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Now why didn't I think of that...


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This has more promise .

"An apparatus is attachable to a conventional snowboard to convert the snowboard into a snow scooter having improved performance characteristics in comparison to those of the snowboard alone."

I'm all about improved performance.

Oh, in case the link is dead, its a two handled snowboard. The drawing cracks me up. I felt the need to share.

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"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction", or something like that. Any kind of pushing or twisting with the handles is going to require pressure in the opposite direction with the feet, probably resulting a screaming straightliner going down the hill. Also, can you imagine either of these on a chair? But then, if only I had had someone patent my piece of plywood with skate trucks screwed to it back in about 1954 (my best freind and I would take turns sitting on it, trying to make the turn at the bottom of the drive and onto the sidewalk), where would I be now.

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Originally posted by trikerdad

[Any kind of pushing or twisting with the handles is going to require pressure in the opposite direction with the feet, probably resulting a screaming straightliner going down the hill.]

um, no. the feet should continue to move with the hands, similar to how a snowboard is normally steered while skidding <gasp!>. and yes, twisting does occur when carving but i truly believe that it is more pronounced while engaged in dynamic skidded turns...... the left foot would move with the left hand. the right foot/hand provides the opposition when twisting

the handles offer greater leverage. this might be cool with individuals who have not yet developed enough control of their lower body to efficiently control a snowboard.

i just wonder if a high level carver tried riding with those (and bindings, i like bindings. those all metal ones are rather sexy) if he/she would end up whacking themself

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