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Just got a carving setup... got some questions

Guest OlderBoarder

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Guest OlderBoarder

So I'm standin' in line Friday night at Mt. Wachusett (MA), which was open all night. I'm riding my Sims Carve II 167 w/K2 Yak clickers. I'm pretty much used to answering questions about my setup, from "Dude, is that one of those wicked fast boards?", to "Why are you using soft boots on a carving board?". Answer #1: Yup. Answer #2: Cuz I've got a gimpy ankle and hard boots are torture.

So this guy around my age (50) starts asking me about my setup, riding goofy, etc., then says "I bought a carving board, hard boots, etc., and I can't seem to get the hang of it, so I'm selling everything. Are you interested? Um, yup. So we take a walk out to his SUV, and he shows me a Nidecker Concept 1366 164cm, with TD's and a pair of Burton hard boots in my size! Then he says " Why don't you try on the boots, and if they fit, take the board for a couple of runs?" The boots fit just fine w/my footbeds, and my ankle seemed happy, so off I went, to meet up again in an hour or so.

The first challenge was getting my rear boot into the TD, which took about 10 minutes! I am so not limber! My first run was a horror show, as every little movement was transmitted right to the board, scaring the crap outta me. By about the 3rd run, I was starting to trust the board and control my input, and by golly, I was starting to carve deeper than I had ever before! The demo time went quickly, and I wrote him a check on the spot.

I was getting more confident with every run, actually catching a little air under the board on quick edge transitions, when I overdid it and got thrown rudely off my toe edge, and cartwheeled down the slope, using every bit of my body armor (hard shell knee pads, a Joe Rocket Phoenix jacket under my shell, and an NZI Carbon Fibre helmet). It's been a while since I've bailed that hard, and several guys stopped to see if I was O.K.. After doing a bone and joint check before trying to get up, I realized I only had a badly jammed thumb to show for my crash.

Now for my questions. This Nidecker Concept 1366 is an asymetrical board, both at the nose and tail, and seems to be in really good condition, as are the TD's and the Burtons. The 3 buckle boots have an adjustable spring tension for cant. How can I tell the age of the Nidecker and whether or not this is a good setup to learn carving on? Are the boots good for learning? I also have a pair of Burton Bindings. Should I mount those on my Sims Carve II? The TD's have cant plates under them. How do I set those to work best for me?

Thanks for letting me ramble. Any help or info is greatly appreciated. I hope to be at Wachusett this Wednesday night, with both boards for comparison. Bob B (bbendix(at)nebs.com)

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If the Burtons will accept Intec heels, you might consider converting to step-ins. For us old farts who don't like to bend down / sit down when putting the board on, its a huge benefit. You'll also need step-in receivers for your new TD's, but you'll be happy.

I don't know anything about that board so I can't weigh in, but if you liked it, then keep riding it.

Glad to hear you wear armour. Mine saved me this weekend when I got slammed hard. Back protectors rule!

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Guest OlderBoarder

I usually get to WA around 5:15, and on board by 5:30. I like to ride non-stop until around 8:00 or so sticking to Smith and 10th, and using the singles line to maximize my time. As I feel myself getting tired, I take a few last runs on Conifer, then call it a night. I mostly ride alone, but would welcome company, which tends to make me slow my pace a bit, and stay longer. Any coaching would be greatly appreciated, and I can reciprocate with tips on how fall off of various types of modern and vintage dirt bikes! :eek: .

My daughter Bev is a senior snowboard instructor at WA and works Thurs, Sat and Sun. She doesn't like waiting for me, so we haven't boarded together this year. Last year I could still beat her down the hill, but she spends so much time on her board that I don't stand a chance any more. Ahhh, the exuberance of youth.

I look forward to meeting other carvers on Wed night. I wear a red\blue jacket, red/black pants, and a white helmet with a visor. The only part of my clothing that's not from motorsports is my 20+yr old Burton mittens!

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I hate putting the back foot in, and if I'm beat, it gets even harder.

Burton used to make a metal framed ( don't get the plastic ) somewhat stiff step-in system that you could use with those boots mod-free for short money and hassle.They show up on ebay from time to time. here's one now.


Oh, and just give me those annoying bombers!


I could suggest putting a bomber in front and a burton step-in in the back, but that seems like an crime against nature...

C'ya at wawa.

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nice another wachusett rider. There are so many of us out there. I'm going to be out there tomorrow night and so might bobby buggs. I'll be teaching a friend how to snowboard again (as best as i can) so i wont be free till 7-7:30. If anyone has radios, i'm usually on 6-18 with my friends or my cell is 508 265 1974 if anyone wants to meet up.

I'm usually like you olderboarder, that I ride alone. I hate holding people up.

Check out this forum.

See ya on the runs

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Guest OlderBoarder

I should be there around 5:15. I mounted up my spare Burton bindings on my Sims for tonight, and I'll be bringing both boards, and the necessary tools to swap the TD's onto the Sims, if I can get help understanding how the cants work. My concern about the Burton bindings is they sit closer(lower) to the deck, and I might have some toe drag if I get leaned over far enuf, which I hope to be. I'll also try to wrap up my bruised thumb, so I don't injure it further. Pain is temporary, scars and glory are forever. :biggthump

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Send some pictures and perhaps I can help you figure out the age of the board. Not many guys ride asyms anymore. I do, but I am excentric...

Hi my name is D and I ride an assym. It all started years ago when I was having family problems over skiing technique. I found a burton M6 and I was hooked.

I have tried to quit and have spent hours on this board recieving counseling but I just can't it so much damn fun. Really I am saving up for a ""real"" board and all but I just can't see not sneaking an asym hit once in a while.:1luvu:

I am eccentric to.:eek:

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Guest OlderBoarder

Is my Nidecker Concept Asym made specifically for a goofy foot stance? I'll post a pic soon. Dr D: If you ride an asym board and profess to be eccentric, do they cancel each other out and make you normal? :D

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Is my Nidecker Concept Asym made specifically for a goofy foot stance? I'll post a pic soon. Dr D: If you ride an asym board and profess to be eccentric, do they cancel each other out and make you normal? :D

good point I will cancel my therapy session at once.

if the tail and nose angles are parrallel to your feet you got it right. they were origianlly designed to keep the edge length the same from toe to tail as from heel to tail. an early attempt at stopping the skidding. Really its just an oldschool thing like driving a 69 camaro its not 2005 performance but it has its own feel and its own cool. you will still want to get the new ferrari but don't count out a cruise in the old musclecar. the tail should be longer on your heel side. depending on the board your angles should somewhat approximate the tail angle as well.

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Guest OlderBoarder

I rode my new setup last night at WA, and it was humbling and frustrating. Steve Fleck was kind enough to spend some time with me adjusting my bindings. We moved them closer together, which helped my control a bunch. I'm still working hard to overcome my old softboot habits, and I think it'll just take time. The next step will be to mount the TD's with the cants, to see if I can fine tune it a little more. My thanks to all who have responded so far. And yes, my Nidecker asym is for a goofy stance. Since I'm into stuff like Vintage motocross, observed trials, and old Beemers, the Nidecker fits right in.

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I think i saw one of you getting in line at the summit lift. I was on the lift all the way on the left trying to teach a girl that was afraid of heights how to ski. She never told me she was terrified heights and trees. I left my boots in walk mode as several of you have suggested and I was able to get really really low, even on the indian summer trail.

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