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Ankle injuries

Guest crikey

Have you had an Ankle injury?  

109 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you had an Ankle injury?

    • Slight twist?
    • Bad Sprain?
    • Dislocation?
    • No problems at all?

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I've had three very bad sprains but they were all during sky diving accuracy competition back when we still used round canopies. It always took six weeks to fully recover but that rarely slowed me down. I did a max track demo jump at MacDill AFB during Armed Forces Day one year and the chopper came out to pick me up with my crutches on board.

The only injuries incurred on a snowboard have been to the knee (originally tore the ACL on a jump in 1969) and shoulder (labral tear). :mad:

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  • 3 weeks later...
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:angryfire Cortisone failed (no surprise). Per visit to M.D. yesterday: now it's orthoscopy time:mad: . Chances are high that I won't ride this year - doc expects 4+ months recovery time. He seems to think chance of re-injury or prolongation of healing would be high w/ snowboarding. Yet he said skiing probably wouldn't be as bad:freak3: . No matter how I tried, couldn't get him to grasp the concept that I ride a snowboard w/ hardboots. But I do know that any forward/outward pressure on the ankle (i.e. any toe side turn) hurts like h-e-double toothpicks. So at best I'll be coaching/watching my daughter's races this year from the finish arena. And depending on how it feels I might be able to cautiosly ski towards the end of the season. Won't be able to drive the Z for 2 months either.

I'm pissed and bummed.

I'll tell myself that sacrificing this season will be worth it so that I can ride longer in the future.

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Yeah, being injured sucks. I spent 6 months last year rehabbing from knee surgery, and I am once again 5 weeks through yet another knee surgery, as my previous allograft failed (my body dissolved the new ligament). Over the last two weeks I went from not really being able to do anything to being able to walk and go up stairs OK, but going down stairs and standing up after sitting down for a long time is still really painful.

It sucks, but you are right - it will be fun when you can again...

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^ Yeah, the couple of ankle injuries I've had have been from soccer. One was a pretty bad sprain, but I've been blessed with generally strong joints (except my thumbs, how weird is that?) and recovery times were quick (I'm only in my mid 20s though).

But you guys are startings to scare me lol. I like my Indys spring modded...so am I more likely to messup my talas or what ever it is?

Springs modded like this:


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I have a bullet lodged in the bone just above the Ankle joint (on the edge) on the outside ! The Dr. said it would do more damage taking it out & elected to leave it there.. I’m not sure if that was the right decision

It swells & is painful a little more that I would like ! after about 2 days of boarding its time for the ice pack!! I just grit my teeth & keep going! I have found however that I do much better in my Alpine hard boots than my soft all mountain set up !!! as they tend to support my ankle much better, But, I do enjoy the confront of walking around in those lightweight soft boots !!


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  • 4 weeks later...

:smashfrea Well, I got my rear boot hung up in my binding sliding off the lift at the Canyons in Feb. Got an Xray, got placed in a rocker boot for 6 weeks, still with some am pain that would go away in about 30 minutes. I thought arthritis.....more glucosamine....after all, I ran on chronically sprained ankles all thru college and med school, I had to have screwed up my ankles....

Then, at my parent's house over the Labor day weekend for my brother's wedding, I was walking for exercise and could barely finish 3 miles without severe pain. Ankle still sore. I mentioned it to a podiatrist on staff at my new hospital-including my spill coming off the lift-he said, get a MRI....

I did after rounding on my patients.....

OsteoNECROSIS with bone cyst formation and edema lat. talus......

The radiolgist was freaked out that I could walk on it.....

I'll see Randy the podiatrist again tomorrow.....maybe surgery, maybe not....

I've got to get this taken care of before the snow starts flying :smashfrea

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:smashfrea Well, I got my rear boot hung up in my binding sliding off the lift at the Canyons in Feb. Got an Xray, got placed in a rocker boot for 6 weeks, still with some am pain that would go away in about 30 minutes. I thought arthritis.....more glucosamine....after all, I ran on chronically sprained ankles all thru college and med school, I had to have screwed up my ankles....

Then, at my parent's house over the Labor day weekend for my brother's wedding, I was walking for exercise and could barely finish 3 miles without severe pain. Ankle still sore. I mentioned it to a podiatrist on staff at my new hospital-including my spill coming off the lift-he said, get a MRI....

I did after rounding on my patients.....

OsteoNECROSIS with bone cyst formation and edema lat. talus......

The radiolgist was freaked out that I could walk on it.....

I'll see Randy the podiatrist again tomorrow.....maybe surgery, maybe not....

I've got to get this taken care of before the snow starts flying :smashfrea

That's a real bummer:mad: . In researching my injury I ran across what you have..sounds like that can be pretty bad too. I hope you are able to get it resolved without too many problems.

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Tell me about it!!!! Anything from hindfoot fusion with excision of the affected bone to experimental allograft transplantation. The radiologist said my ankle mortice is intact and the joint is still stable-my cartilage is good, too-no arthritis-she said definitely get a second opinion prior to any surgery, and, seeing that nobody has definite ideas about what to do, that's good advice.

Funny thing is, after my initial 6 weeks in the rocker boot, my ankle felt fine and I rode WP/Solvista with no pain-only one spill coming off a lift-Sunnyside at WP-very icy and flat-still no pain

I did the MS 150 bike ride-no pain...

It was just after some racewalking in 100 degree weather in Fort Worth that it hurt again

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and since its become a problem on snow

rolled it in hard boots once while riding in the bumps and the one and only time I crunched the nose of a Burner, that sucked the nose of a 197 can double as a catapult at moderate speed :D

but what really bothers it is skating in softies

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Well, surgery it is for me.......probably sometime in the first part of October...

That is, unless TX has washed into the drink, in which case, I won't have to deal with the truly sky high gas bills you survivors will see when both TX and LA oil and gas production goes out....

Watch out for Rita!

BTW, my surgeon had to have a post neck fusion from landing on his head in the half-pipe...

He is a former snowboarder

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Maybe it's not an injury, but I have the following problem. The nerves that go to the foot sit in a canal near the ankle. Now my nerves seem to be to close to the 'surface' instead of being hidden deeper. So, the part of the liner responsible for holding the heel flat is putting pressure on this nerve. wearing too-big boots helps some, but I hope to find some more reasonable solution.. (it had all turned out only after I got myself the right=smaller boots; have tried both soft and hard :/ ) I can have it operated but the doc says the scar will be bad too. Have you ever heard of such problem?

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Maybe it's not an injury, but I have the following problem. The nerves that go to the foot sit in a canal near the ankle. Now my nerves seem to be to close to the 'surface' instead of being hidden deeper. So, the part of the liner responsible for holding the heel flat is putting pressure on this nerve. wearing too-big boots helps some, but I hope to find some more reasonable solution.. (it had all turned out only after I got myself the right=smaller boots; have tried both soft and hard :/ ) I can have it operated but the doc says the scar will be bad too. Have you ever heard of such problem?

If it's the top of the ankle, I think you have it backwards... you need to wear SMALLER boots and then wear the boots loose so the boot doesn't dig into the top of your ankle. I had the same problem for a few years and then figured out I needed a very narrow, heat-molded boots such that I didn't have to crank down on the laces/buckles to over-tighten the too-big boots. If the boots fits really well, you can leave the laces rather loose, and that avoids the top ankle portion from crushing down on your instep.

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It's the one on the inside, so it seems that it is not the over-tightening.. By 'the part of the liner responsible for holding the heel flat [which] is putting pressure on this nerve' I meant the, em, salient (?) part of it, that kinda sinks into your foot just below the ankle to hold it down.. Not sure if I made myself clear, what did I get my A in English for? :freak3: Anyway, this heel cup seems like a good idea :)

And it's gonna be buckles now, when I finally get my Silberpfeil from the German eBay :)

ed: hope Rita didn't knock too hard..! thx for help

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  • 2 weeks later...
So now it's 6 months later. I still have about the same level of pain as I did in March/April, and certain positions are extremely painful. My son fractured his fibula, so we've made several trips to a Bay Area sports med. specialty group so I figured a 3rd opinion wouldn't hurt. This Dr. looks at the x-ray from my local ortho and says "so did he tell you it was fractured?:flamethro So, he orders an MRI and sure enough, classic "Snowboarders Fracture" (talar process) - I should have payed more attention to Cindy: Girl - you made a better diagnosis than 2 of my local docs!!

So now, I had a cortisone injection about a week ago to attempt to reduce the scar tissue - no relief yet. If that doesn't work (less that 50% chance that it will) next option is orthoscopic surgery to try to reduce the scar tissue. If that doesn't work, then it's fusion surgery which will still allow up/down movement but no twist. Not good. Had it been properly diagnosed (per Cindy's advice), I would have been in a non-weighbearing cast for 6 weeks, a boot for another 4 and would have most likely had considerably better resolution of the problem. Maybe I'll get to ride this season.

Just wanted to post this to make you and yours aware of this. see attached article: http://www.aafp.org/afp/20020901/785.html

Surgery update:

Had othoscopic/laser surgery this past Friday (09/30) - all went well. About a 2 hr. procedure. I'm already bored out of my scull. Day 2 of sitting on me arse with the leg elevated. I have a "cryo machine" that circulates ice water around the site - it requires I stay planted by an outlet. 'Camping' in Sacto. as I go back to Redwood City on Tuesday to have stiches removed and cast installed. Sorry I didn't look you up Randy, was doing well to get in and out without being a PITA to anyone other than my awesome wife. Doc has me on disability until 1/2/06 :(. Maybe some late season riding, but I'd rather chill and be healed for next year than push it and have fusion surgery as the last and only option.

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Keep us posted Sandy....My surgery is scheduled for Thursday-a ortho was advising that there is a failure rate to the procedure...He doesn't understand I took advantage of that 15% discount for booking The Canyons prior to Sept 1 and have a trip scheduled for Feb 10 :biggthump

There is no failure possible....

Flying to snow is a precious thing for snow loving Texans

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I broke my right ankle. My fault though. I Didnt check to see that my back foot was properly attached as the bale was around the heel rather that over the lip felt good. I own step ins now and have developed a routine when getting off the lift to make sure things are solid.

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  • 4 years later...

I have to say that I rarely ever see broken ankles especialy with softbooters. My GF has been learning to snowboard for the past month as she really wants to be part of a major aspect of my life(snowboarding), and also to find a way to enjoy winter. Having lived in the northeast all her life and also a bad case of reinauds, she loathes the cold and despised it untill she met me. We now Snowmobile and snowboard together, and her family is shocked and awed that she would be so brave to do such.

Yesterday she was doing amazing, and the breakthrus were happening with her bieng able to turn and control her slides and understanding the sidecut and turning radius and how to tweek boards to get them to bend to your wishes and will under your feet then it happened. :(

She somehow went from a toeside lean to a heelside (riding regular), slid around to stop on her heels, over-rotated then started sliding switch. She got nervous and somehow leaned and caught an edge while attempting to turn the board back straight down the hill. I can only describe it as an "ass-over-teakettle- nose roll butter turn" to the ground with her front leg tweeked over almost 65+ degrees and her shoulder touching the ground as the board twisted under her and rolled her to a toeside stop.

"AHHHHH-EEEE My ankle !.... it hurts it hurts get me out of this binding!" she said. I was 6 feet from her, and immediately surveyed her positioning and safely released her from the contorted pretzel she was in.

"OH SH*T" I thought..... :eek: this sucks. Hope she only sprained something.

She sat for a few moments, she had range of motion, could wiggle her toes, and said she was ok to stand and put pressure on it. We walked off the slope after I watched her walk around and move her legs and feet and she (being an ER nurse) felt confident she was not seriously hurt went back to the lodge.

Inside, she took a rest, I went for a few runs and came back to check on her. She took off her boot and her ankle just did not look right. It was a tad swollen and at that point I knew we had to go see a Dr. My shift was over, and we left the resort and went home. On the way I suggested since her pain had increaased a bit that she should seek a co-workers opinion about it for "peace of mind sake" as the Hospital where she works is on the way. She begrudgingly agreed.

Well, I have to say that it was the fastest IN/OUT I have ever seen. 28 minutes from her hobbling in the ER, we had been seen, Xrayed, and one of the Doctors with whom Kathy has had a long time rappor with was on duty saw her immediately. He asked me what happened when she was in for the Xrays, I described her motions, and told him I fear she busted it, or may have torn ligiments. I went off to get some food for us @ the cafeteria. I texted her and said I loved her, I got a reply a few seconds later that made my stomach flip.....

"Its broke".




Busted Fib. Dr. Said it was a clean break and would heal really well.

It looks like 2010 SES has its first -spectator/ cheerleader/ Hot Tub companion headded to Aspen in less than a month.


However she is determined to be riding again this spring :)

Thasssmahgirl! a true snowdier in the artic army!

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