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Misery in the Mid-Atlantic!


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I don't care how anyone tries to sugar-coat it. The weather so far in the Mid-Atlantic has been ABYSSMAL. We've had days and days...and days and days...of temps in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. (Tomorrow it's supposed to hit 65!)

This is REALLY depressing. I've been boarding a total of 6 times so far this season (since mid-December). I bought a $500 season pass that's going to waste. And our season is over for good by early March.

I...<sniff>...want to cry... :(

I HATE the schizophrenic weather around here! I HATE it! (Seriously---I'm not joking.) I can't wait to move the heck away from here and to someplace where winter is winter!

I fall out of my chair laughing when I go to the (desperate) local resort websites and see BS like "Come on out!!! No lift lines!!! We've got lots of snow!!!" [Read: slush.] Then I look at the live webcam shots (which they should have the sense to turn off) and see grass patches everywhere...

Holly and I plan to go to ECES...and were hoping we'd be all tuned-up for it, boarding-wise. Now it looks like it'll be our "learn how to carve again" week. (Not intended as a joke...)

If this season doesn't turn around soon (meaning if we don't get sub-freezing weather 24/7 for at least 2-3 weeks), I'm sadly thinking this will be my last season carving until I relocate to a different part of the country. I'm realizing that the Mid-Atlantic is about as good for carving as Nebraska is for sailing.


PS - My ONLY consolation in all this crappy warm weather has been...my new brand-new Honda VFR!!! :biggthump I've been riding up a storm and loving it (while riders in the Great White North bum out from all the snow and ice).


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yes it has been a little frustrating on the east this year. I'm just glad we got cold when we did or we would have nothing. Have faith it will get cold again and they will get to blow some more snow for us

on the bike issue at least you have that. My bike (buell) is sitting on the bench with the motor apart (head work and new cams) so I can't even ride that.

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The Mid Atlantic thaw happens every year Scott. Do you remember last year?

On the last day of the thaw last year, we were holding on by a thread. I was out teaching someone in the fog. We were playing follow the leader (if you could see the leader) when all of the sudden I ran out of snow. I yelled for the guy to stop and he stopped next to me. The snow melting pattern had left a peninsula of snow on the side of the hill that, once you were in, you could not get out without hiking - and that is what we did.

Bear with us, it happens every year, and every year we get back on our feet.

BTW - what is wrong with carving slush?

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Sorry, no malice intended. I just wanted to offer that mountains are good medicine for those in need of attitude adjustment.

<img src="http://tinypic.com/k2d8yd.jpg" alt="">

The internet makes booking a flight easy and relatively inexpensive. A quick, spur-of-the-moment trip to a snowy place can help rejuvenate and refresh the spirit. It'll alos be remembered way into the summer--and likely beyond.

I think it's a worthwhile investment conrtibuting to health, happiness, and sanity.

That's not mean. At least I don't think it is.

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yes, we here in the mid atlantic are aware that 12,000 ft mountains covered with tons of snow exist. not everyone can afford to go out there or has the vacation. Scott, you are coming to a realization that I accepted at teh end of last year- our season is short and if you're a serious MA rider, if conditions are good, going every weekend is important. Luckily Dec was decent and I got in a few trips. The thaw last year occurred later in the month and temps were warmer. If it gets too bad, perhaps our resorts will shut down temporarily, like they did last year. We can't control the weather. At least you didn't get crazy sick like I did and have to cancel a 3 day trip to Snowshoe, lose weight, and not be able to ride for weeks due to illness. anyway, it'll work out ok. Take your pic, slush or ice. And yes, I do think that when you look at it objectively, Mid Atlantic is the worst ski area in the country (of course I still love our local hills) =)

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I just came back from skiing with my friends at wachusett and it was raining really hard. We were all soaked all the way through and the fog was unbarable. On top of that, my friend's board was stolen earlier in the day :( She had like a 3 year old Ride so it wasn't a huge loss, just a huge downer. :mad:

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I can commiserate. Over here in Thailand it is 100 degrees, and I don't think it will snow tonight. I can see that this is going to be yet another year where I don't get to snowboard here.....

Stupid global warming!

Amazing so warm in Thailand, and then you see the increadibly massive amounts of snow in Japan.

Guess just like in the States though. Misery out east, and heaven in Colorado. Awoke this morning to another 6" at the house, and it is still coming down. Bet the mountains might have 12" new by the end of the day. Riding has been all around fantastic in Colorado.


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Amazing so warm in Thailand, and then you see the increadibly massive amounts of snow in Japan.

Guess just like in the States though. Misery out east, and heaven in Colorado. Awoke this morning to another 6" at the house, and it is still coming down. Bet the mountains might have 12" new by the end of the day. Riding has been all around fantastic in Colorado.


i'm defintly moving out there when i the time comes...

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To the originator of this thread lamenting the mid-atlantic weather, I can only tell you what I've learned to do to maximize the # of days on snow. Firstly, I invariably get 3-4 days at Arapahoe in CO before Thanksgiving. Great way to start one's season and at that time of the year, one can't go anywhere on the eastcoast - barring the aberrant early opening in New England. No redundancy. Secondly, In the early part of December I'll get in the car and go to Killington, Okemo, Stratton or wherever I must. I do not buy season passes because they put a damper on spontaneity (I'll hesitate to go elsewhere if venue associated with pass is in poor condition because of the expenditure). Also in this region, I find it difficult to make the pass pay for itself. In Jan, Feb and hopefully early March, I'll take whatever I can get locally and when they start to close I'll get in a late March early April trip back to CO or Tahoe to finish the season. Living here one must go to the snow. You can fly anywhere in the country for $300 or less with a little planning and I can burn that much in tolls and fuel running my car 9 hours north. (to say nothing of fatigue, wear and tear, risk, etc.)

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