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In your Castle AFB pics, looked like I saw a F104 Starfighter 2 seat trainer. I've always been a fan of that plane, has a very interesting history, not all good. No slackers could fly that one! Talked to a retired Air Force pilot who BTW was involved in the F117 development program, he said the 104 was the best "high q" plane ever built.

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Yep, that's a D model trainer. I think they only built about 20 of them. I don't know a lot about the 104 but I've read it could do over 1400 mph and go to over 100,000 feet, which must have been pretty impressive in the late 50's. It must have been a handful, it doesn't have much wing.

This museum is very cool, every year they have open-cockpit day. I haven't been yet but I gotta go, if nothing else to see what the inside of a B-36 looks like.

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was the nickname for it. 100,000 ft. was the one setup with supplemental thrust for "astronauts." It would out turn a F-15/F16 in supersonic flight, but was a handful at landing speeds. Thats what I meant by "high-q", meant supersonic turning abilities. They had some real darwinian pilot loss 'till they trained them for it. A F-104 with a larger wing was put up in trials against the F-15, and out-performed it in many catagories, but lost out because it only had one engine.

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Originally posted by Steve Dold

Thanks Bob, but I have to come clean. It's not nearly as great as the picture above would suggest. That day was a rare event.

This is what it's really like to own an airplane

But I tell you what, it COMPLETELY took my mind off of waiting for winter :mad:

Hey Steve---you need to take up hang gliding! :) Beautiful, silent flight...and no maintenance required! Even better, you'll be the best landing pilot around when you go back to your GA plane...because in a hang glider, you only get one chance to land! (You get your approach angles wired.)


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Willywhit, is that you in that pic? That's some carve going on.

Yeah, Scott, I know. At one of the radio sites I work at I see these guys launching off the ridge and staying up for a couple of hours at a time, it looks so cool. I'm not sure if I have the cajones for it though. Some of my friends are into ultralights too, if I ever lose my medical I'm gonna do that, or gliders.

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Originally posted by Steve Dold

Yeah, Scott, I know. At one of the radio sites I work at I see these guys launching off the ridge and staying up for a couple of hours at a time, it looks so cool. I'm not sure if I have the cajones for it though. Some of my friends are into ultralights too, if I ever lose my medical I'm gonna do that, or gliders.

LOL---actually, powered aircraft scare the bejeebers outta me---I hate knowing if the engine quits, I'm flying a rock! :) It's comforting to know I have no engine to lose, except the wind...which is no big deal.

I'm even a respectable glider pilot, since I actually earned my Technician license. :)

Scott (K3LSW)

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Thanks for the Castle pics, they took me back a bit.

I used to be an instructor at Aviation Challenge at the Castle Air Force Base. It was my favorite job yet, a fantasy camp for kids so they could spend a week pretending to be Top Gun fighter pilots. In response to your question about the inside of the RB-36, It's very interesting how little room the crew had in such a behemoth. The military tried all sorts of projects from a nuclear reactor in the Bomb bay to using parasite jets (jets that would dock on the wings) to either combat enemy aircraft or do added reconaissance on missions.

Great history on that bird and although it was the largest production plane ever built, it doesn't hold a candle to the "Spruce Goose".

If anyone makes their way down to the open cockpit day shoot me an e-mail. We are a little more than a stone's throw away and can have you over for a BBQ and swim after a long day of climbing in the hot cramped aircraft.

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Ah, got ya, nudge nudge, wink, wink, say no more........

Alright, I have no idea what you are doing.

Bottom line, you want an S4 to go fast, ditch the twins and make it a huge single. Varoom baby! :D

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<a href="http://www.ktrperformance.com/gallery/Project_Cars/KTR_S4/s4_main.htm"><img src="http://www.ktrperformance.com/gallery/Project_Cars/KTR_S4/s4_fin_01.jpg"></a>

The problem with a single is that it won't fit in a street car. KTR has done a single turbo conversion that made something like 560whp on a DD dyno.

Of course, even with some pretty small twins, there are S4s putting down 450-460wHP (on DD dynos), which isn't too shabby for a car which is indistinguishable from stock..... until you put your foot down.

Anyway, I'm basically just making everything that I can out of carbon fiber. Trim pieces, body parts, bellypans, heat shields, etc etc. In the picture are a set of CF engine covers and an early CF Y-pipe I made. Space is very very tight there, so making it a larger pipe isn't easy. By switching to an FRP instead of the stock injection molded plastic piece, I can run much smaller wall thicknesses as well as integrated heat shielding. Since that pic, I've taken an impression of the space and now have an all around larger piece there.

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snowboardins' not all that! But if ya'll are totally buggin' to dig some trenches...why not book your trip to Chile or Argentina or New Zealand...how about going to Australia to ride with fellow flat-tailer Dan the Man!! I'm sure he'll tell ya'll how good the ridin' is for him right now!

What is it about snowboardin' anyway? I mean really...you're outside, freezin' your arse off, snow flyin' up into your face, eyes waterin' so ya can't see where yar goin'!!! What's the attraction?

Tell me...please!

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Originally posted by Jeffrey Day

snow flyin' up into your face, eyes waterin' so ya can't see where yar goin'!!! What's the attraction?

Tell me...please!

mirror you're a sick pup. Jeff, kitesurfing is all about getting sprayed in the face and going like hell and being completely exhausted, muscles twitching, at the end of a good session.Come to the Cape or Revere Beach or Castle Island in Southie and check it out.


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