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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. I think every America should attend Civics class and also a "ride along" with their local police force.

    Would certainly LOVE to hear the story with Fin hitting the pavement with his rifle. Did he lip-off to the Silverthorne cops when they cuffed him or did he follow their orders?

    Just like Powell said...you MUST respect authority. If not, it will be the Wild Wild West all over.

    Are some cops corrupt? Yes. But, that is the exception, not the rule.

    Ride along? Ever watch the show Cops? Really stupid. They're always busting some guy sitting in his car smoking weed (not even a drug dealer with a kilo or two, just a little dime or dub sack for himself) or doing stupid stuff.

    I've had ONLY bad experiences with cops, and there have been numerous times where they could have been helpful when one was present. I even had one completely drive past me when I was waving him down for help. Never there when I need them, and ALWAYS going on power trips. I have so many crappy stories I could tell, but it's not worth the time or effort.

    I WISH I had a good story to tell, I really do, but unfortunately I do not. Also, for the record, I have no criminal record or anything like that, so it's not like I'm some hardened criminal with this bias against cops.

  2. I was told it would stay in unless there was complications. I am not anxious to have another surgery.

    Unfortunately I may have to have the plate in my arm removed , it has caused increasing issues.

    They removed a couple screws out of my leg to improve heeling a month into recovery, they gave me those

    in a "Bio" bag. Cool hardware, self drilling, self threading screws with star heads.

    I will definitely save it , maybe make a bola tie out of it? It is a "T" plate with seven screws.

    Did they remove the lower screws? I had the exact same thing. They removed two screws from my ankle about a month and a half after the break. They also said it promotes better healing and allows the bone to slide with the rod and compress more, thus allowing the bone to fuse more readily at the fracture sites.

    Sounds like we have the same set of screws too. I'm actually doing quite well now. I'm still going through PT, but it's a lot better. No more crutches, very slight limp, range of motion is about 85% or so. Muscle mass is still lacking though, and I'm working on a lot of agility and balancing exercises too. I'd say, around 8 week recovery easily for going back to work (except for the most physically demanding jobs). That said, i'm still enjoying disability. I'll probably be back to work in another 4 weeks.

  3. Just cleaned my bearings...

    Messy work.

    Switching to my round wheels now.

    Biltin bearings FTW!!! Super easy to clean. I just leave the shield on too, since it's only shielded on one side, and the shield isn't rubber or some other synthetic material that gets eaten up by alcohol.

    Just slide onto the long screw, secure, add alcohol to half way mark, put in bottle, shake a bit, let sit for a few hours right side up, shake some more, then let sit upside down for a few more hours.

    Oh yeah, and definitely round edged wheels for sliding. I'm gonna pick up some retro freerides. They're the perfect size too 72mm. Anything over 76mm is just overkill unless you have SUPER bad roads with cracks and crevices everywhere and really need bigger wheels to roll over it all.

  4. Whats the flex and how much would you ask for?

    It's a flex 4. I was thinking of selling it for around $90 deck only.

    I can use that to pay for some retro freerides and maybe one truck, but most likely just a set of wheels.

    Nice sliding vid.

    This coming from a swimming expert that's never been in a pool... hehe

    You need a little bit more speed, but before that, pick up some knee pads and a helmet...

  5. It's definitely better to ride with people like Erwin and Kerry (I'd say i watch them over anyone)

    Aaron too.

    Although he went to the dark side... damn skiers. :AR15firin

    Hey, don't you have a Landyatchs Evo?

    How do you like it?

    I also forgot George, and I do remember Richard, but I never did run into Loc.

    As for skiers, I've been thinking of joining the group... On a monoski from Coda boards. That said, I have too many toys, and hopefully I still have a Coiler on the way - I haven't gotten into contact with Bruce since around April or May, I should send him an email to make sure things are still on track. Anyway, no skis for now, but if i do go back, it's definitely on a monoski either from Coda or Donek.

    Nope, no Landyachtz Evo. I have a Mummy, a Loaded Vanguard, and a Subsonic Century 38. They're all nice, except, I don't really care much for the Loaded anymore. I've been thinking about selling it for a while. I ride the Mummy and the Century 38 quite a bit more. The Century 38 needs some modding - I got a prototype model from Scott, and he's since made one major change that I wish my board had (time to bust out a hand saw or jigzaw cutter).

  6. Just had a nice little street carving session.

    I'm more sore than after a full day of snowboarding.

    I've only been gone for an hour.

    How does that happen? :freak3:

    Muscles you don't normally use?

    Also, one of the things when snowboarding, especially when in groups like when we go, is there's a decent amount of stopping and waiting and watching, so while you still push yourself -it's for very short bursts. That said, I learn a lot more riding with the vast multitude of guys who are better than us like Erwin, Aaron, Kerry, your dad, and a number of other guys who I might have missed.

    Still, the days that I get the most tired and sore from, are the very FIRST day of the season, and weekdays when I ride completely solo. Legs and lungs burning all the way from the top of Summit Express to the bottom. Easy to get 30+ runs (I need to start counting the number of turns... hehe :biggthump) in from 8:30 to 1pm.

  7. don't you just love parking garages?

    Yeah, they're great, when you're not getting kicked out of them by the cops or security or running away when you see them coming...

    -It's like, park at the bottom floor, then go to the top and board down the floors.

    -As you're at the top floor, security comes.

    -Skate as fast as possible to the stair well and book it

    -Run down stairs into truck

    -OR, fly past security truck driving UP while you're going down and beat him to your get away vehicle.

    -Burn rubber as you drive away...

    One security guard almost killed me by cutting me off and turning right in front of me to get me to stop... Stupid douche bag - I don't have brakes on the thing like a bike, and foot braking is still kind of sketch for me sometimes. So, i did a hard carve right around his SUV. He could have just yelled out his window and told me to leave, which is what I do. I don't argue with them.

  8. Ahhhhh!!!!

    You guys are making me so jealous, I wanna ride....

    On the upside, I'm limping around unassisted without crutches now.

    Soon, maybe September or October I think i'll be riding.

    As for the wheel base on the asym, that's pretty easy to fix. There seems to be more than enough board left for Theo to drill an extra set of holes if needed? Is the drilling pattern for new or old school trucks?

    Most of my trucks are new school, but the 35 degree base plate that Randal uses is old school only.

  9. S.S Dad - I had it removed because my doctor recommended it as a pre-caution. They're designed to stay in, and if they're not bothering you, you can keep it in there. The pre-caution part is that you don't want to break your leg (again) with hardware in it like that - major complications (it's not so bad with external hardware/plate that run along the surface of the bone, but this rod is encased in bone all around, essentially replacing the bone marrow)... I'm on crutches right now, expected recovery is 10-12 weeks. I'm on disability sucking up tax payer dollars (mine and the rest of the bankrupt state of California) - I'm a Lab tech so, I need my legs to do my job, not a desk jocky fortunately and unfortunately. The main problem is in my knee (they move your patela off to the side and re-drill a hole into your tibia and pull the rod out through your knee), i've lost a lot of range of motion and lots of muscle mass from not using the leg - my ankle is a bit tight too. Definitely snowboarding in December of '09, and probably skateboarding before that.

    Terry - I'll be seeing you and the rest of the crew in December/January (bought my season pass in April while it was still cheap). I should have a Coiler ready to go by then too - can't wait to try out all this tit-anal stuff everyone has been talking about.

    bjvircks - crappy 6+ year old camera, and shaky hands...

    bigdyno - It's titanium. As for the hardware, not too much discomfort other than the screws sometimes when they hit tables or other stuff. Discomfort/pain was always kind of random. Running on asphalt, concrete side walks hurts. I also wasn't very good at sensing the rain like so many other people with hardware have said. I'll probably turn the screws into a key chain of some sort, or not - I'm lazy like that.

  10. Nice ride Justin.

    I wish you the best of luck with that car and maintaining it.

    I had an '86 944 turbo that i bought with 59K miles on it four years ago. I sold it two months ago with 72K miles on it. For every mile I drove it, I paid $1 in repair maintenance - literally (you can do the math on that)... That doesn't include basic stuff like oil changes, brakes, tires etc. etc.

    My mechanic, who is a pro-racer that's driven with people on the Rolex Cup series and done a few sub in and numerous events has said that the 944 is easily one of the toughest model Porsches for him to maintain (both N/A and Turbo models - turbos being harder). He even used to build up 944s and race them. He no longer services them unless you're a long time customer with him, and refuses all "new" 944 customers.

    That said, the car was a blast to drive. Such an iconic car of the time with awesome handling - chevy could only wish its V8 corvette could do what that little 4-banger could do. I do miss it, but I like all the extra cash that I have sitting around from the sale and not having to repair and maintain it.

  11. So I finally got the hardware taken out of my leg.

    A little bit of bragging and slightly informative at the same time too.

    Since tib/fib fractures seem like a rather common place "serious" fracture for us, I figure I'd share a little bit with those of you who are currious. There's definitely been quite a few of this specific type of injury here at BOL since I've joined, and I'm sure countless more even before my joining, but I've only seen pictures right after the injury/surgery with x-rays etc. etc.

    Anyway, after two years of having my hardware, I finally got it removed. A little hint for you future snappers, don't leave it in for so long - bone grew and fused into all the un-used screw holes, thus making it very difficult to remove. A 40 minute scheduled surgery turned into 2.5 hours. Anyway, enough talk, here's some photos.


    Two of the four screws securing the rod in place.


    Rod and my leg.


    Another rod and leg picture.


    One of the ends of the rod infused with my bone that had grown into it, making for a nice anchor and securing it in place - almost permanently.

    So, that's that, i hope to never do this again. Removal was 4 weeks ago. I'm going through physical therapy again - I should make it in time for the '09-'10 season. Hopefully, the pics show up, otherwise, this thread is worthless, hehe. Anyway, everyone be careful out there, or you could find yourself with one of these in you, hehe.

  12. That's some crazy balance there and some amazing pumping skills to go with it.

    Dan Gesmer, from Seismic, huh?

    Looks like the best manufacturers have some of the best riders (Chris Chaput too).

    Pumping backwards, and switch, and standing straight forward and while doing a nose manual, insanity.

    I'm just thinking of how to tweak around some of my setups. I have my pumping setup, but it's super sketchy for anything but flat land cruising (to me anyway). I only have two other boards, and honestly, i don't like my Vanguard that much, i much rather prefer my Landyachtz Mummy (i wish it was 2 or 3 inches longer though - hehe, that's NOT what she said :p).

    Still, i have that setup to run cones and pump as well too, and while not as sketchy as my LDP setup, it too lacks the confidence inspiring ride once it goes past 20 mph. It's probably just me and the fact that my balls have shrunk a bit since breaking my leg.

    Still, some setups are definitely more stable than others - while someone might be able to ride my Mummy up to 35 MPH, i don't think i'd go past 20. I can probably get a DH setup to 30 that someone else can easily get up to 50+. I know i know, speed wobs are in the head and being relaxed and loose...

    Anyway, back on topic. Awesome video post Bryan - makes me want to rehab my leg even faster so i can start skating again.

  13. Does the core actually do anything?

    I'm not surprised they are boundy and harsh riding, there's barely any thane between you and the road!

    Reduces weight/mass of the wheel which is better for acceleration/decceleration and overall agility of the wheel. Other than that, I don't know of anything else. Avilas have a solid core and weigh half a pound each - that's a lot of rotational mass and intertia to deal with.

  14. Nice work Andrea. Looks like all i really need is a jig saw cutter. I have everything else. Heh, i keep wanting to do all sorts of things - i need to focus on one thing at a time.

    KC - nice choice if you go with 73mm Speedvents. I have some in 80a. They're super sticky and have plenty of rebound. I don't think i've gotten them to slide or drift at all yet. Then again, i'm not trying, nor am i any good at sliding - although sometimes i could feel my gumballs (sold) drift out on me with some hard carving. Vents accelerated nicely too with the vented core - only con is that they tend to transmit a lot of the road imperfections (not good for my leg).

  15. Hey Hey Hey, No picking on your dad (my parents are the same) for that one. hehe

    Awesome work Andrea :biggthump. Do you use power tools to do this, or is it all done with hard labor and sweat (not that it wouldn't be with power tools, it's just harder without them).

    Nice choice of trucks, Revenge trucks are super carvy (not that stable though, but carvy) - they're not too popular though, another one of those love em or hate em kind of trucks. Good choice with the Randal 180s - they're your run of the mill do everything trucks that you can't really go wrong with, and you have a ton of options as far as base plates (35, 42, 50, and 60 degree plates). You can adjust the angles without having to use wedged risers - thus keeping your board lower to the ground.

  16. might want to look at the 72mm retro freeride wheels instead of the ZigZags. They have rounded corners, which should be better for sliding, that and 72mm wheels will be a bit more friendlier all around for all sorts of things so you don't have to worry about road debris catching your wheels as much.

    83a to 86a is a good duro for sliding. You don't want it to be too hard, otherwise the ride will be really jarring and beat you up.

    The 66mm ZigZags are really a slalom wheel designed to compete with the 66mm hotspots that Seismic has. They're designed for grip and not really as much for drifting/sliding, which doesn't mean that they can't be broken in to do that sort of thing. I just think there are wheels that are better suited and designed for that sort of thing.

    Still, i can't say out right if it is better or not since i'm not currently riding and haven't been on the wheels.

  17. Wouldn't have happened to be heavier than the guy, would you?

    I set my boards up so that they're just a hair from wheel bite and have no problems and don't get bite, even in hard turns.

    As soon as someone 15-20 Lbs or more steps on the board, wheel bite...

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