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OMFG got my coiler today


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took it out in the slush tonight, lauched the biggest air of the season so far and then promptly fell two turns after landing

it rides a lot like the WCR I used to have just much less demanding of precise input

it is snappier than my other two coilers that had the rubber, this board is standard construction, I am not sure if thats it or its something else but I sure do like it

big jump in width though 18.8 compared to 20.5 on the other two, thats gonna take some time to get used to.

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I;m of the same opinion for myself, but I can see how for hard core racers and go-fast types that extra 5cm or so is just dead weight. I'm always curious about the top and side profiles of all-mountain tails though (and noses, but to a lesser extent). I've figured out a combo that I like (esp. on one of my Coilers, coincidentally), but am looking for more ideas.

Oh, and i just stepped down from 21 waist / 13 sidecut to 17 waist / 11.5 sidecut. The sidecut change is not that noticeable but the board sure feels like a balance beam sometimes. Overall I'm happy, it fells like home when I'm cruising around, but feels a bit awkward when I'm in slow technical areas. I'm still fiddling with stance length and setback an angles though, I'm stull I'll find the right combination(s) soon.

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  • 2 months later...

I actually stuck the part of the giant sticker with the note on a mirror for awhile because it makes me laugh every time I read it, stuck it back on the board for the photo though

this board is a hoot to ride in most conditions, touchy when not carving for example when jamming a turn but when hooked up it is really forgiving with inproper input and usually busts right through chop when I hit it



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How could it not be The Hedgehog. That cheesy ugly mug is discernable anywere. I was just looking in the flames to see if there was anything hidden in amongst them.

The best part would have been if the whole board had a Hedgehog Head to toe Graphic with his big ole hairy belly and 70's mustache, instead of the flames. And somehow make "what he is known for" the stomp pad. Gross yes but funny if you think about it.

I just laugh everytime I see his picture.

OK, its friday and I'm a bit worked from a long week.

Nice ride Bob!!!

Bob I have to ask, is that you in your avatar and if so, what were you doing when you took it and you should make stickers of it. I want a Hedgehog and a BobDEA sticker for my board.

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Nuther Hedgehog story. I was hitching from San Diego to Santa Monica in the mid 70's. Got a ride with a guy, gregarious and likable. He was bragging a little about being butt-ugly but "gifted" said he had to stop in San Clemente to see a friend. Got there, a knock-out blonde greeted us at the door. They left me in the living room with a bag of bud, and retired to the bedroom for a half hour or so. they came out smiling, she was in a nurses uniform. Dont know if she was actually a nurse ;) He was going to Hollywood, but insisted on driving me to my friends doorstep in SM, a bit of a detour.. even gave me the rest of the bag. Realized who he was a few years later while doing "research". :D

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galen, THAT is an awesome story.Feelin' tha Cali Love.There's actually more to the story meeting Ron. Should I divulge that he was really into Madd Mike's very well endowed ex girlfriend that night ? She ended up driving to Providence the next day to meet him at his room at the Biltmore and claims it never got past a back rub :cool: .just like the Beasties, Ron is one Funky ... ASS ...JEW.... with a very lucky smeckle. :lol:http://www.weeklydig.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/article.view/issueID/51069f3b-9eaa-42b0-ad2c-4bbc710d8d7d/articleID/f8cb7e7b-424a-474d-87bc-0b2ca4db5159/nodeID/4b1339d1-be3a-44a2-be8b-1484963a003a

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galen, THAT is an awesome story.Feelin' tha Cali Love.There's actually more to the story meeting Ron. Should I divulge that he was really into Madd Mike's very well endowed ex girlfriend that night ? She ended up driving to Providence the next day to meet him at his room at the Biltmore and claims it never got past a back rub :cool: .just like the Beasties, Ron is one Funky ... ASS ...JEW.... with a very lucky smeckle. :lol:http://www.weeklydig.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/article.view/issueID/51069f3b-9eaa-42b0-ad2c-4bbc710d8d7d/articleID/f8cb7e7b-424a-474d-87bc-0b2ca4db5159/nodeID/4b1339d1-be3a-44a2-be8b-1484963a003a

Hmmmm....back rub. So that's what the kids are calling it these days. As far as should you divulge any info, I think you just did :lol:

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is the same as on the AM models, IMHO every board should have a round tail no real reason not to that I know of

I've gone from round to angular this season, and the nice thing about it is that when I lean the board against a wall it is absolutely stable.

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