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OS2's any thoughts yet?


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OS2s are supposed to be lighter but it's hard to tell the difference. The "dipstick" that is designed to help you quantify cant and lift settings is just about useless. The gradations on the dipstick are too small and hard to read. You have to use your fingernail to feel the marks sort of like reading Braille.

The big improvement is noticed when you change your binding angles. You don't have the cant pins digging into the base plate anymore.

As for riding feel, I can't see how anyone could notice a difference. If you're not concerned about the cant-pin-destructo feature, you can save yourself a lot of money and find used OS1s.

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Just read through your posts, OS2's are the only plates I have been on for the most part, excluding 3 hours on OS's my first day on an alpine set up racked with that nasty cold that just went around. I couldn't wait! Needless to say it wasn't much of a test ride. My OS2's are great. I now have the power of "search first."

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I have owned most of the catek line of bindings thus far, and these are my favorites by far.

YES, there is an additional part that makes them a little tricky to set up the first time. once you have set them up once though, everything is a breeze.

I have about 20 days in this season on mine and here are my thoughts.

1) prior to a previous poster, I find the dipstick VERY usefull. Put the dipstick in on the high side, mark the lowest visible line with your thumb nail, move to the low side, and count the marks shown. Want better repeatability, buy a set of calipers, take the depth measurement through the dipstick hole.

2) feel, compared to the OS1's, the OS2's seem to have a little more "snap" without sacraficing rigidity.

3) They are lighter than the OS1's. By how much. . . I have that written down at work.

4) For the way I ride, they are far superior to the OS1's. I KNOW I ALWAYS ride 63/60. I like to adjust my cant/lift settings almost daily. I appreciate that in the OS2's that I dont have to worry about moving the binding angle while adjusting the cant/lift. furthermore, with the powerplate and tilt cups, you can run far lesser torques on the king pin and set screw.

5) someone already said it. . . no more little dimples in the base plate to strip out. Much more confidence inspiring.

Not much else to say, other than I have sold all my other bindings and steped up to OS2's across the board.

drink the cool-aid, im sure you will like it :-)

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