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Human Gates

Guest RAIN

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Guest dragon fly jones

Dude there are so many close calls already, and it fun to be aggresive. Just not every free run every day.

Every day I am on the hill it seems some one gets smoked from behind or the side. The killer blames the killee for "getting in the way" I hope that everyone is familiar with the credo that the down hill rider has the right of way and YOU avoid them.

Okay we know that your not slaloming people good good. Now let everyone be at peace. Except for me and Phil as we have a grudge match to settle.....

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This thread is awesome! RAIN has explained himself enough, lighten up. To all the folks knocking the "people slalom", do you ever speed on the highway? BTW I'm not condoning scaring the crap out of people - just trying to get people off of their high horse. I'm also not accusing anyone of anything.

This issue may also be relative to where one rides. The mountain I frequent is narrow, usually iced up and CROWDED on weekends/after school lets out. Most slopes are laid out in a pitch/flat/pitch/flat sort of fashion. Lots of bottlenecking and fighting for turns if you go when it's crowded. If you want to coast through the flats, sometimes there is NO way to do it without carving closely between people. I always ride safe, concious of my surroundings, and aggressive.

Out west with lots o' room, I never experienced these situations - relative maybe? Not trying to start poop or point poles - just trying to open up another idea that not everybody rides in similar areas.

oh whatever, just flame me

PS - phil is still upset that sasquatch lives on the East coast, cut him some slack.

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Guest thomas_m

Phil and D-Sub are right. You guys keep using semantics that imply doing something 'to' people. No excuse for that. Speeding analogy doesn't work unless it's reckless, cause everyone else is driving the same 5-10MPH over. If it's reckless, well, Phil & D-Sub are right again.

A better hypothetical:

Your kid/wife/grandmother just fell/got tired/whatevered and is stopped in the middle of a run. Maybe she got a cellphone call from long lost Aunt Mabel, the reason doesn't fuggin matter. Some unknown dude slices around them at machscnell using them as a turn marker. Is you first thought admiration for the turn or concern for your loved one? What about that once in a hundred where his edge washes and he tumbles into them?

Surfing/snowboarding/skiing isn't about showing off UNLESS you're racing. The best surfing sessions are alone at dawn on an uninhabited reef/point. On the board it's first tracks through pow or perfect cord when no one else is around. IMO, it's defintely not acting the jackass for the entertainment of the people on the lift.


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This is where I'm coming from. Yeah when it's crowded you are going to pass people and you will have to make turns around them, nothing wrong with that. What I have a problem is standing atop a run and lining up people who are on the trail to set you line down the mountain. There is a big differance between the two.

Yes I speed on the highway, but I don't see where that analogy fits. Unless I sped past other vehicles weaving around them trying to get close, but not so close I deem it's dangerous. I don't care about the situation you put yourself in, I care about hte situation you force others into.

And we've already gone over this a long time ago, Sasquatch does not live in the east coast, The tiney hills of the east couldn't possibly contain the awesomeness of Sasquatch.

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This thread is awesome! RAIN has explained himself enough, lighten up. To all the folks knocking the "people slalom", do you ever speed on the highway? BTW I'm not condoning scaring the crap out of people - just trying to get people off of their high horse. I'm also not accusing anyone of anything.

This issue may also be relative to where one rides. The mountain I frequent is narrow, usually iced up and CROWDED on weekends/after school lets out. Most slopes are laid out in a pitch/flat/pitch/flat sort of fashion. Lots of bottlenecking and fighting for turns if you go when it's crowded. If you want to coast through the flats, sometimes there is NO way to do it without carving closely between people. I always ride safe, concious of my surroundings, and aggressive.

Out west with lots o' room, I never experienced these situations - relative maybe? Not trying to start poop or point poles - just trying to open up another idea that not everybody rides in similar areas.

oh whatever, just flame me

PS - phil is still upset that sasquatch lives on the East coast, cut him some slack.

Thanks for liking the thread but its totally not what I wanted it to be and its my own fault for not explaining enough. I'm kida wishing I never started it now...

Some people have the impression I sit at the top of the hill planning my whole run gunning at people with an evil smile on my face and hearing an imaginary applause at the bottom of each run. (If I had my own way the mountain would be void of all people... but unfortunately since my mountain is a 30 min drive from downtown Vancouver this will NEVER happen.)

But I get the feeling that no matter how close or far I say I cut it, if I say gates and people in the same sentence, the blinders will go on and I will be cut down. Oh well

Tell you one thing though, I probably won't do it any more

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Has anyone else ever had the experience of waiting at the top of a pitch for traffic to clear out and then having people (who arrived after you) pass you up and start picking their way down?

Now that is true frustration...I'm trying to improve my riding on steeps and that's best done far far away from other people. It sucks that people don't treat these pitches the same way as a terrain park: ride in the order you arrived.

/rant off.

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Guest thomas_m
Has anyone else ever had the experience of waiting at the top of a pitch for traffic to clear out and then having people (who arrived after you) pass you up and start picking their way down?

Now that is true frustration...I'm trying to improve my riding on steeps and that's best done far far away from other people. It sucks that people don't treat these pitches the same way as a terrain park: ride in the order you arrived.

/rant off.

Sure, all the time and usually skiiers... ;)

More aggravating to me is when right as I get my rear foot into my step-ins at the top of the lift, another boarder flops down exactly in front of me so I have to hop around on a long alpine board to get an opening. Gotta just smile and go on your way.


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Totally unrelated to "human gates" but closely related. back in 1997, some liftie who was an ex-racer was hauling serious ass downhill when his shift was over. kinda bordering reckless, because he was "sitting" down while skiing. he overshot a bump and went in air, and happened to kill an old man skiing across he didnt see by hitting him head-on.

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Here is the main reason to just stay away from folks... at any given moment they can move, fall, take off, etc. and take away your options.

I was on a very very narrow run (on skis). I had decided where to turn, where to scrub off speed, how to get around a family that had stopped at a 'pinch point' (rock outcrop, stupid place to park, blocked 1/2 of run). As I approached the family one of the kids started sliding backwards, stumbled and fell, completely blocking my intended path. With only 1 &1/2 turns left I had few choices... hit the family, hit the rocks, try to jump the kid, or go down and tumble off the side of the run into 7 ft dropoff with trees. The kid that DIDN'T fall down came to the edge, looked down at me and yelled 'that was cool' and disappeared. When I got up they were all gone... I could have been dead for all they knew...

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I understand the temptation of carving around and through "obstacles". When I am riding I am looking for terrain variations, obstacles, etc. that make me want to go a certain direction. On crowded slopes people often become the obstacles that dictate your path. Thinking of them as gates is kind of an exaggeration of that concept. These boards are amazing the way they turn, and getting close to certain obastacles or cutting tight turns around things is always tempting. I find myself turning around lift poles all the time. Anyway...I understand the thinking there...or at least the temptation.

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