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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. lace those suckers up. you need the support.

    Also, if you're pumping a lot - such as LDP - you can expect the muscles in your feet (arches and stuff) to get a work out and get sore.

    If you've been pushing quite a bit, be prepared to experience some achillies tendon pain soon enough.

    All this happens to new skaters, using muscles you don't normally use, and new motions too.

    If it's from wheel vibrations, try getting a 1/8" riser shock pad to put inbetween your trucks and the board.

    Softer wheels help too - ideally look for something with a solid core. 72a purple skunk avilas are the ultimate in soft wheels for shock absorption - there are some disadvantages to those wheels too. Other wheels to look at are the old Earthwing 76mm superballs. Bigzigs in the softer duros. Hotspots in 77a if you want a smaller 69mm wheel (make sure you get black ops - other than sounding cool, they've been doing quite well in the slalom world). 71mm 75a green gator wheels should work too. Or you can go with Tunnel STR Tarantulas in 75a too. Soo many wheels out there to choose from, but get something with a solid core if you want shock absorption properties

    I'm more of a 3dm/seismic fan and tend to gravitate toward their wheels for no particular reason other than that i'm happy with them and they work. I have some EW superballs that i'm also very happy with. My next wheels will probably be some Retro Bigzigs if anything. I have more than enough wheels, though.

    Edit: one thing to note is that most of these wheels i recommended have the slalom square lip shapes/radiused lips. If you want more of a freeride wheel with rounded corners ask Gecko, he'd know more than myself.

  2. hehe, that's pretty cool. 24 Hours of Le Mans is actually very similar in that it's all for the prestige and glory. What you win as far as the grand prize is nothing. I'd say the 24 hours of Lemons isn't all that far off... hehe

    The entry fee to race a car is 38,000 Euros - doesn't include your crew, gas, tires, etc. etc. The grand prize for the overall winner is 40,000 Euros...

  3. Yeah, i saw the board in the longboarding grip tape thread - major props to your dad, awesome cut on the board, i really like the swallowtail reference in the back. Any flex to teh board, or more of a solid stick?

    You should look into some randal rII trucks 180s. much improved. they don't look as nice as Paris trucks, but they're the real deal. That and you have a wider option of base plates to use. Great trucks for carving. Oh, and don't forget the Venom bushings - they rule.

    Throw on some Bigzigs or Hotspots/73mm speedvents from seismic or abec11 and you're good to go. And please, for all the posers out there, don't get orangatang wheels - too much hype, i'm sure they're good, but i can't bring myself to spend money on them...

    KC - did about 35-40 miles of hiking last week with a 30 pound pack - not just flat land either, went from sea level up to about 2900 feet. Great weekend of camping, but my knee wasn't so happy toward the end. I had to get all the walking and standing out of my system before the surgery hehe.

  4. I could see that for the drifting part of GRiD, but i found it very realistic.

    Real time damage, real time daylight/night, team drivers, limited garage space, etc.

    And the 24 hour de le mans was 24 minutes instead of Forza's 45 minute to an hour endurance races.

    Watching it right now on speed. :D

    The main aspect of a driving simulator is the driving physics/car handling - everything else is secondary and just icing on the cake. Gran Turismo has yet to implement damage or any of the icing features, but their driving physics - especially GT5 prologue is spot on, even more so than Forza 2. You can hardly get away with any sloppiness with braking and acceleration in corners - driving line needs to be spot on too, otherwise you'll have slow lap times.

    Don't worry, you'll be driving in 3 years, and you'll know exactly what i'm talking about :p. Fun stuff, never done any wheel to wheel racing myself, but i've been out for a DE track day here and there - wheel lock ups, having a car get squirrely and come loose, etc. etc. That's the stuff that both Forza and Gran Turismo have down - simulated realistic driving physics.

    Anyway, as far as the actual Le Mans is going, it looks like we might have some new victors on hand for the LMP1 class. Audi has pretty much ruled that class since 2000, and when they didn't win in 2003, it was a Bentley powered by an Audi engine, hehe.

    I'm probably gonna head to sleep and set my alarm so i can wake up for the final laps and see who crosses the finish line at 6am PST.

  5. mammoth is looking pretty sad now a days....

    12"-36" :(

    It's the middle of June... Save the gas money and buy or make yourself a longboard or go surfing.

    Longboarding = no gas to pay, no lift tickets...

    Surfing = no lift tickets and possibly very little gas depending on where you live

  6. I got sick of that game and let the A.I. driver take 55% and win every race, or most of.... now i wanna play that again. :lol:

    Get GRiD if you want real racing. In my opinion it was far superior. :biggthump

    The key aspect here is real driving simulator. I had everything turned off to the hardest setting, so one little mistake meant start the race over...

    GRiD has too much of an arcade type of flavor for me, kind of like the Burnout games, which doesn't mean it isn't fun, but it's definitely nowhere near a driving simulator.

    It's pretty much like Microsoft's Flight Simulator vs. Ace Combat... Flight simulator vs. arcade style fun. Both are fun, but aim for doing something vastly different. Anyway, i'm rambling, i'm gonna see if i can catch some of the Le Mans right now.

  7. Just a heads up. I've been and worked this race three times. Actually worked on a class winning car one year. As far as I am concerned, it's the only race that counts. The rest are just practice.

    Can't wait.

    What car manufacturer? And what team? And what class? i'm more of a fan of the GT classes myself, doesn't mean i don't like the prototypes, i just prefer GT.

  8. I watched around 15 hours or more of it in 2007, and when i wasn't watching it, i was playing Forza Motorsport 2 on my 360. It also help that i was bed ridden with a broken leg and couldn't do anything else if i wanted to.

    Pretty exciting and fun to watch if you're a racing fan (anything but an oval track or a drag strip and i'm happy to watch it). I followed the whole ALMS series and the Rolex cup too.

  9. wait, but it's the law, and they're never wrong. that website of yours must be a lie :rolleyes: haha

    Problem is, that even with all the evidence, research, etc. etc. out there, no politician would willingly support it if he wants to be taken seriously.

    as soon as a politician supports it, everyone will jump on the band wagon and accuse him/her of being a stoner that gets high all the time.

    Even Obama, dismissed the notion as fast as possible without giving any sort of rational rhetoric, because he doesn't want attention taken off of the real issue at hand - the economy. It would get blown out of proportion on such a massive negative scale.

    As much as I'd like to see something as little as decriminalization, i doubt there'll be any politician willing to commit career suicide in that fashion.

  10. What happened? :eek:

    Surgery scheduled for June 25 to get the hardware removed from my leg. hehe

    As for the rock board, i have at least two of them. My ATV 161 and, either the Donek 171 or the Tanker 192 (neither of those really, just the ATV) - I think I'd still feel bad with those two... So, just one then

  11. Yeah, can't wait to be boarding with everyone again next season. Theo, everyone else i didn't meet, hopefully see you next season.

    I should have one new board for next season, and i'm hoping it's my last board for a long time... I say this all the time, but i really need some self control now. Full custom metal to destroy the quiver, with the exception of a powder board, which i already have.

    Anyway, one thing at a time, baby steps. Hope to be walking again by the end of august/september. Maybe 20+ days next season.

  12. Andrea and Julian, you guys got a whole lot more days of boarding in after i hung up my gear. I sort of gave up on another trip happening.

    I finally put the storage wax on all my gear and packed away all my tuning stuff/bindings etc. etc. into boxes and put it in the closet.

    Good stuff. I only got 17-18 days this year. Let's see if i can do better next year... ah well. You guy definitely broke 30+ days i'm assuming?

  13. You're openning up a can of worms. Everyone is now going to mob you in defense of Catek... They're going to say that you're impatient and unreasonable, etc. etc.

    Plain and simple, Catek communication and customer service SUCKS now as of 2008-2009. :AR15firin

    You can argue it however you want to, but that's the truth, i think more than enough threads have come up this season and last that supports that claim.

    NOTE: I didn't not say their product sucks, because it doesn't, in fact it's awesome. There's really very few bindings out there that compare - especially with the FR2s. I stand behind their product and its quality 100%.

    As far as communication and customer service go, in the past it may have been good, but the past will only get you so far. There really is no excuse for this day and age of constant consistent instant communication - even if automated for online orders. Bomber pretty much runs a full time 2man/woman (Fin and Michelle) company, and communication is top notch, as is the product.

    I can only think of how much business is being lost due to this major business blunder. I'm sure there's someone out there willing to work $10-$12hr w/o benefits part time and take on the roll of getting that in order. Ah well, what do i know, i'm not running my own shoppe...

  14. Not gonna happen.

    As much as I'd like it to, i highly doubt it.

    Pot is as harmless or even more so harmless than other crap you can get out there LEGALLY...

    Anyone ever hear of 2CE, DPT, 2CI, salvia divanorem (sp?) 20x to 40x extract, ethanol (e.g. alcohol), tobacco, the list goes on and on? All of these drugs can be legally purchased on the internet/liquor store. Drug abuse is on the abuser, especially for something as minorly addictive as pot.

    I've used it enough and for long enough to know that yes it is addictive, but it's also easy enough to stop too. Used it practically every single day throughout my last 2 years in college (up in smoke, can't really remember much of that time), but by the time graduation came, i knew i had to get a job, so, i quit cold turkey and got myself a job 2 months after graduation - also note, i graduated.... and not just barely either - though not exactly magna cum laude... I've used occasionally since then (see once every 1-4 months at a time).

    As far as the gateway drug argument... LAME and unfounded. 87% of people who have smoked pot, ONLY try pot and stop there. Of course if you've used cocaine, E, heroine, etc. etc. you've obviously tried pot, and alcohol, and tobacco smoke....

    Now as far as it getting legalized, well, a lot of these tax numbers aren't exactly solid. Yes, there have been articles touting all sorts of billions in revenue, but they're going off of estimates of how much of the drug is out there, which they really don't know. You can give like +/-50% error...

    Anyway, there's all sorts of legal stuff out there that's addictive and can be harmful if done in excess. When done in moderation, they're normally fine - see gambling, sex, alcohol, video games, shopping, tobacco (questionable... but still legal). Pot would easily fall under this category - of course if done in excess, it'll cause problems, like most anything.

    Point to be made - pot is not harmful in moderation, it can be in excess. Law enforcement wastes lots of money on it for the dumbest reason. It's probably not as lucrative a taxable item as proponents think. It also probably won't ever be legalized just because... Also, don't get me going on possible legal medical uses, of which there really is potential... Don't get me wrong, but normally the ones against it are the prudes who've never done it, even just to try it (i could be wrong, though)...

    Also, there's all sorts of wasted money on alcohol and tobacco too. Just ask the health industry and the taxes that go to paying for county hospital lung cancer patients, liver failure patients, heart disease patients, bladder cancer patients - all of whose incedence increased by using one or the other or both. Oh, and the taxes placed on those items to try to cover the cost - no where near enough...

  15. i dont see how it can be worse than we think. the only thing on the news nowadays is swine flu and how bad it is, when only 1 person in the US died.

    i personally think its overrated. but its not to be ignored completley

    yeah, completely blown out of proportion.

    On a yearly basis, around 50,000 people world wide die from the flu during flu season.

    swine flu has killed less than 250 people... big woopie. unless you're old or a toddler, you're probably fine - or possibly Mexican. Maybe they have certain genetic markers that make them more vulnerable.

    *** I bet it's border control's new strategy for protecting our southern border... pig farms all along the border.

  16. I'm sure the boards are great, and i'm not saying no or anything, but Coiler is pretty well established around here as far as boards go.

    However, what i'm really interested in are the Monoboards themselves. Metal split tail monoboard sounds awesome. unfortunately i know nothing about the technology.

    What kind of bindings do the monoboards use? And are they release or non-release? Also, do they work with the Deeluxe line of snowboard boots (T325)?

  17. 1 started it all (didn't play it till after playing 4 and 6)

    2 you could become rediculously over powered in the beginning of the game (and rediculous beyond any measure)

    I liked 4, everything fit in a nice well balanced manner.

    5 was my favorite because of all the job classes.

    6 was cool for so many reasons.

    7 was enjoyable, and changed so many things, but NOT the best.

    8, 9, 10 - nothing spectacular, just enjoyable (8 was by far the worst of all FFs).

    11 was fun, but time consuming and frustrating if you couldn't get a party

    12 was like the single player version of 11 with more of a story

    never played 3.

    P.S. used the Japanese number designations.

    yeah, i'm a nerd, haven't followed 13 much though. i'm sure i'll get it and play it.

  18. Had the potheads picked up machine guns and fought back the devilweed would be a legitimate source of revenue for growers and the goverment.

    They got too lazy...

    Actually, just ask our friends across the southern border. Apparently more lives have been lost since 2003 fighting the drug war with Mexico than has been lost in the entire Iraq war since it started in 2003...

  19. Actually when the temp is above body heat those layers act to keep heat out. That is why in the middle east they wear clothing that covers their entire body. I would rather insulate myself at 98 degrees than expose myself to 107 degrees.

    And why are you in a yoga class wearing two layers of clothes in the first place?

    Like you said in the study. The testerone was reduced at temps OVER 107 when applied directly to the testies. This isn't really the case in a yoga class.

    Are you sure about that in the middle east with the clothing? you might want to ask the women about that... Also, it might have something to do with the sun, sand storms that rip your skin off, and overall cultural values... Go to Africa, areas around the Mediteranian, Australia, and parts of Asia where it's super hot and/or humid and they're not insulating themselves... Why do all those guys on TUF (the ultimate fighter) wear those black insulating suits when they step into the sauna when trying to cut weight instead of standing in there naked? I don't know about you, but I'm not going into a hot/bikram yoga room wearing my snowboarding gear as i try to insulate myself from the heat, i'll probably die... yes, insulation works both ways, you keep a layer of hot air around you in cool weather, a layer of cool air around you in hot weather, but it doesn't help in this environment.

    As for the two layers... It's called underwear and a pair of shorts on top of it = two layers. I'm not going in there wearing speedos.

    As for the heat being applied directly to the testes... well, that's exactly how heat transfer works. If your entire surroundings (i.e. the air) are OVER 107F, which in a hot/Bikram yoga class it is usually 105-115, then the heat is being directly applied to your entire body. The specific heat of the substance transfering the heat is different, as in water vs. air. It takes a lot more energy to heat up 1g by 1degree C than it does 1g of air. Thus, the 1g of water has more heat (a form of energy) to transfer than 1 gram of air. However, the fact is that, whether you're jumping into 107F water tub or a 95% humidity 107F room, the heat is still being directly transfered to your entire body, but the air loses it's energy quicker than water would. That air molecule then needs to have heat transfered to it from another air molecule before it can transfer more heat to you. heat only flows in one direction from a hotter object to a cooler one. There's three ways that heat is transfered, conduction, convection, and radiation. Thus, in a 107+F room, there is only one way for your body to transfer heat to it's surroundings - radiation. Conduction and convection are nulified, and so sweating is useless.

    As for swimmers and testosterone, having lots of testosterone doesn't mean you'll have good swimmers, but not having enough testosterone definitely does not bode well not just for sperm count, but for other things like gynecomastia (man boobs or manoobs) - see Bob from Fight Club...

    Relationship between sperm count, serum gonadotropins and testosterone levels in normo-, oligo- and azoospermia.

    <!--AuthorList-->Lenau H, Gorewoda I, Niermann H.

    In 92 men with normozoospermia (greater than 40 X 10(6)/ml), 105 with slight oligozoospermia (greater than 10 X 10(6)/ml), 100 with severe oligozoospermia (less than 10 X 10(6)/ml) and 56 with azoospermia, serum testosterone, LH and FSH were measured radioimmunologically. With an increasing degree of reduction of spermatozoa, a decreasing testosterone level and increasing LH and FSH levels could be demonstrated. In normozoospermia, between 40 and 140 X 10(6)/ml, a direct correlation was found between FSH and sperm count, and, in the group between 40 and 100 X 10(6)/ml, a direct correlation between T and sperm count. A disturbed LH:T balance is often observed which beside decreased serum T levels demonstrates a testicular deficiency in androgen production.

    PMID: 6772497 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

    As I said, not my balls ;)


    Thanks for the pictures and video BlueB :biggthump:biggthump THAT is why you go to yoga

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