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oh good idea! i need some upper body strength training :)

i didn't think about swimming as the ocean here in boston is a bit gross... i imagine cleaner than before but still... palatable beaches around here, anyone? Hampton in NH?

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Well, you could swim in a lap pool. I"m guessing that's what the previous poster meant :cool:

When I lived in Boston I frequented the North Shore beaches, but not Hampton. Its a hair on the trashy side. Plum Island and Newburyport are awesome (but the water is COLD) and if you want to go south check out Duxbury beach, which was always a favorite. If its been as hot as I've been hearing, the water should be totally doable for a change.

Good Luck on the recovery....oh, and I also recommend looking into pilates and stabilizer ball work outs. When I busted up my knee a few years back, I got some ball videos just go keep me going, and they were good.

Sorry, Honey....totally forgot I was logged in as you when I sent this post. Ais...pretend this is from me and not Jim. :smashfrea

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Sorry, Honey....totally forgot I was logged in as you when I sent this post. Ais...pretend this is from me and not Jim. :smashfrea

ahhh thanks angie/jim/whoever... hahaha:lol:

noah even i knew about those 2 and i never know anything! ;)

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under a rock...under a wedding, under a relocation, and under a job search.

Wife moved me to Bridgeport CT right after the wedding. for some reason I keep getting further away from mountains

as for angie and Jim, Since I've never met either of them, I suppose its not that surprising that I didn't know. Does that have anything to do with why Angie moved west, or was Jim a consequence of that move?

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Since I've never met either of them

I lived in Boston for 6 years...how did our paths never cross? I've often wondered that.

Does that have anything to do with why Angie moved west, or was Jim a consequence of that move?

I wouldn't call him a consequence, but he was not the reason I moved here. I did, however, move a little further west (Breck to now Aspen) because of him ;)

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I know I shouldn't put on topic posts in the OT thread, but I can't help myself, it was just too good not to share!


Your'e an ass.


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how do i cajole someone into at least TRYING snowboarding this season...? he says he's too old to try it, he'll break a hip or something :p

I think this method involves more guilt than cajoling, but buy him a cheap starter set up. I did that once - it was a Christmas present: demo boots and skis (in this case), so there was no excuse NOT to go.

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