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hey aisling,

i only read the past three pages or so, and since this is a public forum, i'll just have to jump in here with my answer to the question "why are you single?"

first of all i think this is a really dumb question, very shallow too. do you ever ask anybody "why are you in a relationship"? as if there were are norm!

i too got this question a lot. "oh, how can someone like you be single" blah blah BS!

some people just don't fall in love easily, or are lucky to easily find a partner that matches and get that fireworks et al. and i usually just answer with the simple and honest truth: "because i haven't met anybody that i fell in love with".

i was single for 8 years, and it gets really annoying to be asked this question. i definitely started questioning myself too.

remember, YOU determine the norm and NOT society!!!

i'd rather be a long-term single then a serial-monogamist.

What a great answer!
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hey aisling,

i only read the past three pages or so, and since this is a public forum, i'll just have to jump in here with my answer to the question "why are you single?"

first of all i think this is a really dumb question, very shallow too. do you ever ask anybody "why are you in a relationship"? as if there were are norm!

i too got this question a lot. "oh, how can someone like you be single" blah blah BS!

some people just don't fall in love easily, or are lucky to easily find a partner that matches and get that fireworks et al. and i usually just answer with the simple and honest truth: "because i haven't met anybody that i fell in love with".

i was single for 8 years, and it gets really annoying to be asked this question. i definitely started questioning myself too.

remember, YOU determine the norm and NOT society!!!

i'd rather be a long-term single then a serial-monogamist.

definitely great response :) thanks for your input! welcome aboard to the crazy train! haha

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"What the heck is a ginger?"

A ginger is a redhead WITH freckles. daywalkers just have red hair, no freckles. ( my daughter is a daywalker!)

hmmm i must be somewhere in between... my face is freckle-less but i do have them on my back, arms and shoulders... sporadically elsewhere LOL :p

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Ais, how was the date? and was there a second?

ugh, Michelle... nothing so far has led me to believe there are decent people left in the world. i think that sums it up.

it's as if I have some sort of weird psycho magnet.


oh well. life's about taking chances. one of these days it will work out :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to chime in from the guys side - I was dating a lot this year until recently. Mostly from online stuff. What a nightmare. Lots of (now) funny stories from it though. Some people are SO f-ing bizzare. I'm starting to think I just don't belong in Vermont. The best women I have met, that I have the most in common with, that have the spark between us, always seem to be in California, Texas, Hawaii, Germany, England or some other far corner of the globe. Been that way all my life - if I had a dollar for every time i had to say..."if we only lived closer". I'm starting to be at least somewhat financially secure for the first time in my life at age 47, so maybe it is time to move to "where the girls are". :-)

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Hey Wavechaser, don't think you are alone in your search. Seems I always meet super cool people that live far away. But I have seen long distance stuff work - my friend in Deutschland met a girl from New Orleans and they are now married! I agree, some people are really bizzare and I seem to have a beacon on my forehead that attracts them. It's not just the ladies, it's guys too! Although I do have a guy friend here that has some realy really funny stories about dating girls in Summit.

wishing you all the best in your search! :) It's scary out there!

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Thanks Michelle - my most recent dating experience went like this: Had two "coffee" dates about a half hour each. She then sent me numerous emails saying "I can't figure you out", but you are "hot" and i'm still interested. Went out to dinner. In between, she searched me on Facebook and sent me a friend request. Asked me at dinner why I hadn't accepted it. I told her that I barely know here yet and let's see where this goes. She completely freaked and said I was "judging" her by not being her Facebook friend. This is a 45 year old woman we are talking about. I told her that in the interest of getting to know her better, I'd like to know what she means by "I can't figure you out". Figure WHAT out, I asked, and WHY do you feel you need to do that after only a coule dates? "Now you are trying to railroad me", she said. End of dating that one.



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:lol:HA HA HA HA OMG it sounds like my friend in Breck. He had a girl talk about her cat the entire first date, and then when he dropped her off she attacked him and ripped the pocket off his shirt!

Wow, there are really some kooky people out there. I can't believe this woman is 45 and she's freaking out because you won't friend her on FB. WOOO yeah, she makes you really want to hang out with her all the time I'm sure!

Wow, keep looking....and good luck.

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the odds are good but he goods are odd!
you got that right! WOW it's really unbelievable. and if they're not already the less sharpest crayon in the box, they smoke so much it just makes them....well.....dumb. can barely hold a conversation without saying "dude" at least 10 times, or "Brah". ugh. I'm over it.
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