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Everything posted by Steph

  1. Hey Allee!! How are things going girl? Got any plans to go to SES this year, or maybe even come to the East Coast again? Let me know if you are coming East. I've got a room w/your name on it! Plus, I'd love to get a first hand glimpse of that new ride your past company gave you.
  2. I'll definately be going to SES this coming season. Dates are Feb. 11-17. It's ladies year!!! Alex, you can keep your "little" bike, as I will be getting the Busa very soon (it's on order). :lol: :lol: Paul, there is definately space here for you, if you sell the condo. Don't tell Cheri and I won't tell Greg :lol: :lol:
  3. Hey Allee! Many congrats to you on that awesome "leaving gift", and on your new job. Why on earth would you not ride that board? You are more than capable girl. Hope to see you at SES next year. I'm trying to talk my other half into it.
  4. Alex and I will be there. Conditions were suprisingly good yesterday and today. Good carving from 9:30 to about noon! Any chance you need tickets??
  5. I'm at the same Stratton that you know and love. It was suprisingly good yesterday and today. Alex and I went out at 9:30 and carved hard until noon! Like I said...suprising!
  6. I still have some tickets available if anyone is interested. Stratton will close on April 9th. Conditions are still suprisingly good.
  7. If anyone has sent me an email this afternoon about ticket, my email is down, and I cannot access anything. Please post here if you still need tickets.
  8. I still have some of these. anyone??
  9. conditions are pretty good at Stratton. with rain in the forecast for the weekend, i'd say stop posting here and come ride tomorrow or friday.
  10. I've got 9 Stratton tickets that are $20 on Saturday and $10 on Sunday for anyone who wants them. If interested, send me an email at stephanie@casualracing.com. This is first come, first serve.
  11. I could be interested in a mid-week day or 2. Any deals on tickets available?
  12. Hey JT Slalom, My apologies that I can't remember your actual name. It was great riding with you last week. You rip on your soft setup! If you're back up in the area, send me an email and we'll hook up for some turns.
  13. For the ladies that have emailed me to say that they are coming to Stratton, Jan 5-8th for the Women's Carve Session, I unfortunately have to cancel it for now. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes any of you. I am going to try to plan this again maybe in March. Timing is just very poor right now. Again ladies, I really apologize :(
  14. Ok, I've firmed up the dates. We'll do it at Stratton, January 5-8. As an employee, I am able to get a great discount on tickets on the 5th and 6th for any women that want to come. On those days, tickets will be $10, but you need to email me asap that you will be coming, so I can get your name into the HR department. Trying to work out some discounted tickets for Saturday and Sunday...stay tuned for that. For all the male eyes that are reading these, please note these discounts are for women only. If you want to come and stalk in the woods, you are on your own :) The more women the merrier
  15. This is a freecarving event for all abilities that want to attend. All ladies are welcome. Phil, watching from the trees, is that all...? :p Buggs, no your not allowed to come unless you bring your wife Lisa. I'm sure she would have a great time. Maybe you can hook up w/Phil and watch from the trees :D Allee, we'll miss you this year. Sorry that you can't make it, maybe next year. Alpine Girl, hope you'll drive out again.
  16. Ok Ladies, time to start thinking about the Women's Carve Session again. For those of you that came last year, thank you for making the virgin session a great time! I hope you will all come back again this year. Hopefully, we can get some fresh blood to attend, as I've certainly noticed lots of new women posting here. I don't have solid dates for the event yet, but I'm thinking it could be January 5-8 at Stratton. If you are interested in attending, please send me an email at stephanie@casualracing.com. As soon as I have confirmation on dates, I will post them here. Stay tuned...
  17. The snow should be decent on Sunday am. We've got about 2" of fresh on the ground today. It's supposed to snow tomorrow. And they've been blowing all day today and will be all weekend. See you sunday am!!
  18. I love my sad madd boy Every time I look down at him, I feel like he's egging me on with those sad eyes, by saying "You've got more in you girl, I just know it". Plus, I must add that my experience with every madd board I've ridden, has been truly positive :o.
  19. Having only met you and Holly once at Okemo this year, you both seemed so enthusiastic on carving, but more so just high on life in general. Please know that Alex and I wish Holly a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with you both right now. Keep us all posted on her status!
  20. I ride Head Stratos (25.5). Used to have the Raichle 225's w/stiff tongues. I realized when I got the Head's that I'd been riding in a boot that was a shell and 1/2 size too big. Make sure that you get fitted for whatever boot you go with. It makes all the difference. My riding went to a much better level w/boots that fit correct!
  21. That's Amy alright, and well spoken for the women! What's this...95th day?? God, I need to quit my job and be a snowboard bum next season, who's with me.:D
  22. Hey Jeremiah! Check out www.skiphoto.com. This is the Stratton mountain photography website. You've got some great pics up there! The one of you coming out of the water is great. Buy it:cool:
  23. Willy, EA days at Stratton next week.
  24. I must admit that all your replies to my remarks on NEON are hillarious:D The pictures are friggin' awesome too. However, am I the only one that sees riding hardboots and plates DUCK FOOT as seriously wrong! Please advise...
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