need to be at work again tomorrow.

    I'll see how i'm feeling. I just might go boarding early tomorrow then go to work for 5 hours after that.

  21. Let me get this right, I post about there being new gear and you should all get into it cuz it will make riding easier and better for you all and the response i get are about my credability and rant etc selling gear???/

    Keep on your BOL lifestyles....I'll keep on snowboarding

    whatever dude, save the martyr act. If someone else did this, they would have been banned a long time ago. But you're some kind of superstar. Is this your come back from last year's farewell?

    Gotta remind us all that you're still here, right?

    And there's nothing wrong with selling old gear, everyone does it, but when you do it after having numerous rants about progression of the sport, holding back this, doesn't rip that, not with the in and current blah blah blah.

    You're just a car salesman. You say all this crap about said model of car. Then, because you happen to have a few on hand, you go and try to sell it. Then, when a customer comes your way, you all of a sudden have nothing but praises for it. What happened to all the negative commentary you had for it in other threads?

    I didn't see anything in your sales thread saying, none of this gear is in with the current progression of the sport. It doesn't rip the way all the newer stuff does. You're holding your riding back by using this old junk. blah blah blah. Why is that? Did i miss something?

    But, you're just some chill cat that says it as it is, right?

    BTW, you call everyone else out with their credibility, right? Like, what you done for the sport and the industry and talk about how you're always putting your neck on the line and making sacrifices.

    What's wrong with someone calling you out? Some how it doesn't seem like you really don't have as good a response for this one. You're not being belittling and condescending enough...

    Anyway, car salesman, keep your junk off of the classifieds, we don't want it because it doesn't rip...

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