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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Well I haven't ridden a 180 Gs board in softies But I have ridden a 185 GS board in softies with catek freerides. It worked well on soft groom and didn't work on ice.
  2. The f2 speed cross is a gnarly little beast:1luvu: they still make it they just call it something else. great ride screaming fast. Funny dimpled base seems to add to the speed factor:lurk: may personal fave is the madd BX
  3. you both need new boots. I am 285 Lbs and I have never "folded" a soft boot. I have broken them down over time to a point that no longer supports carving but its not an event. Get better boots:biggthump
  4. Last-Minute and Not-So-Last-Minute Travel Deals Last year, we rolled out the January White sale in this newsletter, and you guys seemed to really dig it. This year, we are offering a similar ski and stay package, but I wasn't satisfied. "We can do better for my readers," I said. "Donnie, you are so full of yourself," they replied. Despite that setback, we have done better. Not only is the January White Sale on and available even through Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend, but we are introducing a new, completely smokin' deal that we like to call the 40/40 deal. The January White Sale Book a two-night lift and lodging package in one of nearly 200 hotel rooms and condos, and we'll throw in a 3rd night of lodging and a 3rd day of skiing for free. Again, this is valid this weekend for MLK, Jr. Day. They didn't want it to be, but I held firm for you. The 40/40 Deal Sunday through Thursday until the end of the season (excluding February 15th - 19th), book at least 4 nights on the mountain in Whitefish and get 40% off lodging and $40 adult lift tickets for everyone you bring with you. Of course, there are additional restrictions that I didn't want to bore you with here for both of these deals. 1. Find all the details on our specials page. 2. Call 877-SKI-FISH to talk to one of our abnormally friendly vacation planners to book your stay now. Tell 'em Donnie sent you. You won't get any additional discount, but they'll let me know and my ego will be stroked.
  5. Last-Minute and Not-So-Last-Minute Travel Deals Last year, we rolled out the January White sale in this newsletter, and you guys seemed to really dig it. This year, we are offering a similar ski and stay package, but I wasn't satisfied. "We can do better for my readers," I said. "Donnie, you are so full of yourself," they replied. Despite that setback, we have done better. Not only is the January White Sale on and available even through Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Weekend, but we are introducing a new, completely smokin' deal that we like to call the 40/40 deal. The January White Sale Book a two-night lift and lodging package in one of nearly 200 hotel rooms and condos, and we'll throw in a 3rd night of lodging and a 3rd day of skiing for free. Again, this is valid this weekend for MLK, Jr. Day. They didn't want it to be, but I held firm for you. The 40/40 Deal Sunday through Thursday until the end of the season (excluding February 15th - 19th), book at least 4 nights on the mountain in Whitefish and get 40% off lodging and $40 adult lift tickets for everyone you bring with you. Of course, there are additional restrictions that I didn't want to bore you with here for both of these deals. 1. Find all the details on our specials page. 2. Call 877-SKI-FISH to talk to one of our abnormally friendly vacation planners to book your stay now. Tell 'em Donnie sent you. You won't get any additional discount, but they'll let me know and my ego will be stroked.
  6. just wait til your old and fat like the rest of us:eplus2: you'll understand:1luvu:
  7. drive with your knees more aggressively and steer with your hands ( roll your hands into the mountain on each turn keeping them well out in front of you) if your front knee and your hands are aggressively driving into the mountain the edge will hold. In extreme circumstances I have found that I can hold a heelside by really pushing my hands out over the nose. angles are vital. your heels and toes should be as close to the edge as you can get without dragging them. on narrower boards you will find that they may be greater than your hardboot angles due to the width of soft boots and bindings. 45 is the toughest angle higher or lower is easier.
  8. holy **** you guys have to much time on your hands:lol: my .02 is just that I notice that in general laying my base down on the snow in less than perfect conditions slows me down. Wrong wax for the conditions is possible. I also notice that the wax is worn off of the outer 2" or so of each side fairly quickly leaving a waxy thicker surface in the middle. The problem is very noticeable on slow snow days and vurtually undetectable on fast snow days. I am guessing its a wax issue.
  9. Don't mind him JJ he's from Californy he don't know no better!
  10. I will try and get a better copy off their website when it posts.
  11. well two of our local carvers made front and center of the front page on the local paper. West carven is pictured in a wicked heelside carve coming down ed's run. The newspaper kindly credits the picture to another local rider by the name of Mario. Any way sweet pic Aaron sp? I will try to get a copy posted.
  12. Dr D

    Annalena Hvala

    Well its official willy's not a pervert anymore. He's graduated to dirty old man:eplus2::lol:
  13. Dr D

    Rule Change

  14. a foot of fresh cream cheese this morning. should mix into the groomers nicely. Its the base we have been needing. snow predicted for the next 3 days and nights 5 inches every day and every nite. we are diving head first into record territory EPIC YEAR:eplus2:
  15. kinpa, both blacktail and turner have the same deal. I believe turner is only just over a thousand.
  16. hopefully we'll have pics to tempt him with for next year.
  17. with as much ski experience as you have you would probably pick up the GS type ride the quickest on a narrow board or a skwal. A skwal rides like a ski you just weight one foot at a time. the stance is forward enough that you could probably ride it in a day. a narrower snowboard with high angles would be an easy transition as well. Probably easier than transitioning from duck and soft boots. my .02:lurk:
  18. ah well that's a given none of us is as good as the great and wonderous Paulk! what ever happened to him anyway? I heard he doesn't board in commercial zones with peons anymore. something about once you go heli you never go back:rolleyes: :lol:
  19. glad you had fun. Come again you know where to find me:biggthump
  20. LOL:lol: Well I do remember Paulk keeping up with me all day on the 5 -4 line but I don't remember anyone else!? It was a little foggy though I guess maybe you could have been out there:lol:
  21. The cheapest place to get an xray would be a chiropractor $40 is about the going rate for a full set of knee films. Look for a sports oriented one. He may be able to get you a quick MRI appointment and a deal on that as well if he's well connected. there are several simple orthopedic tests that can differentiate between meniscus and ligament. lay on your belly and bend the leg up to 90 degrees. Have a friend push straight down on the foot pushing the knee into the floor. repeat twice rotating the foot in on one and out on the other. pain would indicate possible meniscus. (since you can load it already this is unlikely) have the friend hold the knee down and repeat the test pulling upward on the foor instead of pushing down. straight foot right rotated and left rotated. pain with these would indicate ligament. the chiropractor should do this test as well. It should also be noted that a pain positive on these tests doesn't mean you for sure have a either problem but would tell you that you need an MRI. Conservative care prior to that would consist of checking to see if the knee is simply misaligned and adjusting it and possible kinesiotaping it for a week or two. Ice packs regularly in any case. you would be amazed how much pain a simple misalignment can cause and how simple it is to fix it. Get thee to a sports chiro its your cheapest option and you will get referred out for the more serious stuff if it is necessary:biggthump lots of choices on google. washington park chiropractic looks like a good possibility Dr Goodman
  22. Dr D


    ride with the 5 buckle inserts instead of the lower ones. Mine stick out 3 inches above the boot. very comfy.
  23. official mountain snow stats say summit is 4" shy of last year at this time. Base is 10" over last year at this time. 100% for the next several days 5-10 " expected tonight bring a powder board ladies:biggthump I will have hell roaring stock up on extra booze for the OHIOIANS since they'll be hiding in the lodge waiting for Groom:eplus2:
  24. suprise suprise, some twist of fate turned three feet of powder into delightful groomers the next day. the first official alpine day of the season. Bluebird weather and cold. good firm groomers with a touch of fresh on top that was staticy and slow on the flatter runs and hero on the screamers. Great day tons of snow. Even the lift towers are snow ghosts. It is officially mid winter conditions.
  25. The report this morning said 4 inches in the last 24 hours. 24 " in the last 4 hrs is more like it. We are getting pounded! there is 18 inches + on the valley floor and no sign of stopping. I am calling it official we can no longer complain about a lack of snow. Over 70" since christmas.
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