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Posts posted by Bullwings

  1. Actually, I'm really looking forward to riding the Donek. That board has been a measuring stick for checking how far my skills have progressed. I figure now is as good a time as any to see if anything has changed.

    In my head I feel like I've come a little bit further and made some progress in my riding. We'll see if the Donek agrees with that assessment... hahaha

    OH yeah, and we can add Aaron to the list too, I'll be giving him a ride up.

  2. I'll be up there.

    Oh yeah, and tell your dad, thanks for offering the Tanker, but I think I'll give the Donek FCI a try this time out. It'll be a nice comparison to make once the Coiler comes in on Tuesday. The Donek should have much better edge hold in ice too. So long as the temps don't get too warm and the snow all slushy, then the Donek should be fun if it doesn't hand me my ass first.

  3. What about that coiler?

    Mike, I'm sure you can use one of the boards that my dad and I have.

    Coiler won't be in until Tuesday.

    And yeah, Mike, Andrea and Julian have a TON :eek: of boards waiting to be demoed/used.

    I'm thinking I might buy that Tanker 192 that your dad has sitting there 02-03 model it looks like. It'll definitely have to wait until next season though, way way way TOOOO many expenses this year on all sorts of stuff both necessary and unnecessary. I'm putting a cap on the gear spending now, only one new piece of equipment a year. As much as I love snowboarding I really want to stop spending money on it like this, and my constant breaking/abuse of gear is not helping :smashfrea.

    Anyway, I'll be on the Donek FCI this Sunday - that board STILL scares and beats me up even after 3-4 seasons on hardboots, then again, I only have 5 days on the board.

  4. wow, lots of boarding in already. by the end of this season you'll be pretty damn good on hardboots with the amount of time you're getting in.

    Anyway, hopefully you can make it on another Sunday. If you start getting tired of that Coil and want to try a more modern carver (as far as glass boards go) let me know. I have a Donek FCI 171 that isn't getting much use, although I'll probably ride it this Sunday since I broke that Tanker.

  5. At least you have this to remember it by. :1luvu:
    Yeah, it was working very well that day in 55F with all the slush. Awesome for everything except for full on boiler plate ice and moguls :freak3:
    Guess who took that amazing photo? :biggthump

    Thanks Andrea. Hehe

    Dang Albert!! If you ever ask to borrow one of my boards I am definitely saying no, that goes for skis too!! What is this?? number 3 on the broken boards??

    ...how did the Monoski work out for you?

    That's actually number 5 on the broken boards, 4 since I've known you. That's why I didn't want to try out Erwin's Coiler. However, this season, we can swap coilers and try each others out. That way, if I break his, he can have mine...

    Monoski didn't work out, my hips are still all bruised and banged up. Although I'm willing to give it another shot on some softer conditions.

    Is it on your heel side or toe side of the board Albert?

    It's on my heel side. I think I've been turning some tighter arcs on my heel side lately.

  6. I'd waste no money on it.

    you now have a super cool bench though.

    I have a few super cool benches now. A prototype Madd BX that I ripped the inserts out of, a Tanker 182 07/08, and now this. It's too bad I didn't get to keep the 4wd that I broke. And yeah, I'm not going to bother on the professional repair, it doesn't seem worth it.

    As far as being a lightweight guy, i'm pretty sure I sit somewhere at the bottom 10% versus the rest of the bomber board at 145 lbs.

    Where freeride boards and plate bindings are concerned, well, all I can say is that my 161 ATV (very first board truly designed for carving - even if for softies) has held up to around 45+ days of abuse and is still going strong. It's so durable that instead of IT breaking, I broke... Prior describes it as a uni-directional freeride board.

    My first tanker only got 9 days of use. This 192 has about 20 days.

  7. Yeah, thanks for the info, and I agree with you. I did the same exact thing to an 182 Tanker '07-'08 model two seasons ago.

    I actually did some repair work last night and it's definitely down to the core (I peeled up the p-tex with and oyster knife to really take a look at what's going on in there). It's now a full on dedicated powder board for use with soft boots only. It's a good thing Bruce just mailed out my Coiler yesterday.

    It's too bad too, I was really ramping up my skills a lot more on that board this season and turning some really tight arcs on my heel that I haven't been able to do before.

    And Chris to answer your question: No, I didn't stuff the nose or tail and I don't jump while on hardboots unless it's by accident, which I didn't have any of with this board.

    Damn, with all the boards I've broken since 2006 I'd have enough to get me a really awesome coil over setup for my car... hehe. All good though, it's just gear, so long as i'm not broken it was a good day. :biggthump

  8. Dedicated and outspoken Bomber enthusiasts?? Dude, you have 29 posts! Maybe you can use that line when you become a 'carver extraordinaire' at the minimum.


    you forgot to mention the 3 month long forum membership starting October 2009... (banned one too many times due to your outspoken nature maybe??)


  9. Is that crack directly underneath a binding insert?

    No, it's actually right below where the E-ring on my TD3 base ends. So directly on the other side of the crack is boarder right where the heel of my binding is. ||O|| So if you can picture that circle as the TD3 outline, the crack is the bolded line (on the other side of the board) and the outer lines are the edge of the board, if that makes any sense.

  10. So, I really don't know what happened since I can positively say I didn't crash other than skid/washing out type of stuff when getting too low and losing edge hold. I only ride the board when there's a nice base layer - I have a dedicated rock board. And, I always stay on the designated run only, no going off the side into the trees or random spots with un-tracked powder etc. etc.

    I'd like to say that the board just gave out due to my awesome carving skills and I pushed the board too hard and it cracked hahaha. However, I don't think I'm anywhere near that good, that and I only weigh 145 lbs. (Oh yeah, and I was using TD2.5s - TD3 e-ring/base).

    Anyway, here's some pictures of the damage (taken with a POS P&S SD300):






    Some of them are blurry, I'll try to snap a few more and see if I can get a clearer shot of the damage. Anyway, is there anyway to just glue it back up, clamp, P-tex, sand it and maybe still ride it?

  11. Yeah, sorry, I already sold my boots to my buddy who is going to be up there tomorrow too... I think Andrea (carving chef) might have something, but that's a big might. Hopefully, someone sees this and has some for you. Surprisingly though, smaller boots are less of a problem than big boots when getting them professionally fitted since you can get them punched out.

    Aaron, tried giving you a call, but it might have been too late (sorry if it was), but could you possibly bring up poles and some of those Burton race plates if it's not too much trouble. If not don't worry about it. Thanks. I was also wondering if you wanted a ride up (I'll turn on 4wd this time, i promise :o:D)...

  12. ... Albert did you get your Coiler yet?

    Bruce just sent me an email... ready to be mailed out Monday :eplus2:

    Too bad no one will be home to pick up the board since my parents will be out of town for the next 3 weeks and I'll be at work.

    As for the trip, I'm not sure if I can make it to June. I'm actually going to be there with the GF - it's her yoga retreat and her gift at the same time (I get to go snowboarding... hehe), although I'll probably end up doing some yoga here and there. I'll know more details when the date nears and when I'm there. I have all of your #s anyway, except yours nekduk (Neil?) - pretty sure we haven't met yet.

  13. Bullwings, I will be back at Summit for the Jan 3 Session, and I will make sure to bring some demo monoboards as well :biggthump

    Gruumer, I got your message. Lets make a board.

    Here is the short TR video from Cypress yesterday. Boris was tearing it up!



    You wouldn't happen to have some poles too, would you? :o

    I'd really hate to have to rent if i can avoid it, but I will if necessary. Hey Aaron, maybe you have a set of poles I can borrow for the demo monoboard?

  14. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=27888

    I said I was gonna go up. after the voucher and the price gouging, it end up being $47 for my ticket that day, all good and well. The conditions and lack of crowds was well worth it. Chair 7 and 10 were wide open for the most part. Miracle mile was pretty good up until around 9:45-10:00.

    Anyway, that probably one of my better form photos, my knees are bent, and it looks like I'm looking in the direction that I want to go.

    Those arms and hands though... It looks like i'm carrying a sack of potatoes or something. I think my left arm my be too low and should be raise up more.

  15. Yeah, I know our passes are no good, but I gotta make use of the season and getting time on the slopes while there's still snow around to do it.

    Anyway, the weather really turned around last night and it actually started snowing. It's pretty cold right now too, and they're making some snow too.

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